Drainage of Abdominal Abscesses and Fluid Collections
Ashraf Thabet
Ronald S. Arellano
Percutaneous drainage of abdominal and pelvic fluid collections is one of the most commonly performed interventional procedures and is a well-established management option in patients who do not have another indication for immediate surgery (1).
1. Fluid characterization
a. Distinguish purulent fluid, blood, bile, urine, lymph, and pancreatic secretions.
b. Determine if collection is infected or sterile.
2. Treatment of sepsis
a. Curative in patients with simple abscesses
b. Curative or temporizing in patients with complex or pancreatic abscesses
3. Relief of symptoms
a. Alleviate pressure and pain due to size or location of collection (e.g., pancreatic pseudocyst)
b. Obliterate recurring cysts or collections with sclerosing agents (2)
1. Lack of a safe pathway to the collection due to interposed vessels or viscera
2. Uncooperative patient. General anesthesia could be considered.
1. Coagulopathy: requires correction with appropriate blood products before proceeding
2. Sterile collections (e.g., hematoma): Prolonged catheter drainage may increase the risk of secondary infection.
3. Procedure requires transgression of pleura: risk of pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and empyema.
4. Echinococcal cyst: Leakage of contents may elicit anaphylactic reaction. Prior medical treatment may reduce this risk.
5. Tumor abscess: may require lifelong catheter drainage
6. Hemodynamic instability or cardiopulmonary compromise
Preprocedure Preparation
1. Nil per os (NPO) for 8 hours before procedure. (Note: If oral contrast use is anticipated for computed tomography [CT] guidance, time for NPO requirement is altered appropriately.)
2. Written informed consent
3. Intravenous access: 20-gauge or larger
4. Recent coagulation studies. Laboratory studies: prothrombin time (PT) <15 seconds, international normalized ratio (INR) <1.5, platelets >50,000 per µL
5. Stop anticoagulation and antiplatelet medications such as warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin when clinically appropriate.
6. Prophylactic antibiotics required when draining abscess or potentially infected collection; preprocedure antibiotics generally do not affect cultures.
7. Conscious sedation with monitoring of physiologic parameters, including blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation.
8. General anesthesia in young children, uncooperative patients, or patients with significant medical comorbidities
Imaging Guidance
1. Ultrasound (US)
a. Enables real-time visualization of anatomy and needle/catheter during the procedure
b. Produces no radiation
c. May be used to guide primary needle access into the collection; for drainages performed using Seldinger technique, can then transition guidance to fluoroscopy for wire manipulation and tract dilation
d. Provides ability to perform portable procedures
e. Visualization is degraded by body habitus, bowel gas, and bone. This may make drainage of retroperitoneal and pelvic collections more difficult, particularly in obese patients.
2. Computerized tomography
a. Provides excellent tomographic visualization of anatomy and fluid collections irrespective of the overlying structures
b. Lack of real-time imaging guidance; this is mitigated with the use of CT fluoroscopy, although radiation dose to patient and operator is increased.
3. Fluoroscopy
a. Used in combination with other modalities, most often US, particularly when using Seldinger technique
b. Used to guide catheter exchanges and upsizing
1. Preliminary imaging
a. Review prior imaging to (a) visualize the abnormality, (b) decide on the appropriate guidance method to be used, and (c) select route for drainage.
b. Immediately prior to the procedure, confirm that the collection is clearly seen with the imaging-guidance method selected and verify safe route to the collection.
c. Preliminary CT
(1) Place the patient in the optimal position for drainage (supine, prone, lateral decubitus) and attach a radiopaque grid over the area of collection.
(a) The lateral decubitus position may help reduce the risk of pleural transgression because it splints the ipsilateral hemithorax.
(b) If possible, both of the patient’s arms are placed above the head to optimize image quality for drainage of upper quadrant collections.
(2) The 5- to 10-mm thick contiguous slices are obtained through the region of interest. If there is concern, bowel (oral, rectal) and/or intravenous (IV) contrast medium may be given and imaging repeated to distinguish collection from surrounding normal structures.
