Motor Overview

Motor Overview

Lubdha M. Shah, MD



  • Primary motor cortex (PMC)

  • Premotor cortex area (PMA)

  • Supplementary motor area (SMA)

  • Basal ganglia (BG)



  • PMC (M1, area 4) in precentral gyrus

    • Origin of majority of corticospinal tracts & corticobulbar fibers, particularly those controlling motor cranial nerves

    • Projections to thalamus and BG

      • Input from ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus, sensory cortical areas, premotor cerebral regions

      • Well-defined somatotopic organization of motor cortex

      • Movements can be generated by the lowest intensity of electrical stimulation

      • Specific movements tend to be represented rather than specific muscles

    • Parallel input from SMA, PMA, BG, cerebellum

    • Primary function in execution, as well as some planning of movement

    • Lesions produce spastic contralateral weakness, most prominent in distal extremities

  • PMA (area 6) lies anterior to M1 with many of same connections as motor cortex

    • Most output is to M1, with smaller output to brain stem and spinal cord

    • Receives input from sensory association cortex and feedback from basal ganglia via ventral anterior and ventral lateral thalamic nuclei

    • Electrical stimulation produces more complex movements and at a higher stimulus intensity than simple movements from M1

    • Primarily responsible for initiation and planning of movement

      • Generates complex motor plans in response to external cues

    • Helps to guide body movements by integrating sensory information

    • Lesions produce less severe weakness but greater spasticity than with isolated precentral gyrus lesions

  • SMA: Area in medial superior frontal gyrus (Brodmann area 6) anterior to the primary motor cortex and superior to cingulate sulcus

    • Midline defines its medial limit; its anterior boundary is defined by a line perpendicular to the rostrum of the corpus callosum

    • Divided into rostral and caudal aspects by the V line: Vertical line traversing the posterior margin of the anterior commissure

      • Rostral SMA (pre-SMA) activates during word-generation and working memory tasks

      • Caudal SMA activates during motor and sensory tasks

      • Rostral SMA is particularly active during learning of new sequential procedures

      • Caudal SMA is active during performance of sequential movements

    • SMA receives input from motor and premotor cortices and from sensory cortex

    • Projects to M1, basal ganglia, thalamus, brain stem, and contralateral SMA

    • Thought to be involved in initiation of motion, planning complex movements, coordinating movements involving both hands

      • Generates motor plans in response to internal cues, automatic motor responses

    • Lesions of this area can cause inability to initiate motions (abulia), motor apraxia, transient weakness

      • Can result in severe deficits that improve or resolve over 6 weeks (SMA syndrome)

    • During complex motor and heat sensory tasks, activation tends to occur in contralateral posterior portion of SMA

    • Word-generation and working memory tasks tend to produce activation in anterior portion of SMA, particularly on left

  • Basal ganglia

    • Overlap as well as segregation among connections of motor cortices with striatum and thalamus

      • Supports notion that neuronal information of motor cortices is funneled in control of volitional movement

    • Seem to be activated more by sequential or internally cued movement than by repetitive or externally cued movement

    • May be involved in velocity of movement

      • Basal ganglia-thalamo-motor loop plays important role in controlling rate of sequential finger movements in self-initiated movement but not in externally triggered movement

  • Thalamus

Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Motor Overview

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