Paranasal Sinuses

Paranasal Sinuses


Treatment Strategy

Surgery alone is the preferred treatment of T1 tumors (uncommon). Postoperative radiotherapy is only indicated when the margin is close or positive. Surgery plus postoperative radiotherapy is the standard therapy for T2 to T4 tumors.

Patients with larger T3 and T4 tumors are occasionally selected for treatment with systemic therapy in an attempt to reduce the need for orbital exenteration. The response to chemotherapy determines the type of local-regional treatment. For complete or near-complete response, the treatment is radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy (uncommon), and for less than near-complete response, the treatment is surgery plus postoperative radiotherapy, with concurrent chemotherapy in case of the presence of positive margins or nodal disease with extracapsular extension.

Postoperative Radiotherapy

Target Volume

The initial target volume encompasses the entire surgical bed (see Case Studies 12-1 and 12-2), ipsilateral levels IB and II (submandibular and subdigastric) nodes for patients with squamous cell or undifferentiated carcinomas with no clinical evidence of nodal involvement at diagnosis, or whole ipsilateral or bilateral neck for patients with N+ at diagnosis.

The boost volume encompasses areas of known disease with 1- to 2-cm margins.

Setup and Field Arrangement for Conventional Technique

An intraoral stent is used to open the mouth and depress the tongue. When surgical resection includes removal of the hard palate, the stent can be designed to hold a water-filled balloon to occlude the surgical defect (see Chapter 3). Orbital exenteration defect, if present, is filled directly with a water-containing balloon (see Case Study 12-3) or other types of bolus material.

The patient is immobilized in a supine position with a slight hyperextension of the head to bring the floor of the orbit parallel to the axis of the anterior beam. This position allows delivery of the desired dose to the orbital floor without irradiating through a large volume of the ipsilateral eye.

Marking of lateral canthi, oral commissures, and external scar facilitates portal design. When there is no external scar
(e.g., after craniofacial resection), a wire is placed on the premaxillary skin to indicate the slope of this structure. In addition, it is helpful to mark the position of the medial and inferior limbus with the eyes gazing forward for the purpose of corneal shielding. The location and size of the tumor determine the appropriate portal borders and arrangement.

For tumors of the infrastructure with no extension into the orbit or ethmoids (uncommon), anterior and ipsilateral wedge-pair (usually 45-degree wedges) photon fields are used (Case Study 12-1). The use of the “half-beam” technique (i.e., placing the isocenter at the level of the orbital floor and shielding of the upper half of the fields) prevents exposure of the contralateral eye by beam divergence. Anterior portal borders:

  • Superior: just above the floor of the orbit but below the cornea.

  • Lateral: 1 cm beyond the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus (or falling-off when there is tumor extension into the facial soft tissues).

  • Medial: 1 to 2 cm across midline.

  • Inferior: 1 cm below the floor of the maxillary sinus or below the surgical bed.

Lateral portal borders:

  • Superior and inferior: same as the anterior portal.

  • Anterior: in front of the anterior wall.

  • Posterior: behind the pterygoid plates or more posteriorly depending on the extent of the contiguous tumor spread.

For tumors of the infrastructure spreading across midline through the hard palate, lateral-opposed photon fields are preferred. The use of the “half-beam” technique (i.e., placing the isocenter at the level of the orbital floor and shielding of the upper half of the fields) prevents exposure of the contralateral eye by beam divergence. The portal borders are similar to the lateral field described previously.

For tumors involving the suprastructure or ethmoids, a three-field technique is used (Case Studies 12-2 and 12-3). An anterior portal is combined with right and left lateral fields. Loading varies from 1:0.15:0.15 to 1:0.07:0.07 depending on the tumor location and photon energy. The lateral fields have 60-degree wedges and can have a slight posterior tilt. Anterior portal borders:

  • Superior: above the crista galli to cover the ethmoids and, in the absence of orbital invasion, at the lower edge of the cornea to cover the orbital floor. When the orbit is involved, an attempt is made to shield the lacrimal gland whenever possible to avoid occurrence of dry, painful eye. Tumor extension into the frontal sinus or cranial fossa calls for a more generous superior coverage.

  • Inferior: 1 cm below the floor of the maxillary sinus or below the surgical bed.

  • Medial: 1 to 2 cm, or farther, across midline to cover the contralateral ethmoidal extension.

  • Lateral: depends on the tumor extent (1 cm beyond lateral orbital wall when this structure is intact or falling off when there is tumor extension into facial soft tissues or infratemporal fossa).

Lateral portal borders:

  • Superior: follows the contour of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.

  • Inferior: corresponds to that of anterior portal.

  • Anterior: behind the lateral bony canthus parallel to the slope of the face as marked by the wire.

  • Posterior: behind the pterygoid plates or more posteriorly, depending on the extent of the contiguous tumor spread and the surgery.

