Protocols for fMRI Examination

Protocols for fMRI Examination

Jeffrey S. Anderson, MD, PhD

(Left) MPRAGE allows excellent gray matter/white matter contrast to facilitate normalization to a template brain space, segmentation of gray matter and white matter, and volumetric or gray matter density analysis. (Right) BOLD shows relatively poor contrast of anatomic structures and low resolution (64 × 64 matrix). T2* changes over time are related to functional brain activation.

(Left) Field map (magnitude image) combining phase and magnitude images allows construction of an image that can be used to perform distortion correction. Distortion in areas of high magnetic susceptibility can create misregistration between BOLD and MPRAGE images. (Right) Field map (phase image) is shown. Phase and magnitude GRE field map images require acquisition at 2 different echo times (TE). This will generate 3 series: 2 magnitude, and 1 phase series that can be used to generate a voxel displacement map.

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Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Protocols for fMRI Examination

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