11 Spinal Vascular Disease


11 Spinal Vascular Disease

11.1 Spinal Cord Infarction

11.1.1 Clinical Case

A 67-year-old male with sudden onset paraplegia following a motor vehicle accident (Fig. 11.1).

Fig. 11.1 Spinal cord infarct with restricted diffusion possibly related to fibrocartilaginous embolism. (a) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI demonstrates high T2 cord signal from T8-T10 (arrow). There was no fracture or epidural hematoma seen in this patient who had suffered light trauma. Note the small disc protrusions at the T9-T10 and T10-T11 levels. (b) Sagittal diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) MRI of the spine demonstrates restricted diffusion at the level of the T2 hyperintensity (arrow) which was confirmed on the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map (not shown).

11.1.2 Description of Imaging Findings and Diagnosis


T2 hyperintensity in the anterior spinal cord with associated restricted diffusion. There is a small disc protrusion at the level of the signal abnormality. Findings consistent with cord infarct, possibly related to fibrocartilaginous embolism.

11.1.3 Background

Given the dense anastomotic network, spinal cord infarcts are rare and account for 8% of myelopathies. Spinal cord infarction presents with abrupt onset of pain in 60–70% of cases. Pain is generally located at the dermatomal level of the cord along with weakness and/or sensory loss, with the possible loss of sphincter tone. In spinal cord arterial infarcts, the constellation of presenting symptoms is determined by the level and artery affected. Anterior spinal artery infarcts are the most common and can be seen in the setting of aortic or spinal procedures. Anterior spinal artery infarcts can cause respiratory compromise and tetraparesis if in the upper cervical segments, and paraplegia in the thoraco-lumbar segments due to corticospinal tract involvement and loss of pain and temperature due to spinothalamic involvement. Posterior spinal artery infarcts are rare and affect the dorsal column and therefore present with isolated loss of vibration and proprioception. Combined anterior and posterior spinal artery infarcts can also be seen from mechanical hyperflexion or hyperextension injuries.

Spinal sulcal artery infarcts presents with a sulcocommisural syndrome also known as Brown Sequard syndrome due to “hemi-cord” involvement. This includes ipsilateral weakness, loss of vibratory sense, and proprioception and contralateral loss of pain and temperature due to the spinothalamic tracts decussation. Central spinal artery infarcts are most likely due to prolonged hypoperfusion from hypotension or cardiac arrest and present with bilateral loss of pain and temperature without any weakness or proprioceptive loss. A complete transverse infarct would lead to bilateral loss of sensation and weakness and more likely due to embolic etiology. Examples of different territories of spinal cord infarcts is provided in Fig. 11.2.

Fig. 11.2 Various patterns of spinal cord infarction on axial T2 MRI. (a) Sulcocommisural artery infarct affecting entirety of grey matter with sparing of white matter tracts. (b) Anterior spinal artery infarct affecting both grey and white matter. (c) Hemicord infarct resulting from occlusion of a sulcocommisural artery branch. This resulted in a Brown-Sequard syndrome.

There are numerous etiologies implicated in spinal cord infarctions including aortic disease, iatrogenic causes, vertebral dissection, emboli (large artery or cardiac), hypercoagulable states (i.e., sickle cell disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, malignancy, etc.), decompression sickness, vasculitis, systemic hypotension or global hypoperfusion from cardiac arrest, radicular artery compression, discocartilagnious emboli, and trauma. However, approximately one-third of spinal cord infarcts do not have an identifiable etiology and therefor deemed to be idiopathic or cryptogenic. Treatments include blood pressure augmentation and sometimes, lumbar drain placement.

11.1.4 Imaging Findings

MRI is the preferred imaging modality for diagnosis of a spinal cord infarction; however, it is not very sensitive in detecting acute spinal cord infarction. Urgent MRI is vital in excluding other diagnosis on the differential with the most urgent being spinal cord compression. MRI can also be useful in differentiating spinal cord infarction from other vascular myelopathies (i.e., vascular malformations) or autoimmune myelopathies. Lumbar puncture is generally recommended to rule out an inflammatory etiology.

