Phrase Recognition

Phrase Recognition

Lubdha M. Shah, MD

(Left) Axial MPRAGE with BOLD signal overlay shows activation in bilateral superior temporal gyri in the expected region of the auditory cortex image. In the covert phrase recognition task, the patient hears descriptive phrases (e.g., “those funny guys at the circus”) and silently thinks of the word each phrase describes. During alternate periods, the patient hears scrambled speech. (Right) 3D surface rendering of the same patient shows activation in the left frontal operculum image and superior temporal gyrus image.

(Left) Axial MPRAGE with BOLD signal overlay reveals activation in bilateral superior temporal gyri image. An auditory responsive naming paradigm is useful for language lateralization, particularly for the localization of posterior language regions (Wernicke area). The task also localizes frontal speech areas image as it requires the patient to generate a word to a given verbal descriptor. (Right) 3D surface rendering of the same patient shows activation in the left inferior frontal image and superior temporal gyri image.

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Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Phrase Recognition

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