Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion

Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion

Lubdha M. Shah, MD

(Left) Axial fMRI in a neurologic format shows activation in the right sensorimotor region image due to a left-thumb flexion task. There is also activation in the supplementary motor area (SMA) image. Unilateral sequential finger tapping results in robust activity within the cortex surrounding the superior lateral central sulcus in the expected somatotopic location for the finger/hand. (Right) 3D surface-rendered image shows overlay of activation in the right sensorimotor region image due to the left-thumb flexion task.

(Left) Axial fMRI in a neurologic format shows activation in the left sensorimotor region image due to a right-thumb flexion task. There is also activation in the SMA image. (Right) 3D surface-rendered image shows an overlay of activation in the left sensorimotor region image due to the right-thumb flexion task. Many studies have found high correlations between intraoperative cortical stimulation mapping with preoperative motor fMRI.

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Sep 18, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion

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