FIGURE 159-1

FIGURE 159-2

FIGURE 159-3

FIGURE 159-4

FINDINGS Figure 159-1. Coronal T2WI through posterior frontal bone. There is a left frontal scalp mass, mildly hyperintense to brain, with dark foci suggesting flow voids (arrow). Figure 159-2. Axial T1WI through the lesion. The mass is isointense to brain (arrow). Figure 159-3. Axial CTA source image. There is diffuse enhancement of the mass. The underlying bone appears intact. Figure 159-4. Volume rendered CTA. The lesion vascular supply is from branches of the external carotid artery (ECA) (arrows).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Congenital hemangioma (CH), infantile hemangioma (IH), vascular malformation, hemangioendothelioma.



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Sep 3, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 159

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