Case 67
Clinical Presentation
Three different men in their mid-30s present with dysphagia and chest pain. What is the clinical significance of each diagnosis?
(A) Double-contrast esophagogram shows a lattice of horizontal lines throughout the esophageal mucosa, indicating feline esophagus. (B) Double-contrast esophagogram shows a focus of transverse lines (arrowhead) a few centimeters above the gastroesophageal junction, indicating a peptic stricture from reflux esophagitis and a small hiatal hernia (arrow). (C) Single-contrast esophagogram shows a narrow horizontal ring (arrows) at the distal esophagus just above a small hiatal hernia, indicating a B ring.
Differential Diagnosis
• Benign transverse esophageal folds: No differential diagnosis is necessary because a single diagnosis can be assigned to each case based on classic imaging findings.