Computed tomography

Chapter 35 Computed tomography


Radiography produces 2D images of 3D objects; it is important to remember that they are shadow projections (Ex Umbris Eruditio). This inevitably means that structures are superimposed, and the structure that is the object of imaging may be obscured from view. To address this problem focal plane tomography was developed shortly after the First World War, blurring out layers above and below the region of interest to provide an image of the required structure, but again it is 2D and prone to equipment and operating problems. The ideal is a technique that allows for 3D rendition of images.

The advent of X-ray computed tomography (CT) has had a great impact on medical imaging, primarily because CT solves this fundamental limitation of radiography by eliminating the superimposition of imaged structures.

CT uses a rotating X-ray source coupled to a bank of detectors to produce diagnostic images of the body. The basic premise of CT is that the attenuation pattern of the X-rays can be measured during rotation and spatially located; the sum of attenuation at each point can then be calculated and displayed. Since its inception at the beginning of the 1970s CT has now become a major technique in the routine diagnosis of disease, and scanners can be found in almost all district general hospitals (DGHs) in the UK.

Disadvantages of CT include

In some quarters there is an attitude that CT can be undertaken by anybody, including non-radiographically qualified staff such as departmental assistants. It can be argued, however, that, along with every other branch of imaging, CT is operator dependent. Image quality is dependent on factors that should be adjusted for each examination, and more importantly, for each patient. In addition, because of the high dose burden all operators of CT equipment should be trained and skilled in optimising CT examinations;1 indeed, specific additional training requirements are mandatory in some countries, such as the USA;2 unfortunately, the need for requirements such as this can be only too evident.3

Equipment chronology

1874 Sir William Crookes constructs the cathode discharge tube. During his experiments over the next few years he discovers fogging of photographic plates stored near discharge tubes.

1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays while investigating gas discharge using a Crookes’ tube.

1935 Grossman coins the term ‘tomography’ to describe his apparatus for looking at detail in the lungs.4

1951 Godfrey Hounsfield starts work at EMI, initially working on early computers.

1956 Ronald Bracewell uses Fourier transforms to reconstruct solar images. At the same time Alan Cormack starts to work on solving ‘line integrals’.

1958 Korenblyum and colleagues in Ukraine work on obtaining thin-section X-ray images using mathematical reconstructions.

1961 William Oldendorf produces an image of the internal structure of a test object using a rotating object. He was unable to make further progress owing to the lack of available equipment to provide the computation that would have been required.

1963 Cormack publishes a paper on mathematical reconstruction methods.

1965 David Kuhl, one of the pioneers of RNI, produces a transmission image using a radioactive source coupled to a detector.5

1967 Bracewell produces a mathematical solution for reconstruction with fewer errors and artefact than found with Fourier.

1971 The first clinical CT scanner is installed at Atkinson Morley Hospital under the supervision of James Ambrose. The first patient is scanned on 1 October. The first scanners were somewhat crude and took several minutes to produce each slice, which were of fairly poor quality. However, at the time even these crude images were revolutionary, enabling a first non-invasive glimpse at the soft tissue contents of the skull.

1972 Ambrose and Hounsfield discuss the clinical use of CT at the British Institute of Radiology annual conference.6 Clinical images are shown at RSNA.

1973 Hounsfield and Ambrose publish papers describing the design and clinical applications of the CT system.7,8 EMI scanner becomes commercially available.

1974 Hounsfield produces abdominal images with a 20-second acquisition time.

1975 EMI CT 1010 second-generation scanner becomes available, soon to be followed by the CT 5005 – the first EMI body scanner.

1979 Hounsfield and Cormack are awarded the Nobel prize for medicine.

1983 The first 2-second scanner introduced by GE (CT 9800).

1985 Electron beam CT developed.

1989 Siemens introduce spiral (helical) CT, using slip ring technology to enable the tube to rotate continuously without the need to go back to unwind its cables.

1992 Elscint Twin scans two slices simultaneously, which is a return to a method used by the original EMI scanners.

1998 Multislice CT initially incorporating four slices is introduced; GE, Picker, Siemens and Toshiba displayed systems at RSNA. Since then 8-, 16-, 32-, 40-, 64- and 128-slice machines have become available. Sub-second scan times enable body areas to be scanned in a single breath-hold. Advancements have in many cases had to await the development of computer systems robust enough to cope with the huge quantities of data generated, a problem initially encountered by Oldendorf.

2005 Siemens launch dual-energy scanners, opening the way to characterisation of chemical make-up of materials via simultaneous imaging at different kV values.

2007 Toshiba launch Aquilion One, 320-slice, ending the numbers game? Enables single rotation imaging of entire organs due to 16 cm coverage.

As mentioned above, CT systems have been classified according to the motion of the X-ray tube and detectors during scanning. There have been several generations of CT scanner, which are described here in brief.

Spiral/helical CT

Helical scanners are also described as volume acquisition or spiral scanners, so for clarity the term helical will be used throughout this chapter.

In the 1990s ‘conventional’ CT began to be replaced by helical scanners. Owing to cost, availability and equipment replacement programmes, it was only in the late 1990s that these became the norm in the UK. Ironically, this occurred just as this technology itself was superseded by the introduction of multislice helical scanning.

