



  • Linear fractures or sutural diastases with no underlying brain injury are generally not clinically significant; formation of leptomeningeal cysts and/or herniated brain (“growing fracture”) is very rare (does not require follow-up radiographs).

  • Fractures through the base of skull or paranasal sinuses may produce pneumocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, and meningitis.

  • Fracture through the temporal bone may give origin to gas in the temporomandibular joint.

  • Depressed fracture = fragments are displaced by more than 0.5 cm; most depressed fractures have underlying contusions, and contrecoup injuries are present in 30% of patients.

  • Most depressed fractures are considered “open” and require debridement and antiobiotic treatment.

  • Most skull fractures have no underlying brain injuries, and most severe brain injuries have no skull fractures; plain radiographs are not useful in suspected cerebral trauma.

  • Skull radiographs may be helpful to document fractures (which may be missed by CT if oriented parallel to slices) for legal purposes as in non-accidental trauma.

FIGURE 8-1. Axial CT shows a linear nondisplaced left frontal fracture (arrow).

FIGURE 8-2. Top view from a shaded-surface display, in a different patient, shows a comminuted left temporofrontal fracture and diastasis of the metopic suture.

FIGURE 8-3. Axial CT, shows a depressed left frontal fracture with underlying hemorrhagic contusion and pneumocephalus.

FIGURE 8-4. Axial CT in a patient hit with a hammer shows small area depressed fracture.

FIGURE 8-5. Axial CT in a patient hit with baseball bat shows large significantly depressed fracture.

FIGURE 8-6. Axial CT, showing fractures crossing midline which risk damaging the superior sagittal sinus.

FIGURE 8-7. Axial CT, shows “egg shell” type of skull fractures.

FIGURE 8-8. Parasagittal T1 image in a patient with a growing fracture shows herniation of brain (arrow) into expanded fracture site.


Sun JK, LeMay DR. Imaging of facial trauma. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2002;12:295-309.



  • 50% to 75% of severe head trauma victims will have an epidural hematoma.

  • About 70% to 75% of epidural hematomas occur in the temporoparietal region secondary to laceration of the middle meningeal artery.

  • CT identifies underlying fracture in 85% to 95% of epidural hematomas.

  • “Lucid” interval seen in 50% of patients and precedes clinical deterioration; overall mortality = 5%; delayed enlargement of hematoma occurs in 10% to 30% of patients.

  • 95% of epidural hematomas are supratentorial and unilateral.

  • “Vertex” hematomas are always epidural, cross the superior sagittal sinus, and displace it inferiorly.

  • In children, epidural hematomas may arise from laceration of venous sinuses.

  • A venous sinus origin should be suspected when the hematoma abuts both sides of the tentorium or is adjacent to a dural venous sinus.

FIGURE 8-9. Axial CT shows a biconvex acute (dense) epidural hematoma in the left posterior temporal region in a child.

FIGURE 8-10. Axial CT in an adult also shows typical appearance of an epidural hematoma.

FIGURE 8-11. Axial CT, showing a small right frontal epidural hematoma.

FIGURE 8-12. Coronal T1, in a different patient, shows a convexity (vertex) epidural hematoma typically crossing the midline venous structures.


Hardman JM, Manoukian A. Pathology of head trauma. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2002;12:175.



  • Subdural hematomas are found in 10% to 20% of severe head trauma victims. Overall mortality rate for patients with subdural hematomas is 60% to 90%.

  • 95% occur in the frontoparietal regions due to tearing of bridging veins.

  • 10% to 15% are bilateral; interhemispheric location in children suggests abuse.

  • CT: acute (<3 days) are hyperdense; subacute (3 to 21 days) are isodensity; chronic (>3 weeks) are hypodense.

  • Both isodense and hypodense (subacute and chronic) subdural hematomas may have inner membrane contrast enhancement.

  • Visualization of small subdurals requires the use of intermediate CT window settings (width: 250; level: 40); generally, these hematomas are small and not clinically significant.

  • Cerebral contusions are seen in 50% of patients with subdural hematomas.

  • Subdural hematomas may follow ventricular shunting.

  • Hygromas are collections of nonbloody CSF in the subdural space caused by a tear in the arachnoid membrane. Most occur in older persons. Hematohygromas have both blood and CSF and are seen in child abuse.

FIGURE 8-13. Axial CT shows an acute dense right hemispheric subdural hematoma with mass effect and midline shift to the left.

FIGURE 8-14. Axial CT, shows the subacute right subdural hematoma that is nearly isodense to brain; the left lateral ventricle is effaced due to mass effect.

FIGURE 8-15. Superimposed acute bleed is seen as dense fluid level in the dependent portion of a right chronic (supernatant is hypodense) that has significant mass effect.

FIGURE 8-16. Axial CT, in a different patient, shows bilateral low-density subdural hygromas.


Young RJ, Destian S. Imaging of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2002;12:189.

Sep 8, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Trauma

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