For boost volume, the portal size is reduced to encompass the tumor bed and to exclude as much optic pathway as possible. The contralateral optic nerve and chiasm are excluded from the field after a dose of 54 Gy in 27 fractions. Sometimes, this requires two field reductions (i.e., after 50 Gy and 54 Gy, respectively). When the lesion abuts these structures, the benefits and risks of delivering a maximum dose of 60 Gy in 30 fractions, which carries a 5% to 10% risk of blindness resulting from nerve injury, are discussed with the patient.

For treatment of the neck nodes, ipsilateral upper neck irradiation is given to patients with squamous cell or undifferentiated carcinomas, stages T2 to T4 NO. This is accomplished through a lateral appositional electron field.

  • Superior border: sloping up from the horizontal ramus of the mandible anteriorly to match the inferior border of the primary portal posteriorly. This portal matching creates a small triangle over the cheek, which is irradiated with an abutting triangular, appositional electron field (6 MeV) when there is tumor extension into facial soft tissues.

  • Anterior border: just behind the oral commissures.

  • Posterior border: at the mastoid process.

  • Inferior border: at the thyroid notch (above the arytenoids).

Bilateral neck treatment is indicated in patients presenting with palpable node(s). Proper field-matching technique should be selected in this setting to minimize dose heterogeneity, particularly to prevent overdosing in the depth by beam divergence. This can be accomplished by treating both the primary tumor bed and the upper neck with half-beam technique (shielding the caudal half of maxillary fields and the cephalad half of neck fields) to eliminate divergence and thereby prevent beam overlap. The central axis of the primary tumor portals and that of the opposed-lateral upper neck fields are placed at the axial plane of the inferior portal border of the maxillary fields (i.e., usually 1 cm below the floor of the maxillary sinus). It is prudent to move the junction line between the primary and neck fields during the course of treatment. The mid and lower neck is irradiated with an anterior appositional photon field matched to
the inferior border of opposed-lateral upper neck fields (see “General Principles”).

The portal borders of the maxillary fields are as defined previously. The borders of the upper neck fields are determined by the extent of the nodal disease. If the initial lateral fields are on the spinal cord, portal reduction is made after approximately 45 Gy. The posterior cervical areas are then irradiated to the desired dose with abutting electron fields.

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning

The complex anatomy of the paranasal sinuses makes it appealing to use high-precision conformal radiotherapy for the treatment of sinonasal tumors to reduce normal tissue toxicity without compromising the dose to the tumor bed. IMRT generally yields better dose distribution for these tumors (see Case Studies 12-4 and 12-5).

The patient is immobilized in a supine position with an extended head and shoulder thermoplastic mask. Thin-cut computed tomography (CT) scans are obtained in treatment position. The clinical target volume (CTV) and planning target volume are outlined for dosimetric planning.

Virtual Gross Target Volume

There is no actual gross target volume (GTV) after a complete surgical tumor resection. However, it can be useful to formulate a virtual GTV (vGTV) to facilitate target volume definition. The vGTV is the best approximation of the tissues having high likelihood of harboring microscopic tumor reconstructed based on findings of preoperative clinical examination, imaging studies, and surgical-pathologic assessment. Bulky flaps can cause substantial distortions in the tumor bed and should, therefore, be taken into account in reconstructing the vGTV.

Clinical Target Volumes

Three CTVs are generally delineated.

  • CTVHD delineates volumes to receive the highest dose. This includes the primary and nodal vGTVs with 1-cm margins. The entire sinus is included in this volume. Medially, the ipsilateral nasal cavity to the septum is included. Generous coverage is given posteriorly into the residual masticator space and pterygomaxillary tissues as this is a frequent site of recurrence. The lateral edge includes the masticator space. In patients with partial palate resection, CTVHD includes at least 1 cm of the remaining palate. If the floor of the orbit was involved, CTVHD needs to cover the inferior orbital tissues as a minimum. For disease extension beyond the sinus, CTVHD should cover these tissues with a 0.5- to 1-cm margin.

  • CTVID delineates volumes to receive an intermediate dose. For the primary tumor bed, CTVID encompasses a 0.5- to 1-cm additional margin beyond CTVHD. For anterior tumors in particular, the skin, if not covered by CTVHD, will need to be included, and bolus may be required. For the neck, CTVID covers the dissected nodal region not harboring involved nodes.

  • CTVED delineates volumes to receive an elective dose for subclinical disease. When microscopic perineural invasion is present, the maxillary nerve up to foramen rotundum, if not covered in higher dose CTVs, should be encompassed in CTVED. For extensive perineural extension (involvement of large nerve or presence of clinical signs), CTVED includes the proximal V2 up to the trigeminal ganglion. In squamous cell or undifferentiated carcinomas without clinical nodal involvement, CTVED encompasses the ipsilateral nodal levels I and II and buccal and facial nodes. For tumors crossing midline, CTVED covers bilateral nodes.

Jun 1, 2016 | Posted by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING | Comments Off on Paranasal Sinuses

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