Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity


Treatment Strategy

Surgery is generally preferred in medically operable patients in the following situations:

  • T1 lesions (up to 2 cm in diameter) that do not involve the oral commissure. Excision of such lesions is generally simple (V or W excision with primary closure or flap reconstruction), and the functional and cosmetic outcome is satisfactory.

  • Younger patients who will have prolonged sunlight exposure (e.g., those engaged in outdoor work).

  • Diffuse superficial lesion of the vermilion or the presence of severe actinic keratosis adjacent to the carcinoma. A lip shave with oral mucosa advancement closure generally yields a good control rate with satisfactory cosmetic outcome.

Radiation is an option for lesions larger than 2 cm or those involving the commissure, in which surgical resection results in microstomia or oral incontinence. Radiotherapy can be delivered by
external beam irradiation, brachytherapy, or a combination of both, depending on the location and size of the lesion.

A combination of surgery and radiotherapy is frequently required for advanced destructive lesions, that is, those invading the bone or nerve, or with nodal involvement.

Primary Radiotherapy

Target Volume

Initial Target Volume

  • T2 N0: primary tumor with 2-cm margins. Elective neck irradiation is not given routinely for well-differentiated carcinomas.

  • T3 N0: primary tumor with 2-cm margins and submental, submandibular, and subdigastric nodes.

  • T2 to T3 N +: primary tumor with 2-cm margins and submental, submandibular, subdigastric, mid and low jugular nodes.

A boost volume encompasses the primary lesion with 1-cm margins and, when present, involved nodes.

Setup and Field Arrangement for External Beam Irradiation

An intraoral stent containing cerrobend is used to displace the tongue posteriorly and, if feasible, shield the alveolar ridge. The patient is immobilized in a supine position. An appositional field is used to treat the primary tumor. Field borders are determined clinically by bimanual palpation. Treatment can be given with orthovoltage x-rays or electrons. Electron energy is chosen on the basis of thickness of the lesion. The upper neck nodes are treated with lateral parallel-opposed photon fields:

  • Anterior border: 1 cm in front of the mandibular arch.

  • Superior border: splitting the horizontal ramus of the mandible.

  • Posterior border: midvertebral body.

  • Inferior border: just above the arytenoids.

Moustache field for upper lip lesion: appositional electron fields (usually approximately 15-degree gantry angle) are used to treat the facial lymphatics.

  • Medial border: matches the lateral border of the anterior field (primary tumor).

  • Anterior border: extends down from oral commissure to midmandible.

  • Posterior border: from the upper edge of the anterior field to just above the angle of the mandible.

  • Inferior border: splitting the horizontal ramus of the mandible and adjoining the upper neck field.

  • This field is set up clinically after designing the primary tumor and upper neck portals.

Patients with palpable node(s) receive irradiation to mid and lower neck nodes through an anterior portal. The primary lesion receives boost dose through an appositional field with orthovoltage x-rays or electrons. Nodal metastases receive boost dose with appositional electrons or glancing photon fields.


Brachytherapy is usually accomplished by afterloading 192Ir-wire implants. Whenever possible, a custom-made plastic device is placed between the lip and gum to increase the distance between the radioactive sources and alveolar structures to decrease radiation exposure to normal tissues. Occasionally, cerrobend can be incorporated in the device to provide additional protection.


  • Small lesions (<1.5 cm): 50 Gy in 25 fractions followed by 10 Gy in five fractions boost dose by external irradiation or 60 to 65 Gy over 5 to 7 days by implants.

  • Larger lesions: 50 Gy in 25 fractions followed by 16 Gy in eight fractions boost by external beam or 20- to 25-Gy boost by implants.

  • Elective treatment of facial (moustache area) and upper neck nodes: 50 Gy in 25 fractions.

  • Palpable nodes receive boost dose to a total dose of 66 to 70 Gy depending on the size.

Dose Specification

In external beam irradiation, the dose to the primary lesion is administered at Dmax for orthovoltage x-rays and at 90% for electrons. This accounts for the difference in relative biologic effectiveness between the two beam modalities.

