Gyral/Sulcal Anatomy

Gyral/Sulcal Anatomy

Lubdha M. Shah, MD



  • Frontal lobe

    • Extends to central sulcus

    • Separated inferiorly & laterally from temporal lobe by sylvian fissure (a.k.a. lateral sulcus)

  • Parietal lobe

    • Medially separated from occipital lobe by parietooccipital sulcus

  • Temporal lobe: Contains auditory cortex

  • Occipital: Holds visual cortex (i.e., V1, V2, V3)

  • Insula: Involved in interoception

    • Covered by lip of cortex: Frontal, parietal, & temporal opercula


  • Frontal lobe

    • Superior & inferior frontal sulci

      • Frontal eye field is located at junction of precentral sulcus & caudal-most part of superior frontal sulcus

    • Precentral, central, postcentral sulci

    • Olfactory sulcus

      • Contains olfactory bulbs, which transduce & relay odorant information centrally

    • Orbital sulcus: H-shaped sulcus separating medial, anterior, lateral, & posterior orbital gyri

  • Parietal

    • Cingulate sulcus

      • Surrounds corpus callosum from paraterminal gyrus to isthmus

      • Marginal branch extends superiorly, lying immediately posterior to central sulcus

    • Subparietal sulcus is a continuation of cingulate sulcus, separates precuneus from posterior cingulate gyrus

    • Parietooccipital sulcus marks boundary between cuneus & precuneus as well as parietal & occipital lobes

    • Intraparietal sulcus separates superior & inferior parietal lobules

      • Principal functions: Perceptual-motor coordination (for directing eye movements and reaching) & multimodal attention

  • Temporal

    • Collateral sulcus

      • Most mesial temporal sulcus

      • Lateral limit of parahippocampal gyrus

    • Superior, middle, inferior temporal sulci

  • Occipital

    • Occipitotemporal sulcus separates inferior temporal gyrus, laterally, from occipitotemporal gyrus, mesially

    • Calcarine separates cuneus from fusiform & lingual gyri

      • Primary visual cortex along its banks

    • Lateral occipital sulcus lies on dorsolateral surface

    • Lunate sulcus in lateral occipital lobe

    • Transverse occipital sulcus is anterosuperior limit of occipital lobe


Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Gyral/Sulcal Anatomy

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