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Reactive proliferation of placental tissue, not true neoplasm
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Most common on fetal side of placenta, near cord insertion
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Well-defined, hypoechoic mass
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Flow on color Doppler essential for making diagnosis
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Amount of flow in mass is quite variable
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Flow through mass is from fetal circulation
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Greater arterial flow increases risk of developing high-output cardiac failure and hydrops
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Vascularity may be more important than size for predicting outcome
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Vascularity may either increase or decrease as gestation progresses
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Masses ≥ 5 cm are considered large and are more likely to have complications
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Chorioangiomatosis may present as multiple small masses or diffusely heterogeneous placenta
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More likely to cause complications
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Monitor for complications
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Polyhydramnios common with large or multiple masses
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Hydrops or fetal anemia from arteriovenous shunting
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Fetal growth restriction
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Top Differential Diagnoses
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Venous lakes and intervillous thrombi
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No flow or swirling slow flow usually not visible on color Doppler
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Clinical Issues
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Excellent prognosis if small and single
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Amnioreduction for polyhydramnios
Scanning Tips
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Evaluate all placental masses with color Doppler