For brachytherapy, the dose is administered at the isodose line encompassing the lesion.

Moustache fields are irradiated with 6-MeV electrons and the dose is prescribed at Dmax

Postoperative Radiotherapy

Indications for postoperative irradiation are advanced lesions (bone involvement, extensive perineural invasion), positive margins, and multiple nodes or extracapsular extension (ECE).

In general, the radiation setup is the same as that for primary radiotherapy, but should be tailored individually depending on the location of the primary lesion (upper vs. lower lip) and on the extent of nerve and lymphatic coverage.

The dose prescription is 60 Gy in 30 fractions to areas with high-risk features, 56 Gy per 28 fractions to the surgical bed, and 50 Gy in 25 fractions to electively irradiated regions.

Background Data

Table 6.1 Control of Primary Lip Lesion By Treatment Method

Initial Treatment to Primary Lesion

Nodal Involvement on Admission

No. of Cases

Percentage of Patients with Primary Controlled by

Initial Treatment

Later Treatment

Radiotherapy alone









Radiotherapy + surgery









Surgery alone








All methods









Data from the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.

From MacKay EN, Sellers AH. A statistical review of carcinoma of the lip. Can Med Assoc J 1964;90:670-672, with permission.


Treatment Strategy

Surgical resection is generally preferred in medically operable patients. Depending on the size, depth of invasion, and grade of differentiation of the primary tumor and nodal status, surgery may include a neck dissection.

Postoperative radiotherapy is recommended in the following situations: large primary tumor (e.g., T3 or T4); close or positive surgical margins; presence of perineural spread, vascular invasion, or both; or presence of multiple positive nodes or ECE (see Case Studies 6-1 to 6-2). Patients considered at high risk, such as those having positive section, margins, or ECE, are now recommended to receive concurrent radiation with cisplatin when there is no medical contraindication.

Primary radiotherapy is generally reserved for patients who refuse surgery or those who are borderline operable.

Postoperative Radiotherapy

Target Volume

Initial Target Volume

The entire surgical bed—site of the primary tumor, dissected neck (in most cases, neck dissection is part of the surgical treatment), and dissected draining lymphatics. Elective nodal irradiation is given in conjunction with postoperative radiotherapy to the primary tumor bed in N0 patients who are not undergoing nodal dissection.

Boost Volume

In areas of original tumor and involved nodes, a second cone-down may be made to deliver additional boost dose to the region carrying the highest risk of recurrence (e.g., sites of extracapsular nodal disease or positive margins).

Setup and Field Arrangement for Conventional Radiotherapy Technique

The patient is immobilized in a supine position with a thermoplastic mask. For tumors of the oral tongue or floor of mouth that extend close to or into the tongue, an intraoral stent is used to open the mouth, depress the tongue, and protrude the lower lip. This device allows exclusion of a large area of the buccal mucosa, lower lip, and oral commissure from the radiation portals. For tumors of the floor of mouth not extending into the oral tongue, a stent that opens the mouth and elevates the tip of the tongue beyond the field is used to exclude as much of the tongue (tip, dorsum) from the radiation portal as possible. Marking of surgical scar and oral commissures before obtaining a simulation film may facilitate portal design.

Tumors of the mandibular gingiva or small tumors of the oral tongue that are well lateralized without histologic evidence of lymph node involvement can be treated ipsilaterally. This can be accomplished with a wedged pair of photon beams designed to encompass the operative bed with 1 to 2 cm surrounding margins.

The remaining tumors that require bilateral radiation are treated with parallel opposed-lateral photon fields encompassing the primary tumor bed and upper neck nodes.

  • Anterior border: just in front of the mandible for anterior tumors or 2 cm in front of the scar for posterior oral cavity lesions. The lower lip is shielded whenever possible.

  • Superior border: 1 to 1.5 cm superior to the dorsum of the tongue or the scar if part of the oral tongue can be spared. In the event of positive nodes, this border should encompass the high jugular nodes to the jugular fossa.

