Cerebellar Overview

Cerebellar Overview

Lubdha M. Shah, MD



  • Cerebellum is composed of cortical gray matter surrounding subcortical white matter

  • Primary fissure divides anterior & posterior lobes

  • 10 lobules at midline, 8 lobules in each hemisphere

    • Anterior lobe (lobules I-V); posterior lobe (lobules VI-IX); flocculonodular lobe (lobule X)

  • On ventral surface, posterolateral fissure separates posterior lobe from flocculonodular lobe

    • 2 flocculi connected to midline nodulus, inferior part of vermis

  • Sagittal zones: Vermis, intermediate zone, lateral hemispheres

  • Arbor vitae: White matter carrying motor & sensory information to & from cerebellum

  • Deep gray nuclei (medial to lateral): Cerebellar output

    • Fastigial nucleus: Input from vermis & from

      cerebellar afferents that carry vestibular, proximal somatosensory, auditory, & visual info

      • Projects to vestibular nuclei & reticular formation

    • Interposed nuclei (globose & emboliform nuclei): Input from intermediate zone & from cerebellar afferents, carrying spinal, proximal somatosensory, auditory, & visual info

      • Project to contralateral red nucleus

    • Dentate nucleus: Input from lateral hemisphere & from cerebellar afferents carrying information from cerebral cortex (via pontine nuclei)

      • Project to contralateral red nucleus & ventrolateral thalamic nucleus

    • Vestibular nuclei: In medulla

      • Functionally equivalent to cerebellar nuclei because of same connectivity patterns

      • Input from flocculonodular lobe & vestibular labyrinth

      • Project to various motor nuclei & originate the vestibulospinal tracts

  • Cerebellar peduncles (CP)

    • Superior CP: Efferents from cerebellum

    • Middle CP: Afferents to cerebellum

    • Inferior CP: Afferents to cerebellum


Imaging Recommendations

Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Cerebellar Overview

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