FIGURE 7-59 Soft tissue infection progressing to osteomyelitis. Axial (A), sagittal (B), and coronal water-sensitive MR sequences demonstrate the soft tissue wound (arrows) leading to osteomyelitis in the calcaneus (arrowheads).

Deep soft tissue and bone and joint involvement must be treated more aggressively. Deep infections may be caused by the organisms noted earlier. However, multiple organisms, including anaerobic organisms, are more often cultured in deep infection (60% of cases) [47,98]. Surgical intervention is often extensive in these patients. Unfortunately, culture material from sinus tracts and superficial ulcers is often inaccurate. Accuracy rates may be as low as 49% [97,98]. Therefore, examination of deep tissue specimens or bone biopsy is usually necessary to isolate the organism or organisms [14,57]. Before surgical planning, it is also important to be certain the blood supply is adequate. This may be accomplished with noninvasive techniques, MR angiography, or conventional angiographic techniques [34,52]. Tissue debridement, amputation of specific digits or forefoot segments, or more proximal amputation can be planned appropriately with accurate vascular mapping.


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Bone and Soft Tissue Ischemia


Thomas H. Berquist and Anthony B. Adelson



Ischemic necrosis is a common problem in the foot, particularly in diabetic patients and patients with other vascular diseases. Necrosis of bone and that of soft tissues are considered separately because their underlying causes, imaging evaluation, and management differ considerably.


The terms applied to ischemic bone disease can be confusing. Osteonecrosis is used to describe death of bone and marrow cell components [186]. Although originally (in the 19th century) the cause was considered to be infectious, no organisms could be cultured. The lack of evidence for infection coupled with the loss of blood supply as identified histologically led to the terms ischemic necrosis and aseptic necrosis to describe this condition [22,97,186,197]. Today, two distinct terms are applied to osteonecrosis based on the area of bone involved. Avascular necrosis is the term applied to ischemic necrosis involving the epiphyseal region. Osteonecrosis in the diaphysometaphyseal portion of bone is termed a bone infarct [186].

Osteochondrosis is a loosely used term that generally applies to ischemic disease in the apophysis of the immature skeleton. Osteochondritis and apophysitis or epiphysitis are also frequently used interchangeably to describe clinical symptoms involving these sites in children [186,187]. Certain of these conditions are most likely ischemic, whereas others simply represent normal variations in ossification [29,172,186].

For purposes of this section, the pathogenesis of osteonecrosis and its associated radiographic features are reviewed. Other common conditions in the foot and ankle considered in the “osteochondroses” category are also discussed.

Etiology of Ischemic Necrosis in Bone

The etiology of osteonecrosis is not always clear (Table 8-1). However, several mechanisms are implicated in reduced blood flow. Vascular supply to a region may be reduced by traumatic disruption of the blood supply, vascular occlusion (thrombosis or sludging), vascular compression, or prolonged vasospasm [26,103,133,186]. The type of vessels involved and the anatomic site (epiphysis, metaphysis, or diaphysis) are important. Arterial collateral vessels serve a protective function, whereas sinusoids are more susceptible to occlusion, especially in patients with sickle cell disease or other hemoglobinopathies. The epiphyses have fewer collateral vessels, especially before growth plate closure. The surface area of articular cartilage is a significant factor in the tarsal bones because this reduces the available penetration area for vessels. The talus, for example, has an extensive articular surface reducing entrance points for blood supply resulting in increased susceptibility to osteonecrosis [174,176]. The articular cartilage receives much of its nutrients from synovial fluid, a feature that excludes this area from the ischemic process [34,90,186].


Certain clinical conditions and mechanisms are well accepted as causes of osteonecrosis (see Table 8-1). Traumatic transsection of vessels and intraluminal thrombosis are well documented. In certain situations, the pathogenesis is more controversial. Dysbaric osteonecrosis has increased because of space exploration, expansion of offshore oil exploration, and deep-sea exploration. Osteonecrosis occurs because of rapid changes in pressure resulting in release of gases, primarily nitrogen (nitrogen narcosis) into the blood and soft tissues. Microgas emboli result in ischemic changes in the affected area, including bone. Nitrogen appears to have a propensity for accumulation in fat and marrow. Thus, vascular insult may be direct (gas emboli) or indirect (accumulation in fat cells). Disruption of fat cells with associated fat emboli has also been implicated [37,61,66]. The incidence of dysbaric osteonecrosis is higher in obese patients, in patients with repeated exposures to pressure changes, and in patients with rapid, high-pressure exposures. The incidence of dysbaric osteonecrosis in deep-sea divers maybe approaches 10% to 20% [41]. The most common sites of necrosis are the humerus and femur. Foot and ankle involvement is rare [37,41,61,66,176].

Marrow cell packing and other extravascular diseases (see Table 8-1) increase pressure in the marrow compartment causing extrinsic vascular compromise. These conditions affect the femoral head much more frequently than the bones of the foot and ankle [47,50,67,186,229].

Cushing disease and iatrogenic steroid administration are commonly associated with avascular necrosis. The exact cause is unclear. However, fat cell hypertrophy and fatty liver with fat embolization (see Table 8-1) have been implicated [67,186,229]. Steroid-induced osteonecrosis is most common in the hips, shoulders, and knees. The foot and ankle are involved less frequently.

Certain diseases affect the vessel walls, leading to ischemic changes. These conditions include lupus erythematosus, arteriosclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis [50,176,187]. Resnick et al. [187] reported widespread osteonecrosis of the foot in systemic lupus erythematosus. Soft tissue ischemia is more common in the foot and ankle in patients with arteriosclerosis and other vascular diseases. Other potential causes and mechanisms of osteonecrosis are summarized in Table 8-1.

Histologic and Imaging Features of Bone Necrosis

A predictable histologic response occurs regardless of the underlying cause of bone necrosis. The stages are progressive, but overlap is considerable, so a clear definition between each phase may not be distinguishable. Most data, including that presented later, are based on histologic studies of the hip (Table 8-2); however, similar changes occur in other areas of the skeleton. Image features vary with location, stage of necrosis, and the imaging modality applied [22,26,53,100].


Stage I

Cell death occurs in stages, beginning with alterations in cellular enzyme systems [26,103,186]. If ischemic changes persist, the enzymatic abnormalities lead to cessation of metabolic processes resulting in cell necrosis. These effects occur at different times depending on the cell type. Hematopoietic cells undergo necrotic change 6 to 12 hours after blood supply is interrupted. Necrosis takes 12 to 48 hours to develop in osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts and 2 to 5 days in fat cells [103,186,229].

Histologic changes of cell necrosis are not evident for 48 to 72 hours using conventional light microscopy. Therefore, it is not surprising that radiographs are entirely normal during the earliest phases of osteonecrosis (see Table 8-2) [22,67,100]. Radionuclide scans may be positive early. Both increased uptake of radiotracer and photopenic regions (“cold spots”) have been described with avascular necrosis [22,53,81,82]. Magnetic resonance imaging has become the technique of choice for detection of early bone necrosis and to differentiate avascular necrosis from other causes of bone or joint pain [24,103,186]. Theoretically, MR imaging can detect abnormalities as early as 2 to 5 days after insult resulting from fat necrosis and edema [16]. Imaging changes are primarily due to inflammatory or hyperemic changes that lead to decreased signal on T1-weighted images and increased signal on T2-weighted or STIR images (Fig. 8-1) [22,191].

Feb 7, 2017 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 8

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