
History: A 46-year-old man is undergoing investigations for an abnormal heartbeat.

1. Which of the following should be included in the differential diagnosis of the imaging finding shown in the figure? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Amiodarone

B. Wilson’s disease

C. Hemosiderosis

D. Hemochromatosis

E. Therapeutic gold

2. Which of the following statements regarding primary hemochromatosis is true?

A. Disease more commonly affects male patients.

B. Inheritance is X-linked recessive.

C. Iron deposition is visible on imaging in the liver and spleen.

D. Severity of diabetes is related to the severity of pancreatic iron deposition and therefore signal loss.

3. What is the gold standard for the measurement of the iron deposition in the liver?

A. Serum ferritin

B. Biopsy

C. CT density

D. MR signal

4. What is the most serious complication of hemochromatosis?

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Dec 26, 2015 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 96

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