Foot Motion

Foot Motion

Lubdha M. Shah, MD

(Left) Axial T2W MRI with overlay of BOLD signal during a bilateral foot flexion task demonstrates activation of bilateral foot sensorimotor regions image. There may be a component of supplementary motor area activation more anteriorly image. (Right) 3D surface-rendered image in the same patient shows activation in bilateral sensorimotor regions image related to bilateral foot flexion.

(Left) Axial MPRAGE images with BOLD signal overlay illustrate left sensorimotor activation image during right foot flexion (top). This area of activation lies posterior to the left superior frontal gyrus lesion image. Similarly, left foot flexion (bottom) elicits activation in the right foot sensorimotor area image. (Right) 3D surface rendering of the same patient with a left superior frontal gyrus oligodendroglioma image shows activation in the left foot sensorimotor area image with right foot flexion.

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Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Foot Motion

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