Helical scanning differs from conventional CT in the method of data acquisition. Instead of a single 360° rotation that produces a single slice followed by an incremental table movement, in helical scanning a volume of data is acquired.

One of the main advantages of this method of continuous data acquisition is its speed. As a large volume of data can be acquired very rapidly, a series of images that would take several minutes to acquire in conventional ‘slice by slice’ mode can now be obtained in seconds.

This is due to both the use of slip ring technology, enabling continuous rotation of the X-ray tube around the gantry (without the cables, which previously had to be ‘unwound’ by a return rotation prior to the next slice being obtained), and improvements in the design of the tube and its drive motors enabling sub-second acquisition times.

This rapid data acquisition means that large areas of the patient can be imaged within a single breath-hold, eliminating one of the major problems for image reconstruction and interpretation: misregistration. Respiratory misregistration can be completely eliminated, and the short scan times make it less likely that patient movement becomes a factor.

Multislice CT

The latest advance in scanner design is the multidetector volume acquisition scanner, ironically a return to one of the features of the original EMI scanner – multiple detector arrays. The difference is that the first EMI scanner had two rows of one detector, whereas the latest multislice scanners have tens of thousands of detector elements. The majority of scanners are of the third-generation type with rotating tube and detector array.

Large volumes can be rapidly imaged with thin slice widths, enhancing the diagnostic capacity of CT. Large numbers of thin slices can be reconstructed to produce high-quality volume rendered images, with the elimination of ‘stair step’ artefacts and the reduction of partial volume artefacts.


Physical principles of scanning

What happens to a homogeneous X-ray beam as it passes through an object? The X-ray photons interact with the material through which they pass and are attenuated by it. If the intensity of the emerging beam is measured, we know the initial intensity and so the attenuation within the object can be measured.

With the X-ray tube of a CT scanner in one position, a narrow X-ray beam passes through the patient and the attenuation along the line taken by a particular beam through the patient can be calculated from the intensity of the emergent beam measured by a detector. The X-ray intensity transmitted through an object along a particular path contains information about all the material it has passed through, but does not allow the distribution of the material along the path to be discerned.

For the energies used in CT the attenuation of the beam is due to:

Attenuation due to photoelectric absorption is strongly dependent on the atomic number of the material (αZ3).

Attenuation due to Compton scattering does not depend upon atomic number, but on the number of free electrons present. The number of electrons per gram of an absorber is remarkably constant over a wide range of materials; however, because their density varies considerably, the number of electrons per metre does show variation across a range of biological materials. It is this difference between attenuation processes that enables differentiation of chemical composition in dual-energy equipment.

If we consider the simplistic case of a homogeneous beam passing through the medium, the attenuation in the tissues follows the Lambert–Beer law, which states:


In CT we are interested in measuring the linear attenuation coefficient (LAC). Solving the Lambert–Beer equation for LAC, we get:


I is measured by the detectors, Io and x are known, hence µ can be calculated.

As mentioned earlier, the X-ray beam produced is in fact heterogeneous, having a range of energies. Filters are applied to the beam on exiting the tube to reduce the range of energies incident on the detector array.

Traditionally a narrow beam was required for accurate localisation of the attenuating tissues. Readings are taken from multiple angles to give a series of values of linear attenuation of the beam along intersecting lines through the patient. For example, in Figure 35.7 a bony object would have the same attenuating effect on ‘beam 1’ whether at position ‘A’ or ‘B’. However, from ‘beam 2’ it is possible to localise the structure to position ‘B’.

In general, then, the transmitted intensity depends on the sum of the attenuation coefficients for all points along the path of the beam. Thus the log transmission measurement is sometimes referred to as a ‘ray sum’ or ‘line integral’ of the attenuation along the path.

A radiograph can be considered to be composed of many such ray sums, produced unidirectionally, hence superimposing all structures encountered by the beam. Because of the differences in transmitted intensity, interfaces between bone, tissue and air are well demonstrated. The differences between adjacent soft tissues are not sufficient for good differentiation and so they are less well demonstrated.

To demonstrate soft tissues we need to eliminate superimposition by taking ray sums from multiple directions; these ray sum measurements can then be mathematically reconstructed to generate an axial image formed by estimating the distribution of the linear attenuation coefficient within the irradiated volume. The image produced can then be digitally manipulated to maximise contrast, enabling adequate visualisation of subtle changes in tissue density. The ability to produce such images is the main strength of CT as an imaging modality.

The information acquired by the detectors is passed to the computer. Once this data is committed to the computer memory it can be manipulated by the resident software to produce an image which is reconstructed on the screen of the viewing console. Reconstruction takes place via the application of a complex mathematical algorithm to the data obtained, usually a filtered back projection. Consideration of the detail of this mathematical process is beyond the scope of this chapter, but is well described in texts such as Seeram.9

Image reconstruction in its simplest form consists of recalling the digital information fed to the computer from the detectors via the DAS, and converting this information to an analogue voltage signal that controls the electron sweep within the display monitor.

Helical image reconstruction is more complex: because the table is continuously moving only one ray sum lies in the scan plane; the rest of the ‘slice’ information is interpolated from the acquired volume. 360° and 180° interpolations are used. As seen in Figure 35.8, a 360° interpolation requires data from two tube rotations for slice reconstruction. 180° interpolation allows smaller slice widths to be accurately reconstructed.

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Mar 3, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Computed tomography

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