Brainstem and Cerebellum Overview

Brainstem and Cerebellum Overview

Charles R. Carrasco, MD

Karen L. Salzman, MD



  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

  • Cranial nerves (CN): Oculomotor nerve (CN3), trochlear nerve (CN4), trigeminal nerve (CN5), abducens nerve (CN6), facial nerve (CN7), vestibulocochlear nerve (CN8), glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9), vagus nerve (CN10), accessory nerve (CN11), hypoglossal nerve (CN12)


  • Classical nomenclature (simplified nomenclature)

    • Superior (tentorial), inferior (suboccipital), anterior (petrosal) cerebellar surfaces

    • Primary (tentorial), horizontal (petrosal), prebiventral/prepyramidal (suboccipital) cerebellar fissures


  • Posterior fossa: Houses brainstem and cerebellum, below tentorium cerebelli (infratentorial)

  • Brainstem: Composed of midbrain (mesencephalon), pons and medulla oblongata

  • Cerebellum: Largest part of hindbrain, integrates coordinations & fine-tuning of movement & regulation of muscle tone

Gross Anatomy


  • Posterior fossa: Infratentorial contents

    • Protected space surrounded by calvarium, contains:

      • Brainstem anteriorly, cerebellum posteriorly

      • Cerebral aqueduct and fourth ventricle

      • CSF cisterns containing CNs, vertebrobasilar arterial system and veins

    • CSF cisterns suspend & cushion brainstem and cerebellum

  • Brainstem

    • Anatomic divisions

      • Midbrain (mesencephalon): Upper brainstem, connects pons and cerebellum with forebrain

      • Pons: Mid portion of brainstem, relays information from brain to cerebellum

      • Medulla: Caudal (inferior) brainstem, relays information from spinal cord to brain

    • Functional divisions

      • Ventral part: Contains large descending white matter tracts: Midbrain cerebral peduncles, pontine bulb, medullary pyramids

      • Dorsal part: Tegmentum, common to midbrain, pons and medulla; contains CN nuclei and reticular formation

  • Cerebellum

    • Two hemispheres & midline vermis, three surfaces

    • Connected to brainstem by three paired peduncles

    • Cortical gray matter, central white matter & four paired deep gray nuclei

Anatomy Relationships

Jul 5, 2016 | Posted by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING | Comments Off on Brainstem and Cerebellum Overview

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