CASE 176


History: A 22-year-old man presents with diarrhea.

1. What should be included in the differential diagnosis of the imaging finding shown in the figure? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Lymphoma

B. Mastocytosis

C. Villous adenoma

D. Lymphoid hyperplasia

E. Familial adenomatous polyposis

2. What disease is considered to be most commonly associated with nodular lymphoid hyperplasia?

A. Hypogammaglobulinemia

B. Viral infection

C. Tuberculosis

D. Giardiasis

3. With what complication is lymphoid hyperplasia associated in the pediatric age group?

A. Mesenteric adenitis

B. Immunodeficiency

C. Intussusception

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Dec 26, 2015 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 176

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