The ideal protocol for the assessment of spinal cord ischemia is sagittal spin-echo T2 or T2- STIR, sagittal spin echo T1, axial gradient echo T2 in the cervical spine and axial spin-echo T2 of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) should be performed in both the axial and sagittal planes in order to give the radiologist two shots at identifying the infarct. DWI is rife with technical challenges; however, due to motion artifact from physiological spinal cord movement, susceptibility artifacts and low signal-to-noise ratio due to the small pixel size required for appropriate imaging of the spinal cord. Contrast is not necessary but is helpful in excluding inflammatory, infectious, and neoplastic etiologies. The sensitivity of DWI in detecting acute spinal cord infarcts varies across studies, but more recent studies have suggested it is on the order of 90%. There is typically no role for spinal vascular imaging in the setting of spinal cord infarction. However, CTA of the neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis can be helpful in identifying potential culprits such as atheroma, dissection or aneurysm (Fig. 11.3).

In the acute phase, spinal cord infarction presents with restricted diffusion and T2 hyperintensity (Fig. 11.1). Enhancement can occur in the subacute phase (Fig. 11.4). Infarction in the anterior spinal artery territory includes the anterior horns with or without adjacent white matter changes. Isolated gray matter changes are due to the fact that the gray matter is more vulnerable to ischemia. This gives a characteristic “owl eyes” appearance. Posterior spinal cord infarcts affect the posterior columns and/or surrounding white matter and can be unilateral or bilateral. Myelomalacia can be seen in the infarct territory in the chronic phase. Vertebral body infarct has been reported in the setting of spinal cord infarct as well and presents with high T2 signal and enhancement of the body and adjacent disc (Fig. 11.5). Hemorrhagic transformation is rare.

Fig. 11.3 Spinal cord infarct secondary to aortic dissection. (a) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI demonstrates high cord signal in the anterior portion of the cord extending 4 levels (arrow). (b) Axial T2-weighted MRI demonstrates high T2 signal affecting the nearly the entirety of the cross-section of the spinal cord. (c) Larger field of view axial T2-weighted MRI demonstrates a large intramural hematoma of the descending thoracic aorta consistent with dissection (arrow). This was the cause of the patient’s infarct.
Fig. 11.4 Time onset of enhancement in cord infarct. Sagittal post-contrast T1-weighted MRIs at days 1 (a), 9 (b), and 19 (c) post-symptom onset. Note the absence of enhancement at day 1 (arrow) (a), marked enhancement at day 9 (arrow) (b), and faint enhancement at 19 (arrow) (c).
Fig. 11.5 Conus infarct with vertebral body infarct. (a) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI demonstrates high signal in the conus medullaris (arrow). (b) Sagittal T2 STIR MRI demonstrates high marrow signal of the posterior aspect of the L1 vertebral body. The presence of the high conus signal along with the high vertebral body is diagnostic of a segmental artery infarction result in both cord and vertebral body infarcts (arrow).

Distinguishing spinal cord infarction from other causes of myelopathy is essential. The most common mimicker is demyelinating disease. In demyelinating disease the lesions typically are smaller than cord infarct and involve the lateral and posterior aspects of the cord. Venous ischemia from congestive myelopathy (i.e., dural fistula) will result in cord expansion and diffuse T2 cord signal usually involving the conus and extending superiorly.

What the Clinician Needs to Know

  • Any imaging findings that can help point to an etiology for the cord infarct (i.e., dissection, aortic aneurysm, atheroma, etc.).

  • Distinguishing characteristics of spinal cord infarct from potentially reversible causes of myelopathy.

  • The presence of any mechanical injury which could have caused the infarct (i.e., cervical canal stenosis, compression of radicular artery by disc material, etc.).

11.1.6 High-yield Facts

  • DWI is essential to the diagnosis of spinal cord infarction.

  • The distribution of spinal cord infarct is highly dependent on the type of artery affected. Owl eye appearance is seen in anterior spinal artery infarct.

  • Spinal cord infarcts can enhance in subacute phase.

Further Reading
[1] Nogueira RG, Ferreira R, Grant PE, et al. Restricted diffusion in spinal cord infarction demonstrated by magnetic resonance line scan diffusion imaging. Stroke. 2012; 43(2):532–535 [2] Vargas MI, Gariani J, Sztajzel R, et al. Spinal cord ischemia: practical imaging tips, pearls, and pitfalls. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015; 36(5):825–830

11.2 Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (MRI Findings)

11.2.1 Clinical Case

A 68-year-old right-handed white female who presents right lower extremity weakness with difficulty of getting off low chairs and difficulty going up stairs. Provided MRI interpreted as negative for cord or nerve root compression.

