FIGURE 158-1

FIGURE 158-2

FIGURE 158-3

FIGURE 158-4

FIGURE 158-5

FIGURE 158-6

FIGURE 158-7

FINDINGS Figures 158-1 and 158-2. Right parasagittal and axial FLAIR MRI through the corona radiata, respectively. Baseline multifocal white matter (WM) hyperintensities of MS. Figures 158-3 and 158-4. Axial and right parasagittal FLAIR, respectively, through the corona radiata at the time of presentation with headache and memory loss. These show a large confluent right frontal mainly subcortical T2 hyperintense lesion without mass effect (arrows). Lesion was hypointense on T1WI and did not contrast enhance. Figure 158-5

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Sep 3, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 158

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