Sedation and Anxiolysis Protocols

Sedation and Anxiolysis Protocols



At our institution, conscious sedation is administered by either two registered nurses or anesthesia technologists under the supervision of a physician. The goals of conscious sedation are to depress only minimally the level of the patient’s consciousness, to maintain a patent airway, and to allow the patient to respond to commands. Generally, emergency equipment such as oxygen, suction, monitors, Ambu bag, mask, and resuscitation drugs should be readily available. The patient should have an empty stomach (adults: NPO 4 to 6 hours before sedation, children: NPO 2 hours before sedation). During sedation, continuous monitoring of vital signs and oxygen saturation (normally above 95%) is needed. We record vital signs and oxygen saturation every 15 minutes. The level of consciousness of a patient is also continuously evaluated and recorded every 15 minutes according to a sedation scale as follows:

Fully awake

5 points

Arouses easily

4 points

Arouses with tactile stimuli

3 points

Arouses with vigorous stimuli

2 points

Arouses with painful stimuli

1 point


0 points

The following is a list of the most common drugs used for conscious sedation at our institution. This list details drugs administered intravenously. All drugs should be given slowly.

Sep 8, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Sedation and Anxiolysis Protocols

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