11.2.2 Description of Imaging Findings and Diagnosis

T2 hyperintensity of the conus with associated flow voids running up the dorsal aspect of the cord. Findings most consistent with spinal dural fistula or other spinal vascular malformation (Fig. 11.6).

Fig. 11.6 SDAVF missed on initial MRI. (a) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar spine performed for evaluation of lower extremity weakness demonstrates no disc disease or cord compression. No note was made of the high signal of the conus medullaris nor the prominent flow voids running up along the conus and down the cauda equina. Repeat interpretation of the MRI at a tertiary referral center prompted a spinal angiogram (b) which demonstrated the fistula and a dilated coronal venous plexus (white arrow) supplied by the left T12 intercostal artery. The presence of both posterior and anterior spinal arteries at this level precluded embolization (black arrow).

11.2.3 Background

Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas (SDAVF) are spinal vascular lesions that classically present with vague symptoms such as leg dysesthesias and exertional leg weakness, but slowly progress to severe myelopathy with paraplegia and sphincter dysfunction. The slow and insidious onset of symptoms is generally considered to be the reason why so many of these lesions are diagnosed late or misdiagnosed. SDAVFs have been reported to be misdiagnosed and even treated as peripheral neuropathy, radiculopathies, multiple sclerosis, intramedullary tumors, neuromyelitis optica, and transverse myelitis. Furthermore, because of the demographic characteristics of patients affected by these lesions (typically, older men), they are often misdiagnosed as central spinal canal stenosis secondary to degenerative changes. The consequences of misdiagnosis are severe as each month in delay of diagnosis results in added morbidity which is often irreversible. With or without initial misdiagnosis, diagnostic delays are common and can be quite long. In fact, the estimated time from clinical symptom onset to diagnosis ranges from 11 to 27 months depending on the series.

It has been proposed that SDAVFs result from loss of normal physiologic control of the glomeruli of Manelfe, a structure located between two layers of dura mater that is composed of two or more arterioles converging with a vascular ball (glomerulus) and being drained by a single intradural vein. However, the means by which the glomeruli of Manelfe lose their ability to be physiologically controlled is still unknown. Following formation of the fistula between the radiculomeningeal artery and radicular vein, venous congestion along the longitudinal venous network draining the spinal cord can occur. Congestion is generally most marked in the conus due to its dependent location resulting in the classic sensorimotor deficits and bowel and bladder symptoms. Progression of the lesion results in increased venous congestion and, in turn, chronic hypoxia and progressive myelopathy with the worsening of symptoms. The onset of symptoms is often insidious and can take place years after the fistula develops. In general, when left untreated, symptomatic SDAVFs progress to severe irreversible myelopathy with paraparesis and sphincter dysfunction. While the natural history of asymptomatic, incidentally discovered SDAVFs is unknown, it is believed that they will progress to become symptomatic with progressive loss of radicular venous outlets and thus formation of venous congestion.

11.2.4 Imaging Findings

MRI is essential to diagnosis of SDAVFs. These lesions have a characteristic appearance which includes T2 signal intensity of the conus extending superiorly across multiple segments (95% of cases), serpiginous enlarged intradural vessels seen as flow voids on T2-weighted imaging that are more pronounced along the dorsal compared to the ventral aspect of the cord (96% of cases) and sometimes, gadolinium enhancement of the cord itself (80% of cases). Of note, cord enhancement is often patchy (Fig. 11.7). High conus signal is unrelated to the level of the fistula due to the fact that the pathophysiology of the lesion is due to venous congestion, which affects the inferior aspect of the cord first.

