Arteriovenous Malformations of the Viscera and Extremities

Arteriovenous Malformations of the Viscera and Extremities

Robert J. Rosen

Allison Borowski

Vascular malformations include a wide range of clinical and anatomic problems, ranging from lesions of cosmetic significance in adults to life-threatening conditions in infancy. Management of vascular anomalies represents a long-term commitment to the patient and family, and one in which there will often be limited support from other clinical specialists. Once treatment is undertaken, you will become the primary clinician caring for the patient. Therefore, it is essential to make the correct diagnosis, be aware of its natural history, make an appropriate risk-benefit analysis, choose the correct procedure, and be able and willing to deal with potential complications.

The International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) recently devised an expansive classification system of vascular anomalies (1). The new system uses immunohistologic data to differentiate several types of vascular lesions into a comprehensive and detailed scheme, which is beyond the scope of this chapter. Therefore, as in many of the previous classifications (2), the authors characterize vascular anomalies by hemodynamic properties (slow vs. fast flow) and are subcharacterized by the type of anomalous channels present as well as by their associated syndromes. For practical purposes, it is helpful to divide these lesions into five main categories, each with its own distinct clinical presentation, natural history, and treatment options:

1. Hemangiomas

2. High-flow arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and congenital fistulas

3. Low-flow venous malformations (VM)

4. Congenital venous syndromes (Klippel-Trenaunay, Parkes-Weber, etc.)

5. Lymphatic malformations (LM)

The term “hemangioma” is widely misused and should only be applied to the specific benign vascular tumor of infancy and childhood that is composed of endothelial cells (3). Infantile hemangiomas appear sometime after birth, usually within the first 2 months of life. These lesions follow a distinctive course of proliferation followed by spontaneous involution over a period of years. Most of these lesions will therefore require no specific treatment, whereas some will require early intervention for life-threatening high output states, bleeding or ulceration, interference with visual development, respiration, or feeding. An increasing number of these lesions are being surgically removed or treated with laser therapy early in infancy to avoid the psychosocial trauma of a disfiguring condition (4). Medical treatment of these lesions includes administration of propranolol, a well-tolerated, nonselective, adrenergic receptor blocker. Studies have shown promising results with signs of regression reported as early as the first month of treatment (5). Some lesions will leave abnormal skin or tissue even after involution, which can be treated with plastic surgical revision.

In contrast, congenital hemangiomas are fully formed at birth and may rapidly involute (rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma [RICH]). The rare noninvoluting congenital hemangioma (NICH) can be treated surgically or with laser therapy and will not respond to propranolol. The management of congenital hemangiomas and other vascular tumors of childhood is a highly complex subject and is not discussed further in this chapter.

Preprocedure Preparation

1. Preprocedural imaging

a. Ultrasound studies are easily performed in the office setting and provide valuable information on depth and flow characteristics but do not usually provide enough detailed anatomic information to plan an intervention.

b. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide detailed information on size, location, flow characteristics, and the relationship to surrounding structures (6). MRI, including magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and dynamic studies, has become the mainstay in AVM imaging and is often the only modality which clearly demonstrates slow flow malformations. It should be kept in mind that MRI studies in pediatric patients will require sedation or anesthesia; thus, these studies should be performed only when the findings will affect treatment decisions.

2. Routine preprocedural laboratory studies should include complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, creatinine, and coagulation studies. Goals for preoperative testing include an international normalized ratio (INR) <2.0 and platelet count >50,000 per µL for both venous and arterial procedures.

3. Communication with the patient’s primary physician is essential, and formal consultations with appropriate specialists may be required depending on the type and complexity of the malformation.

4. In preparation for sedation or general anesthesia, patients are made nil per os (NPO) for 8 hours according to hospital guidelines. The authors perform almost all embolization procedures under general anesthesia for patient comfort, the safety of close physiologic monitoring, and the ability to control respiration and movement during angiography. When respiratory control is not required, as in extremity lesions, we routinely employ laryngeal mask airway (LMA) anesthesia, which is more comfortable in the postprocedure period. Because many of these patients will require repeat embolizations, it is important to make the treatments as psychologically atraumatic as possible, especially in pediatric patients.

5. Once the patient has been sedated, a preprocedural dose of antibiotics (typically cefazolin) as well as steroids (the authors use dexamethasone) are administered.

Jun 17, 2016 | Posted by in INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Arteriovenous Malformations of the Viscera and Extremities

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