  • Posterior border: usually is dictated by the surgical scar. The level II nodes are systematically irradiated. Therefore, the
    posterior border is placed behind the spinous processes or farther back to cover an extended scar.

  • Inferior border: just superior to the arytenoids.

An anterior appositional field is used to treat the mid- and lower neck nodes. Field borders are indicated in the section “General Principles.”

To deliver the boost dose to the primary tumor and upper neck nodes, the size of lateral fields is reduced to encompass the known disease locations. It is also prudent to cover the root of tongue or deep floor of mouth muscles to the insertion at the hyoid bone in the boost volume since recurrence tends to occur in these regions even for relatively superficial tumors.

To boost the upper neck without the primary site, a lateral appositional electron field is used. To deliver the boost to the mid or lower neck, a lateral appositional electron field or glancing photon fields are used.


  • A dose of 60 Gy in 30 fractions is administered to areas with high-risk features, that is, close or microscopically positive margins, perineural extension, vascular invasion, positive nodes, or extranodal extension. An additional boost dose of 6 Gy in three fractions may be given when indicated, such as when multiple adverse features are present or when the interval between surgery and radiation is much longer than 6 weeks.

  • A dose of 56 Gy in 28 fractions to the surgical bed.

  • A dose of 50 Gy of elective irradiation in 25 fractions to undissected regions.

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

Conformal radiotherapy can eliminate sequential portal cone-down because the dose gradient to the tumor bed and to regions at risk for harboring microscopic disease is achieved by varying the fraction size. When using intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the postoperative setting, treatment is given in 30 fractions as illustrated in Case Studies 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 and 6-8. Smaller target volumes considered to be at extra-high risk, often determined in collaboration with the surgeon and based on pathologic findings, receive 64 to 66 Gy.

The patient is immobilized in a supine position, with an extended thermoplastic mask covering head and shoulder. Thin-cut computed tomography (CT) images are obtained in treatment position, and target volumes are outlined for dosimetric planning.

Virtual Gross Target Volume

There is no actual GTV after completesurgicaltumorresection. However, it can be useful to formulate a virtual GTV (vGTV) to facilitate target volume definition. The vGTV is a best approximation of the tissues having high likelihood of harboring microscopic tumor reconstructed based on findings of preoperative clinical examination, imaging studies, and surgical-pathologic assessment. Bulky flaps can cause substantial distortions in the tumor bed and should, therefore, be taken into account in reconstructing the vGTV.

Clinical Target Volumes

Three CTVs are generally delineated.

  • CTV1 delineates volumes to receive the highest dose (therefore also referred to as CTVHD). This includes the primary and nodal vGTVs with 1-cm margins. For larger primary tumors, CTVHD often covers the entire tongue and floor of mouth.

  • CTV2 delineates volumes to receive an intermediate dose (therefore also referred to as CTVID). For the primary tumor bed, CTVID encompasses the remaining operative bed and/or a 0.5- to 1-cm additional margin beyond CTVHD. For the neck, it covers the dissected neck not harboring involved nodes.

  • CTV3 delineates volumes to receive an elective dose for subclinical disease (therefore also referred to as CTVED). In the N0 neck, nodal levels I to IV are included in CTVED When microscopic perineural invasion is present, CTVED includes the lingual nerve and/or inferior alveolar nerves to approximately the distal end of the mandibular nerve (V3) either ipsilaterally or, for tumors extending to or crossing midline, bilaterally. For extensive perineural extension (involvement of large nerve or presence of clinical signs), CTVED includes the proximal V3 up to the skull base or even the trigeminal ganglion.

The isocenter is generally placed above the arytenoids. Level III and IV nodes are preferentially treated with a matching anterior beam similar to conventional techniques. With this technique, the larynx can be shielded for the initial 40 Gy, and then a full midline block can be used up to 50 Gy. The dissected uninvolved nodal levels are boosted to 56 Gy, and an additional 4 Gy is added if these lower neck nodes harbored disease.

