Trauma Management

Trauma Management

Brian F. Stainken

Worldwide, the leading cause of death in patients younger than the age of 44 years is trauma. In 2013, trauma claimed over 2.1 million years of potential life with direct costs of over $700 billion in the United States alone. These staggering numbers do not take into consideration the additional expense of disability or the lost financial productivity of survivors (1). The cost to society of lost productivity alone is approximately four times the direct medical expenses (2).

Great strides have been made toward improving trauma care in the United States. Integrated systems that initiate resuscitation at the site and expedite transfer to specialized centers have helped save lives. And these systems continue to evolve. In the past, the trauma patient was best cared for in a trauma operating room (OR). A primary goal of trauma care was to expedite transfer from the field to the OR where diagnostics and definitive care could be provided. Over the past decade however, primarily due to the deployment of helical computed tomography (CT) in the trauma bay, the path followed by the trauma patient now detours through CT. Diagnosis and triage have moved from the OR to the CT scanner. Following CT diagnosis, expedited directed care based on imaging findings follows—orthopedic, neurosurgical, laparotomy, or interventional radiology (IR) embolotherapy. Resuscitation moves with the patient. Whole-body CT scanning prior to intervention in hemodynamically unstable patients and patients requiring emergency bleeding control is associated with significantly better survival than direct transfer to surgery on arrival (3). Even the distance between the trauma bay and the CT machine independently predicts survival (4).

IR has evolved in parallel since 1972 when Margolies et al. first described embolization therapy for management of pelvic trauma. Techniques and devices to manage trauma victims nonoperatively have been validated, and the scope of care provided has expanded. IR has become an indispensable member of the trauma team, with the capability to rapidly address exsanguinating hemorrhage throughout the body without the inherent delay and morbidity of open exploration. The old bromide that unstable exsanguinating trauma patients go to the OR and the stable ones to IR no longer applies. When the IR space is appropriately configured and staffed with an experienced, trained team, the decision for IR versus OR should be based on diagnosis, not acuity. Leading trauma centers increasingly recognize the importance of image-guided medicine and the need to provide the resources and expert practitioners able to effectively integrate IR in to the trauma care environment.

The initial steps of intervention for trauma are similar regardless of the location of injury. General considerations are discussed first. The details involved in treating specific types of traumatic injury—abdominal including splenic, hepatic, and renal; pelvic; lumbar artery; and extremity are then discussed, along with their complications.

General Considerations in Trauma

Preprocedure Preparation

1. Ongoing resuscitation is critical during all aspects of trauma care including endovascular intervention. This entails ensuring an airway and appropriate ventilation as well as adequate intravenous (IV) access with large-bore IV lines for fluid, medication, and transfusions. Warming the patient and replacement of coagulation factors will aid in hemostasis. Other than cervical stabilization, neurologic assessment can wait in hemodynamically labile patients. Although associated with a poorer prognosis, neurologic injury alone is not likely to cause significant hemodynamic shock.

2. Basic laboratory studies are not a prerequisite for trauma angiography, and the procedure should not be delayed in anticipation of complete blood count (CBC), chemistry panel, and coagulation parameters. A worsening base deficit is the most sensitive laboratory indicator of hemodynamic shock and will precede a drop in hematocrit.

3. Review of CT and other available imaging studies to identify all potential sites of injury and occult sources of bleeding is essential in formulating a plan for intervention. The trauma CT is the cornerstone of initial diagnosis. A negative CT in children is 99.6% predictive to exclude any intra-abdominal injury (5). In penetrating abdominal trauma, CT has far greater sensitivity than focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) and emerging data suggest that its use as a primary tool (during resuscitation) saves lives (3,6).

4. Resuscitation should be continued throughout the procedure. A lifesaving procedure should not be postponed while waiting for blood products. Safe embolization in unstable patients can be performed if the patient responds, even transiently, to a 2-L rapid resuscitative bolus (7). Transfusions should be administered while the patient is in the angiography suite to prevent delays.

Postprocedure Management

1. All trauma patients should be followed closely for signs of persistent or delayed hemorrhage with serial blood work, physical exam, and vital sign checks. It is the responsibility of the treating physician to identify complications and ensure that the patient has fully recovered from the intervention.

2. Adequate prophylaxis for infection and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) should be considered in trauma patients.

3. Follow-up angiography after endovascular treatment of arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) is recommended.

Abdominal Trauma

In order of frequency, the most commonly injured abdominal organs are the spleen, liver, and kidney. With the widespread use of cross-sectional imaging and
endovascular techniques, the majority of hemodynamically stable or adequately resuscitated abdominal trauma patients, can be nonoperatively managed.

Splenic Injury

Historically, traumatic injury to the spleen was treated with splenectomy or observation. With the growing acceptance of splenic artery embolization, most patients can safely avoid surgery (9). The immunologic benefits of splenic preservation are accepted (10). There remains great variability in practice even between major trauma centers. One comparative review of four level 1 trauma centers showed that centers with the highest rates of embolization also enjoy the highest rates of splenic salvage (11). The probability of successful preservation of the spleen is increased when embolization is used for all grade 3 and 4 lacerations (12).

Jun 17, 2016 | Posted by in INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Trauma Management

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