(3) From these preliminary images and with the aid of grid markings, a safe route for drainage is identified and the site of skin puncture, angle of needle entry, and distance to the collection are determined. Occasionally, when there is no safe route for puncture, angling the gantry or changing patient position may reveal a safe path for drainage.
2. Determination of catheter route
a. The optimal path for catheter drainage should consider the size and shape of the abscess and the safest route from skin to collection that does not
transgress vital structures. If possible, an extraperitoneal approach is preferable because this reduces the risk of peritoneal contamination.
transgress vital structures. If possible, an extraperitoneal approach is preferable because this reduces the risk of peritoneal contamination.
(1) When performing fine-needle aspiration alone, it is safe to traverse certain viscera such as liver, kidney, stomach, and small bowel. However, these structures should be avoided as much as possible when using catheter drainage.
(2) Traversing colon and normal pancreas should be avoided because this may risk superinfection of collections or pancreatitis, respectively.
(3) Interloop abscesses in inflammatory bowel disease may not be drainable due to surrounding small bowel loops, although fine needle aspiration may be performed.
b. The usual anterior approach may not be possible in the pelvis due to overlying structures. In such cases, alternative routes such as the transgluteal, transvaginal, or transrectal approaches may be considered.
c. Organ displacement techniques may help displace nonvascular vital structures or create a window for percutaneous needle aspiration or drainage.
3. Diagnostic needle aspiration
a. Prior to drainage, preliminary fine needle aspiration (22-to 20-gauge) of the collection is helpful to determine the nature of the collection. No more than 5 mL of fluid should be aspirated to prevent the cavity from collapsing should catheter drainage become necessary. If fluid is not obtained on initial aspiration and needle tip is optimally placed, then aspiration using a larger needle (18-gauge) may be attempted, with subsequent needles placed parallel and in tandem to the first needle. If no fluid is obtained on reaspiration, then, depending on the clinical suspicion, either a biopsy of the area or a trial with catheter drainage may be performed.
b. When fluid is aspirated, it can be inspected macroscopically, assessing for color, viscosity, turbidity, and smell. Fluid may be sent for laboratory testing to determine its origin. If the question of infection is important, as in the case of a sterile hematoma where catheter insertion may not be desirable, a rapid Gram stain analysis of the aspirate will determine the presence of bacteria and neutrophils. Thus, information from the preliminary needle aspiration can determine if no further action is to be taken, complete needle aspiration alone is sufficient, or catheter drainage is required.
c. If after aspiration the needle is found to be in a good position, it can be left in place and used as a parallel guide to place a catheter into the collection when using the trocar technique (i.e., tandem trocar technique), or it can be used for introduction of an 0.018-in. guidewire as the first step in drainage using the Seldinger technique.
4. Seldinger versus trocar technique
a. Percutaneous catheters are placed using the modified Seldinger or trocar techniques. The particular technique used is determined by the size of the collection, its location, operator preference/experience, and imaging guidance employed.
(1) Generally, large superficial collections are drained using the trocar technique because it is a one-stick procedure that is quick, simple, and safe to perform.
(2) The Seldinger technique is preferred in potentially difficult drainages where the collection is small, is remotely situated, or has limited access.
With this technique, multiple passes can be made using a thin needle such as a 20-gauge Chiba needle or a Ring needle. Once safe access is obtained, the tract can be serially dilated using coaxial exchanges of guidewires and dilators until insertion of a large catheter is possible. However, in inexperienced hands, particularly when not using real-time guidance, several complications including guidewire kinking, loss of access, and catheter malposition can occur.
b. The catheters used commonly range in size from 7 to 14 Fr. and can be either single-lumen or double-lumen (sump).
(1) Larger catheters are traditionally used in the bigger and more complex collections. The 12 to 14 Fr. double-lumen sump catheters should theoretically allow better drainage; however, smaller bore catheters may be just as effective.

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