Goals for Presurgical Mapping

Goals for Presurgical Mapping

Lubdha M. Shah, MD

(Left) Axial T2W MRI reveals a heterogeneous, “bubbly” lesion image in the left occipital lobe involving both the cuneus & lingual gyrus. (Right) Axial volumetric T2 image with BOLD overlay demonstrates activation in the bilateral occipital lobes, diminished on the left image. Activation was elicited by an annular radial checkerboard slowly enlarging until it covered only the screen periphery. The expanding ring refreshes at the center of the screen, repeating every 20-40 seconds.

(Left) 3D surface rendering exhibits diminished activation of the left visual cortex image, particularly in the expected region of foveal activation. Robust activation is noted in the right peripheral image and foveal image visual cortical regions. (Right) Axial DTI shows partial loss of the left optic radiations as illustrated by the attenuation of the fibers image on the color fractional anisotropy map. fMRI and DTI assisted in the surgical approach for resection of this lesion.


Presurgical Planning

  • Identify regions of brain employed for functions that might be at risk because of the surgical approach

    • Preservation of function during resection

  • Even in normal brain, considerable variability between function and anatomy

  • Anatomic landmarks may fail when tumor & edema cause mass effect effacing gyri and sulci & distorting the cortical anatomy

    • Space-occupying lesion or structural epileptogenic focus may modify or shift expected functional areas

  • Potential to alter presurgical planning: Surgical extent may be adjusted to preserve eloquent brain area

    • Predict possible deficits in cognitive, language, motor, and sensory perceptual functions due to treatment or lesion growth

      • Distance of 2 cm between lesion border and functional representation precludes any deficit

        • 100% concordance of fMRI activation sites and intraoperative stimulation sites within 2 cm & 87% concordance within 1 cm

      • Rate of neurological deficits increases with decrease in distance; risk reaches 50% when the distance is < 10 mm

        • These patients may benefit from intraoperative cortical mapping

  • Sensitivity of detecting cortical areas associated with tactile, motor, language, and visual functions enhanced by use of multiple tasks to target related functions

  • fMRI (and diffusion tensor imaging) data integrated into intraoperative neuronavigation systems


Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Goals for Presurgical Mapping

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