Clinical Presentation
A 33-year-old woman with a history of malignancy presents for restaging.
Further Work-up
(A) Anterior and posterior whole-body views from a whole-body scan demonstrate abnormal uptake in the right anterior pelvis and left mid abdomen (arrows). Physiologic lacrimal, hepatic, splenic, osseous, and bowel activity is seen. (B,C) Contrast-enhanced CT axial images demonstrate soft-tissue masses encasing the left renal artery and in the right inguinal region (circles).
Differential Diagnosis
• Gallium scan showing lymphoma: The presence of physiologic liver, spleen, colon, bone, and lacrimal gland uptake makes Ga67 the most likely scan; lymphoma is a common gallium-avid tumor, with masses demonstrated on the accompanying CT.
• Gallium scan showing sarcoid: