Neck Node Metastasis from Unknown Primary

Neck Node Metastasis from Unknown Primary


The diagnosis is usually established by a nodal biopsy or aspiration, which should be followed by an examination under anesthesia, with biopsy of suspicious potential primary sites. Tonsillectomy is usually performed in the absence of suspicious lesions. Historically, after completion of the workup, a neck dissection was performed often followed by postoperative radiation when more than one node is involved, particularly in the presence of extranodal extension. The more common practice today, as many patients present with human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated disease, is to begin with radiation, with concurrent chemotherapy in the presence of large nodal volume or CT evidence of extranodal extension, and perform a neck dissection if the nodal disease does not regress completely. Many centers currently recommend irradiation to the pharyngeal axis and the bilateral neck. Some favor omitting the larynx and hypopharynx. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) may allow comprehensive bilateral therapy while providing parotid sparing.

Irradiation to the ipsilateral neck alone is indicated if the histologic findings (e.g., adenocarcinoma) or nodal location (e.g., submenal, submandibular, supraclavicular) indicate a low probability of a primary along the pharyngeal axis. It may also be considered when, because of advanced age or poor medical condition, the patient is not expected to tolerate large-volume irradiation to the pharyngeal axis but residual disease is present or the probability of progression in the neck is high (e.g., presence of extracapsular nodal disease).

Close observation can be considered in patients who had neck dissection, which reveals low risk for recurrence (i.e., a single lymph node <3 cm without extracapsular extension [ECE]).


Target Volume

Initial Target Volume

The initial target volume is composed of oropharynx, nasopharynx, and bilateral neck nodes when the clinical or histologic features suggest primary site origin from the oropharynx or nasopharynx. For example, a nonsmoker with a level II node, particularly with cystic squamous
cell carcinoma, nonkeratinizing “nasopharyngeal-like,” or undifferentiated carcinoma or carcinoma that is positive by HPV in situ hybridization or pl6 immunohistochemical assay would strongly favor an oropharyngeal primary tumor. The presence of involved upper posterior cervical (level V) nodes suggests a nasopharyngeal primary.

In other cases, the initial target volume encompasses nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and bilateral neck nodes (see Case Studies 16-1 and 16-2).

The boost or high-dose volume encompasses the involved nodal bed.

Setup and Field Arrangement

The patient is immobilized in a supine position with a thermoplastic mask. Marking of surgical scar facilitates portal design. For 3D radiotherapy, the initial target volume is irradiated with lateral-opposed photon fields.

  • Superior border: at mid sphenoid sinus or at the bottom of the pituitary fossa to encompass the roof of the nasopharynx.

  • Anterior border: include posterior third of the nasal cavities and the anterior tonsillar pillars; 1-cm fall-off for the dissected neck.

  • Posterior border: behind the spinous processes or more posteriorly to encompass the scar.

  • Inferior border: just above the arytenoids or below the cricoid cartilage, depending on whether the hypopharynx is part of the target volume.

A matching anterior appositional photon field is used to treat the cervical and supraclavicular nodes below the lateral portals. The boost dose is usually delivered through one or two lateral appositional electron fields. The electron energies are selected based on the depth required to reach the target bed. If the depth is beyond the reach of electrons, glancing photon fields can be used.


The dose to the initial target volume is 54 Gy in 30 fractions. The boost dose is an additional 6 to 10 Gy in three to five fractions in the postoperative setting. The boost dose can be delivered as a concomitant boost as second daily fractions, with a minimal interval of 6 hours, during the last week of the basic treatment course. In cases of gross nodal disease, a boost dose of 16 Gy in eight fractions (or in 10 fractions if boost dose is given as second daily fractions) is delivered.

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning

Most patients are now treated with IMRT to spare parotid function (see Case Study 16-3). In the event of gross nodal disease, the nodes with 1 -cm margin are outlined as high-dose clinical target volume (CTVHD or CTV1). The neck compartments outside CTVHD with a 2-cm margin are delineated as CTVID (CTV2). The remaining ipsilateral nodal levels (IB, II, III, IV, and V) on the ipsilateral side, retropharyngeal nodes,
and contralateral nodal levels II to V are contoured as CTVED (CTV3). The pharyngeal axis (including the hypopharynx and larynx when indicated) is also delineated as CTVED (see Case Study 16-4).

Jun 1, 2016 | Posted by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING | Comments Off on Neck Node Metastasis from Unknown Primary

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