Despite the characteristic imaging findings, up to 50% of these lesions are missed on initial imaging evaluation (Fig. 11.7). Because most of these patients will only receive imaging of the lumbar spine without contrast during the initial evaluation of their symptoms, oftentimes the only sign of a SDAVF will be a slightly increased signal in the conus with flow voids. These “edge of the film” findings are commonly missed, highlighting the importance for the radiologist to specifically examine the conus in every lumbar spine MRI. In cases of patients with unexplained myelopathy, a spinal MRA should be considered as a SDAVF is present in up to 30% of these patients. Spinal contrast-enhanced, time resolved MRA has a high sensitivity for the detection of SDAVFs. In cases where there is a high clinical suspicion, conventional spinal angiography should be performed as it is both safe, and the gold standard for detection of SDAVFs. In cases where an artery cannot be accessed or assessed on the first attempt, there should be a low threshold for repeat angiography at a later date in order to ensure that all vessels are fully evaluated.

Of note, there are some imaging findings which can help in the localization of the fistula. One finding which has been recently described is the presence of a curvilinear vein extending from the sacrum to the conus. This is considered to be an enlarged vein of the filum terminale and is an indicator of a low-lying fistula (i.e., L3 and lower). This can help in guiding where to center a spinal MRA as well as guide the angiographer in knowing where to start the spinal angiogram (Fig. 11.8).

There are many tips and tricks to interpretation of spinal MRAs in localizing a fistula. One key thing to keep in mind is that this needs practice. One piece of advice is as follows: familiarize yourself with dural fistulas and how they look on conventional angiography. Trace out the feeding artery as it arises from the aorta and segmental artery and identify the draining radicular vein and dilated coronal venous plexus. When interpreting spinal MRAs, it helps to look at the images in axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. The coronal plane will be the most likely to demonstrate a similar finding to what is seen on angiography (Fig. 11.9). In general, what one is looking for is a prominent artery/vein coursing under the pedicle and along the expected course of the nerve root. It is important to distinguish between feeding arteries/arteriovenous fistula sites and prominent veins which may be draining the fistula. In order to do this, it helps to follow the course of the prominent foraminal vessel and determine if it connects with the aorta (in which case, this is likely the site of the fistula) or the vena cava (in which case it is a prominent draining vein).

Fig. 11.7 Missed dural fistula on MRI, treated surgically. (a) Initial sagittal T2-weighted MRI performed for the evaluation of lower extremity weakness demonstrates high cord signal of the conus, an edge of the film finding. This was interpreted as negative, aside from a few degenerative disc findings. The patient’s myelopathy progressed, prompting a thoracic spine MRI. (b) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI of the thoracic spine demonstrated high conus signal (again) and prominent flow voids running up the cord for ten levels. (c) Sagittal T1 post-contrast MRI demonstrates marked enhancement of the conus and enhancement of the previously mentioned flow voids. These findings are consistent with engorgement of the coronal venous plexus from venous congestive myelopathy. (d) Spinal angiogram at the T8 level demonstrates the dural fistula with the marked dilatation and tortuosity of the intradural veins. (e) The patient was brought to surgery. Following laminectomy and durotomy at the T8 level, a prominent dilated vein, which was draining the fistula was identified (arrow) and (f) ligated.
Fig. 11.8 Dilated vein of the Filum terminale indicating lower level fistula. (a) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI demonstrated markedly elevated conus and lower cord signal with multiple flow voids. There was also a prominent flow void extending below the conus, which was relatively straight compared to the flow voids coursing along the cord (arrow). (b) Sagittal T1 post-contrast MRI demonstrates patchy cord enhancement and enhancement of the flow voids coursing along the cord. The already mentioned straight flow void below the conus was enhancing suggesting this to be a vascular structure (arrow). Indeed, this was a dilated vein of the filum terminale. This prompted a spinal angiogram focused on the sacral or lower lumbar level. (c) The first vessel catheterized was the right internal iliac artery. Indeed, there was a fistula at this level with lateral sacral artery directly fistulizing with the vein of the filum terminale (arrow). This was treated endovascularly.
Fig. 11.9 Spinal MRA of spinal dural fistula. (a) Coronal reconstruction of a gadolinium bolus spinal MRA of a patient with a fistula supplied by the right T8 intercostal artery. The prominent artery coursing under the pedicle is the arterial feeder (arrow). The draining radicular vein is clearly seen as is its connection with the coronal venous plexus. (b) Conventional spinal angiogram demonstrates the exact same findings with the prominent radicular artery (arrow) and draining vein.

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