Computer hardware

2 Computer Hardware

Types of Hardware

Computer A device for processing information quickly and easily, and comes in many shapes and sizes
Computer Types Mainframe
A large computer, usually the centre of a system. Intelligent peripherals can then be attached to this.
Personal computer (PC)
A general purpose machine that enables the user to perform a number of tasks including using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, e-mail, internet access
Desktop computers used in a permanent position usually have a:

image Tower that holds the computer
image A monitor
image A separate keyboard
image A mouse
Personal Digital Assistant (e.g. a ‘Blackberry’) A small, handheld, wireless computer which performs all the tasks of a personal computer

Main PartsCentral Processing Unit (CPU)
The microprocessor that controls the working of the computer in the three main areas of:

The memory

image Area used to hold data
The arithmetic logic

image Performs mathematical calculations, including logic functions
Control unit

image Fetches information
image Stores the information
image Interprets the information

Hard disk
Permanent store for:

Documents, etc.

Operating system
Integral software

Allows the operator to communicate with the computer

Power supply
Electricity is supplied via a step-down transformerTypes of MemoryRandom Access Memory (RAM)
Temporarily stores the information the computer is working with

Where a program is loaded when it is being used
The higher the RAM the faster the computer will work

Read Only Memory (ROM)

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Feb 26, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Computer hardware

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