and Horia Ples2
Department of Computed Tomography, SCM Neuromed, Timisoara, Romania
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania
2.5 Carotid Angiography: Calcified Atheromatous Lesions and Kinking of Arteria Carotis Interna Sinistra
2.1 Normal Carotid Angiography
Fig. 2.1
Normal carotid angiography
1. A. carotis communis dextra
2. A. vertebralis dextra
3. A. carotis interna dextra
4. A. carotis externa dextra
5. A. carotis externa sinistra
6. A. carotis interna sinistra
7. A. carotis communis sinistra
Fig. 2.2
Normal carotid angiography 3D VRT colour reconstruction anterior coronal plane
Fig. 2.3
Normal carotid angiography 3D VRT colour reconstruction oblique anterior plane
Fig. 2.4
Normal carotid angiography 3D VRT colour reconstruction left anterior oblique plane
Fig. 2.5
Normal carotid angiography 3D MIP reconstruction with visualisation of a. carotis communis sinistra and a. carotis interna sinistra
Fig. 2.6
Normal carotid angiography 3D MIP reconstruction with visualisation of a. carotis communis dextra and a. carotis interna dextra
2.2 Anomalous Origin of Arteria Carotis Communis
Fig. 2.7
Anomalous origin of common carotid arteries
1. Aorta ascendens
2. A. carotis communis sinistra
3. Vena cava superior
4. A. carotis communis dextra
5. V. subclavia dextra
6. A. subclavia dextra
7. A. vertebralis dextra
8. A. vertebralis sinistra
9. Truncus brachiocephalicus
10. A. subclavia sinistra
Fig. 2.8
Colour reconstruction 3D VRT
Fig. 2.9
Colour reconstruction 3D VRT
Fig. 2.10
Colour reconstruction 3D VRT, enlarged image, anterior plane
Fig. 2.11
Axial image, 3D MIP
1. Arcus aortae
2. Vena cava superior
3. A. carotis communis sinistra
4. Trachea
5. A. subclavia sinistra with retrotracheal and retro-oesophageal trajectory
Fig. 2.12
3D VRT reconstruction, posterior plane
2.3 Calcified Atheromatous Plaques at the Level of Arteria Carotis
Fig. 2.13
Normal carotid angiography. The arrow indicate calcified plaques
1. Aorta ascendens
2. Truncus brachiocephalicus
3. V. cava superior
4. A. carotis communis dextra
5. A. carotis externa dextra
6. A. carotis externa sinistra
7. A. carotis interna sinistra
8. A. vertebralis sinistra
9. A. subclavia sinistra
10. A. carotis communis sinistra
Fig. 2.14
3D VRT colour reconstruction, posterior plane. The arrow indicate calcified plaques
Fig. 2.15
3D VRT colour reconstruction, posterior plane. The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques
Fig. 2.16
3D VRT reconstruction
The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques placed at the level of the emerging a. carotis interna
Fig. 2.17
3D VRT reconstruction
The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques placed at the level of the emerging a. carotis interna
Fig. 2.18
3D VRT reconstruction
The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques placed at the level of the emerging a. carotis interna
2.4 Carotid Angiography: Nonobstructive Calcified Atheromatous Plaques
Fig. 2.19
Reconstruction 3D VRT colour, frontal plane
1. Aorta ascendens
2. Truncus brachiocephalicus
3. A. carotis communis dextra
4. A. carotis interna dextra
5. A. vertebralis dextra
6. A. vertebralis sinistra
7. A. carotis interna sinistra
8. A. vertebralis sinistra
Fig. 2.20
3D VRT colour reconstruction, after removal of the bone structure
Fig. 2.21
3D VRT colour reconstruction, oblique and sagital planes
The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques
Fig. 2.22
3D VRT colour reconstruction, oblique and sagital planes
The arrows indicate calcified atheromatous plaques
Fig. 2.23
3D MIP reconstruction
Full arrow = a. carotis communis sinistra
Arrow with contour = a. carotis interna sinistra
Tip of the arrow = atheromatous calcified plaque
Fig. 2.24
3D MPR reconstruction
Full arrow = a. carotis communis sinistra
Arrow with contour = a. carotis interna sinistra
Tip of the arrow = atheromatous calcified plaque
Fig. 2.25
3D MIP reconstruction
Full arrow = a. carotis communis dextra
Arrow with contour = a. carotis interna dextra
Tip of the arrow = atheromatous calcified plaque
Fig. 2.26
3D MPR reconstruction
Full arrow = a. carotis communis dextra
Arrow with contour = a. carotis interna dextra