Some patients have extensive reconstruction with large flaps. If the bulky flaps extend at the level of the larynx or more inferiorly, matching the low neck beam to the IMRT fields may be more complicated, and it may be difficult to get the appropriate dose to the neck tissues at risk deep to the flaps. In these cases, treating all the targets with a single IMRT plan may be more effective, though additional attention should be paid to delineating the larynx and esophagus as avoidance structures for minimizing the dose to these organs.

Timing of Postoperative Radiotherapy

It is desirable to commence postoperative radiotherapy as soon as possible after healing of surgical wounds. With good communication between surgical, radiation, and dental oncologists, simulation can usually take place 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, and radiotherapy can start within a week in most patients. When delayed wound healing postpones commencement of postoperative radiation to beyond 5 to 6 weeks, we administer accelerated fractionation, such as concomitant boost, by delivering twice-a-day irradiations for 5 treatment days, either once a week or toward the end of the radiation course, to reduce the potential hazard of prolonged cumulative treatment time.

Primary Radiotherapy

Target Volume

Initial Target Volume

  • A well-differentiated, superficial lesion of 1 cm or less with no palpable lymphadenopathy (T1 N0): primary tumor with 2-cm margins.

  • Floor of mouth (mostly anterior) lesion of 1- to 4-cm maximal diameter without palpable lymphadenopathy (T1 to T2 N0): primary tumor with at least 2-cm margins and level I (submental and submandibular) and Level II nodes.

  • Oral tongue tumor >1 cm thick with no palpable lymphadenopathy: primary tumor with at least 2-cm margins and level I to IV nodes.

  • Presence of lymphadenopathy (N+) at diagnosis calls for irradiation of the entire cervical nodal basins.

A boost volume encompasses the primary tumor (1- to 2-cm margins) and involves lymph nodes.

Setup and Field Arrangement

For small T1 N0 lesions, the entire treatment is given with an intraoral cone or by implant (if the risk for anesthesia is low).

For all other stages, treatment is given with external beam irradiation by conventional technique or IMRT as described above for postoperative radiotherapy. Use of stent, insertion of a seed at the anterior border of the tumor, and marking the oral commissures before obtaining simulation images facilitates shaping of the target volumes.

The boost dose to the primary tumor is preferably delivered by interstitial implant. If the patient cannot undergo anesthesia, boost dose is given with orthovoltage x-rays through an intraoral cone when accessible; in this case, the boost is delivered before the start of the external beam
therapy while the tumor is clearly visible and palpable. In rare cases when neither implant nor intraoral cone is feasible, the boost is delivered using an external beam encompassing the tumor with 1- to 2-cm margins.

The technique for delivering the boost dose to palpable nodes depends on the strategy selected for the treatment of the primary lesion. It could be an interstitial implant, electron beams, or photons (included in the primary boost field or with separate fields, depending on the location).


Initial Target Volume

This volume receives 40 Gy in 20 fractions if this is followed by an interstitial implant, or 50 Gy in 25 fractions if the boost is delivered by intraoral cone or external beam.


The boost dose to the primary lesion delivered by an interstitial implant is 40 Gy, specified at an isodose line approximately 0.5 cm from the tumor margin; the boost dose by intraoral cone is 15 Gy in 3-Gy fractions or 20 to 25 Gy in 2.5-Gy fractions, and by external beam is 20 Gy in 10-Gy fractions for T1 lesions or 20 to 24 Gy in 2-Gy fractions for T2 to T3 lesions.

The dose to involved lymph nodes is in general 66 to 70 Gy for < 3-cm nodes, or even higher for larger nodes if neck dissection is not contemplated because of anesthesia risk.

Small (<1 cm), superficial lesions may be treated with the intraoral cone (40 Gy in 10 fractions) or by an implant only (60 Gy in approximately 6 days).

Background Data

Table 6.2 Floor of Mouth Cancer: Failure to Control the Primary Tumor By Irradiation Modalities—January 1948 Through December 1968

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Jun 1, 2016 | Posted by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING | Comments Off on Oral Cavity

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Failure Rate

External Irradiation Only

Interstitial Irradiation Only

External + Interstitial Irradiation
