2: Index of radiographic examinations

Section 2 Index of radiographic examinations


(see also Biliary tract; Diaphragm; Foreign bodies; Intravenous urography)

Barium enema (double contrast)

Single contrast procedures, although useful in some cases, do not provide a good demonstration of the mucosal pattern. A double contrast barium enema examination generally employs the use of both fluoroscopic and conventional radiographic techniques.

Barium meal and follow through

A double contrast approach is preferred as this increases visualisation of the mucosal pattern. A barium sulphate suspension and a gas-producing agent provide the double contrast effect.

Biliary tract

Although ultrasound is now the modality of choice, the following radiographic examinations are still performed. Contrast media can be introduced into the biliary tract orally, intravenously or by direct injection into the ducts. Each examination is named according to the route of entry and the portion of the biliary tract examined.

Mar 7, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on 2: Index of radiographic examinations

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