Brainstem Overview

Brainstem Overview

Lubdha M. Shah, MD



  • Main components

    • Cranial nerve nuclei

    • Long tracts

    • Cerebellar connections

    • Reticular formation

  • Midbrain

    • Rostral limit: Brainstem meets thalamus and hypothalamus at level of tentorium cerebelli

    • Tectum “roof”: Superior and inferior colliculi

      • Lies dorsal to cerebral aqueduct

    • Tegmentum lies ventral to cerebral aqueduct in midbrain and ventral to 4th ventricle in pons and medulla

    • Basis: Most ventral part

      • Location of corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts

  • Pons

    • Pontomesencephalic junction: Midbrain meets pons

    • Pontomedullary junction: Pons meets medulla

  • Medulla oblongata

    • Caudal limit of brainstem in cervicomedullary junction at level of foramen magnum and pyramidal decussation

Cranial Nerves

  • Motor nuclei ventrally located

  • Sensory nuclei dorsally located

  • 3 longitudinal columns of motor nuclei

    • Somatic motor nuclei: Adjacent to midline

      • General somatic efferent

      • Oculomotor (CN3): Rostral midbrain, ventral to periaqueductal gray matter

      • Trochlear (CN4): Caudal midbrain, ventral to periaqueductal gray matter

      • Abducens (CN6): Floor of 4th ventricle in lower pons, helps form facial colliculus

      • Hypoglossal (CN12): Floor of 4th ventricle in medulla

    • Brachial motor nuclei

      • Special visceral efferent

      • Trigeminal motor nucleus (CN5): Upper to mid pons, ventral to main sensory trigeminal nucleus

      • Facial nucleus (CN7): Pontine tegmentum, looping fibers of facial colliculus

      • Nucleus ambiguus (CN9, CN10): Runs longitudinally through medulla

      • Spinal accessory nucleus (CN11): Located in upper 5 segments of cervical cord, between dorsal and ventral horns of spinal cord gray matter

    • Parasympathetic nuclei

      • General visceral efferent

      • Edinger-Westphal nuclei (CN3): Curve over dorsal and rostral aspect of CN3

      • Superior salivatory nuclei (CN7): Pontine tegmentum

      • Inferior salivatory nuclei (CN9): Pontine tegmentum

      • Dorsal motor nucleus of CN10: Rostral to caudal medulla, lateral to CN12

  • 3 columns of sensory nuclei

    • General somatic sensory afferent

      • Trigeminal nuclear complex: Inputs from CN5, CN7, CN9, CN10

      • Runs from midbrain to upper cervical cord

      • Mesencephalic: Proprioception, lateral border of periaqueductal gray matter in midbrain

      • Main sensory: Upper to mid pons, dorsolateral to trigeminal motor nucleus

      • Main sensory subserves fine discriminative touch

      • Spinal trigeminal tract (STT): Lateral pons and medulla, extending to dorsal horn of spinal cord

      • STT subserves pain and temperature sensation for face and body

    • Special somatosensory afferent: Inputs for hearing (cochlear) and vestibular sense (vestibular)

      • Many fibers from cochlear nuclei decussate in trapezoid body of caudal pons

      • Some fibers synapse in superior olivary nuclear complex

      • Auditory information ascends in lateral lemniscus to inferior colliculus → medial geniculate nuclei of thalamus → primary auditory cortex

      • 4 vestibular nuclei lie along floor of 4th ventricle in pons and medulla

      • Convey perception of head position and acceleration to cerebral cortex via relays in thalamus

      • Medial and lateral vestibulospinal tracts involved in posture and muscle tone

      • Reciprocal connections with cerebellum, particularly inferior vermis and flocculonodular lobes

    • Visceral afferents travel to nucleus solitarius

      • Located lateral to dorsal motor nucleus of CN10

      • Rostral (gustatory nucleus): Special visceral afferents from CN7, CN9, CN10

      • Rostral extension of taste path via central tegmental tract → ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus → parietal operculum and insula

      • Caudal: General visceral afferents from cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal systems (CN9, CN10)

  • Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF): Ventral to CN3, CN4

    • Interconnects CN3, CN4, CN6, CN8: Mediates vestibulo-ocular reflexes

Long Tracts

  • Corticospinal tract (CST) and corticobulbar tracts travel in middle 1/3 of cerebral peduncles

    • CST runs through basis pontis → pyramids in ventral medulla

    • Pyramidal decussation occurs at cervicomedullary junction → lateral CST

  • Posterior columns carry axons subserving vibration, joint position, fine touch → posterior column nuclei

    • Nucleus gracilis: Legs

    • Nucleus cuneatus: Arms

    • Internal arcuate fibers cross and ascend as medial lemniscus → ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus

  • Anterolateral spinothalamic tract

    • Pain, temperature, crude touch

    • Decussate in spinal cord

    • Descending sympathetic pathway in lateral brainstem: Injury can cause Horner syndrome

Cerebellar Connections

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