Clinical Presentation
A 55-year-old man with intermittent chest pain. Gated images were normal, and the left ventricular ejection fraction was 58%.
(A) Rest and stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy demonstrates a large, moderately severe defect of the inferior left ventricular wall that appears identical on both resting and post-stress images (arrows). (B) Rest and stress polar maps and surface renderings display the same nonreversible abnormality (arrows). A mild anterior wall decrease at rest is not present at stress, consistent with mild chest wall attenuation (circle).
Differential Diagnosis
• Diaphragm attenuation artifact: Fixed inferior wall defects with normal wall motion are most commonly due to this artifact.
• Inferior myocardial infarction: This would look identical on these images (a nonreversible defect). However, an infarct this large should have an associated wall motion abnormality.
• Hibernating inferior myocardium: