1 Anatomy and Imaging of the Shoulder Joint
Macroscopic Functional Anatomy
The head and the glenoid fossa articulate in the shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint). Functionally, it is a ball-and-socket joint that enables movement in three degrees of freedom. The shoulder is the most mobile of the major joints. Its high mobility, together with its limited osseous embracement accounts for its high rate of injury.
Osseous Structures
Articular surface of the humeral head covered hemispherically with hyaline cartilage
Rotation of the humeral head around a central point in the depth of the head
Important markers of the proximal humerus: major and minor tuberosities as well as bicipital groove
Anatomical neck: Transition of the proximal humerus to the humeral head
Surgical neck: Frequent fracture site
Gliding and rotation of the scapula on the thoracic surface with arm movement
The glenoid fossa is perpendicular to the body of the scapula
The osseous glenoid fossa is markedly smaller than the humeral head (ratio about 1:4)
According to Bigliani (1982), three different acromial types can be observed in the coronal plane:
– Type I: Flat acromion
– Type II: Curved acromion
– Type III: Hooked acromion with inferior nose
Flat, sinuous, bridging the upper ribs
Medial articulation with the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint (SC joint)
Lateral connection with scapula with the acromioclavicular joint (AC joint)
Soft Tissues
Glenoid Labrum
Since the incongruent osseous articular surfaces alone cannot provide structural and functional integrity of the shoulder joint, it is largely stabilized by the glenoid labrum.
Circular enlargement of the articular surface
Fibrous cuff of fibrocartilage reinforcing the joint capsule
Vascular supply through capsular vessels
“Transitional zone” (hyaline cartilage) between labrum and osseous glenoid fossa
Four labrum segments: anterosuperior and posterosuperior, as well as anteroinferior and posteroinferior quadrants
Surgical localization of the labral lesions following the dial of the clock: right anterior positions 12 to 6 o’clock (left posterior positions 12 to 6 o’clock!)
Numerous normal variants of the labrum (see Chapter 2, Traumatology)
Fig. 1.1 Types of capsular insertion according to Moseley and Övergaard (1962).
Diagram of the different insertions of the anterior capsule as seen on the axial plane (arrowheads).
Bi | Biceps tendon |
Hu | Humerus |
Gle | Glenoid process |
Capsuloligamentous System
The capsuloligamentous system contributes relatively little to the static stability of the shoulder. The joint is further supported by an intra-articular negative pressure.
Capsular insertion with fibrous and synovial component in the region of the osseous glenoid fossa
Three glenohumeral ligaments (superior, medium, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments) to enforce the anterior capsule
Wide variability of course, insertion, and caliber of the three ligaments
The inferior ligament is most important for shoulder stability
Variable anterior capsular insertion at the glenoid fossa; according to Moseley and Övergaard (1962), three capsular insertions can be distinguished in the axial plane (Fig. 1.1):
– Type I: Insertion at the tip or basis of the anterior labrum
– Type II: Insertion of the capsule not more than 1 cm medial to the labrum
– Type III: Insertion of the capsule more than 1 cm medial to the labrum
Type III should predispose to or be the result of anterior dislocation
Musculature of the Rotator Cuff
Since osseous and ligamentous support is inadequate, stability is achieved by soft tissues. Dynamic stability is primarily provided by the muscles of the rotator cuff together with the deltoid muscle.
Four muscles: Anteriorly the subscapular muscle (origin at the minor tuberosity), posteriorly the supraspinatus muscle (origin at the major tuberosity), the infraspinatus muscle and the teres minor (origin at the major tuberosity)
Fibrous “tendon cap” of the rotator cuff around the humeral head
“Critical zone” within the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle (1–1.5 cm proximal to its origin) presumably predisposes to degeneration with subsequent rupture
Additional stabilization of the joint provided by muscular compression through pull of the rotator cuff
Bursae of the Shoulder Joint
Several bursae (fluid-containing sacs lined with synovial membrane) serve as gliding layers to facilitate free motion of the shoulder joint and partially communicate with the joint cavity.
The subacromial bursa and subdeltoid bursa often communicate with each other, but usually not with the joint capsule (important for rotator-cuff tears!)
The subtendinous bursa of the sub-scapular muscle and the subcoracoid bursa communicate with the joint anteriorly
Normal bursae are not visualized by conventional radiology, only by ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Conventional Radiology
Standard Projections
Like all other joints, the shoulder is first examined by obtaining a baseline study consisting of two views perpendicular to each other. Many special projections are available for different clinical questions (Table 1.1), but their diagnostic contribution has diminished following the introduction of CT and MRI.
Table 1.1 Recommended radiographic projections of the shoulder joint (please refer to text for technical factors)
Clinical question | Projections |
Baseline |
Degeneration |
Special impingement |
General trauma |
Impaired mobility |
Dislocation |
Special Bankart lesion |
Special Hill-Sachs defect |
AC joint |
Anteroposterior View/Tangential View of the Glenoid Fossa
Caution: The joint space is superimposed on the straight anteroposterior (AP) view!
Initial workup for suspected
Fractures (location and extent, determination of fracture type, orientation of fracture lines, articular involvement, position of fracture fragments)
Inflammatory conditions
Degenerative changes
Shoulder in contact with the cassett
Patient sitting with the arm in neutral position (palms up)
Caudal angulation of the central ray by about 20°
Centered to the coracoid process
Patient lying with elevation of the contralateral shoulder
Caudal angulation of the central ray
Centered to the coracoid process
Glenoid Tangential View
Orthograde projection of the joint space free of superimposition
The patient is rotated 30–45° to the right (→ scapula parallel to the cassette!)
As on the AP view, centered to the coracoid process
Radiographic Anatomy (Fig. 1.2)
Visualization of the glenohumeral articulation: narrow ovoid or linear (orthogonal) fossa
Apex of the coracoid process in projection of the humeral head
Fig. 1.2 AP view
As initial view of the glenohumeral articulation with the humerus superimposed on the glenoid fossa. The joint space is not exactly seen tangentially.
Fig. 1.3 Axial view.
Location of the humeral head in relation to the glenoid process with the upper arm in 90° abduction, as second plane of the diagnostic workup.
Craniocaudal Projection
Patient sitting
Position the arm with the flexed elbow lateral on the examination table
Cassette placed in the axilla, better “saddle (curved) cassette”
Perpendicular craniocaudal central ray centered to the joint
Axial View
Caution: Axial view is contraindicated if an acute fracture or dislocation is suspected!
Second plane of the initial view
Caudocranial Projection
Patient supine, head and shoulder slightly elevated
About 90° abduction of the arm, external rotation of the upper arm with flexion of the elbow
Place the cassette against the top of the shoulder
Perpendicular craniocaudal central ray parallel to the thoracic wall centered to the axilla
Radiographic Anatomy (Fig. 1.3)
Position of the humeral head relative to the glenoid fossa
Superimposition of the AC joint on the humeral head
Special Projections for Impingement
Since the subacromial space and bicipital (intertubercular) groove are inadequately visualized on both standard views, the following views are used.
AP View in Three Different Rotations (Impingement Series I–III)
Localization of pathological processes, such as interarticular loose bodies or calcifications of the rotator cuff
Visualization of fractures
Patient positioning and projection same as in AP standard projection. In addition:
Internal rotation with elbow in flexion and abduction, hand in supination (I)
External rotation of the slightly abducted arm with the hand in supination (II)
External rotation and elevation with 90° abduction of the arm, rectangular flexion of the elbow (III)
Radiographic Anatomy
Visualization of the humeral head and joint space free of superimposition
Subacromial space and minor tuberosity (I and II)
Acromion superimposed on the humeral head, visualization of the AC joint (III)
90° Abduction View
Visualization of glenohumeral mobility
Visualization of the AC joint free of superimposition
Patient standing parallel to the cassette
90° abduction of the arm, flexion of the elbow
AP projection
Centered to coracoid process
Radiographic Anatomy (Fig. 1.4)
Superimposed humeral head and acromion
Direct visualization of the AC joint space
Fig. 1.4 View in 90° abduction (diagram)
Visualization of the humeral head (Hu) superimposed on the acromion (Ak), unobstructed projection of the AC joint space (arrowhead).
Cl | Clavicle |
Gle | Glenoid process |
Pc | Coracoid process |
View of the Intertubercular (Bicipital) Groove
Caution: Requires exact tangential projection of the groove; possibly fluoroscopic guidance.
Visualization of the intertubercular (bicipital) groove free of superimposition
Craniocaudal Projection
Patient bending over the examination table
Flexion and supination of the arm resting on the table (→ humerus and forearm form an angle between 75° and 80°)
Cassette placed horizontally on the forearm
Palpation of the sulcus and its course marked on the skin
Craniocaudal central ray perpendicular to the skin marks
Caudocranial Projection
Patient supine
Cassette placed against the top of the shoulder
Arm slightly abducted and externally rotated
Craniocaudal projection through anterior margin of the humerus
Central ray parallel to the longitudinal axis of the upper arm (→ following the course of the groove)
Radiographic Anatomy
Intertubercular (bicipital) groove seen as indentation between both tuberosities
Supraspinatus Outlet View
Suspected subacromial pathology:
Visualization of the coracoacromial pathology (supraspinatus outlet)
Visualization of possible subacromial osteophytes
Identification of the acromion types according to Bigliani (see Osseous Structures/Scapula)
Patient in the oblique position, standing or sitting
Cassette perpendicular to the body of the scapula and parallel to the glenoid fossa
Mediolateral projection along the axis of the scapular spine
Central ray craniocaudally angled by 10–15° and centered to the AC joint
Radiographic Anatomy
Body of the scapula free of superimposed ribs
Humeral head in projection of the Y of the scapula (short limb of the Y: acromion and coracoid process; long limb of the Y: scapular body)
Acromion as “roof” of the subacromial space
Rockwood View
Suspected subacromial pathology:
Visualization of inferior acromial osteophytes
Calcifications of the coracoacromial ligament
As in the AP view, but 30° caudal angulation of the central ray
Radiographic Anatomy
Visualization of the subacromial space and the anteroinferior acromion
Special Projections for Restricted Mobility
If pain-restricted mobility (dislocation, fracture) contraindicates an axial view, the following alternative views should be considered.
Transthoracic View
Fig. 1.5 Transthoracic view (diagram)
Humerus (Hu) in projection between spine and sternum (St) (the superimposed ribs have been deleted for the sake of clarity). The auxiliary line according to Moloney (1983) is drawn as a blue line.
Gle | Glenoid |
Ak | Acromion |
Pc | Coracoid process |
Caution: Superimposition can interfere with the interpretation.
Second plane for the motion-restricted shoulder
Evaluation of the joint in (subcapital) fractures of the humerus and shoulder dislocations
Patient sitting and standing, with slight posterior rotation of the upper body
Affected shoulder laterally placed on the cassette
Hanging arm in supination
Opposite arm raised and placed over the top of the head (→ to be out of the collimation field of the radiographic projection)
Transthoracic mediolateral projection
Centered directly below the coracoid process
Radiographic Anatomy (Fig. 1.5)
Humerus projected between spine and sternum
Glenoid fossa partially superimposed by the humeral head
Auxiliary line according to Moloney (1983): The scapulohumeral arch formed by the axillary border of the scapula and humeral shaft follows a smooth, uninterrupted course
Y-Projection (Lateral View of the Scapula According to Neer, Larché)
Second plane for motion-restricted shoulder
Position of the dislocation
Patient lateral against the cassette, sitting or standing
About 30–45° posterior rotation of the affected shoulder
Mediolateral projection passes behind the thorax parallel to the scapular spine
Centered to the middle of the scapula
Radiographic Anatomy(Fig. 1.6)
Acromion as “roof” of the subacromial space
Humeral head in projection on the Y of the scapula
Normal position of the humeral head with exact centering to the glenoid fossa
Fig. 1.6 Y-projection

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