Pharyngeal Mucosal Space

Pharyngeal Mucosal Space

H. Ric Harnsberger, MD



  • Pharyngeal mucosal space (PMS)


  • PMS: Nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal & hypopharyngeal surface structures on airway side of middle layer of deep cervical fascia

Imaging Anatomy


  • PMS is conceptual construct to complete map of spaces of suprahyoid neck

    • PMS alternative term: Pharyngeal mucosal surface

  • There is no fascia on surface of PMS, so it is not a true fascia-enclosed space


  • PMS is a continuous mucosal sheet defined from nasopharynx to hypopharynx (includes soft palate)

  • Nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal & hypopharyngeal mucosal space components

    • See larynx anatomy for hypopharynx anatomy

Anatomy Relationships

  • Airway side of PMS has no fascial border

  • Posterior to PMS is retropharyngeal space (RPS)

  • Lateral to PMS is parapharyngeal space (PPS)

  • Skull base relationship to PMS

    • Broad area of attachment to skull base present

    • Attachment area includes posterior basisphenoid (sphenoid sinus floor), anterior basiocciput (anterior clivus)

    • Also includes foramen lacerum

      • Foramen lacerum: Cartilaginous floor of anterior horizontal petrous internal carotid artery

      • Represents perivascular route for nasopharyngeal carcinoma to access intracranial structures

Internal Structures-Critical Contents

  • Mucosal surface of pharynx

  • PMS lymphatic ring: Lymphatic ring of tissue of PMS that declines in size with advancing age

    • Synonym: Waldeyer ring

    • Nasopharynx: Adenoids

    • Oropharynx, lateral wall: Palatine (faucial) tonsil

    • Oropharynx, base of tongue: Lingual tonsil

  • Minor salivary glands

    • Soft palate mucosa has highest concentration

  • Pharyngobasilar fascia

    • Tough aponeurosis that connects superior constrictor muscle to skull base

    • Posterosuperior margin notch = sinus of Morgagni

      • Levator palatini muscle & eustachian tube pass through this notch on way from skull base to PMS

  • Pharyngeal mucosal space muscles

    • Superior, middle & inferior constrictor muscles

    • Salpingopharyngeus muscle

    • Levator palatini muscle, distal end

  • Torus tubarius: Cartilaginous end of eustachian tube

Fascia of Pharyngeal Mucosal Space

  • Middle layer, deep cervical fascia (ML-DCF) represents deep margin of PMS

    • In nasopharynx ML-DCF encircles lateral & posterior margins of pharyngobasilar fascia

    • In oropharynx ML-DCF on deep margin of superior & middle constrictor muscles

    • In hypopharynx ML-DCF on deep margin of inferior constrictor muscle

Jul 5, 2016 | Posted by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING | Comments Off on Pharyngeal Mucosal Space

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