Diffeomorphic Mapping for Cortical Surfaces

, such that $$f\in \mathbf {V}^{(r)}$$ is a function at resolution r, $$r\in [0,R]$$, with the level of detail increasing as r increases.

Let $$T=(\{x_i\},\{\varSigma _{ijk}\})$$ be a triangular surface mesh, where $$\{x_i\},i=1,\dots ,N$$ is a set of vertices and $$\{\varSigma _{ijk}\}$$ a set of simplices, with each simplex $$\varSigma _{ijk}$$ as a three tuple of points $$x_i,x_j,x_k$$. Given a mesh $$T^{(r)}$$ at level r, with coordinates $$X^{(r)} = [x_1,\dots , x_i, \dots ,x_{N^{(r)}}]$$, where $$x_i\in \mathbb {R}^3$$ and $$N^{(r)}$$ is the number of vertices on $$T^{(r)}$$. The new vertices on $$T^{(r+1)}$$, denoted as $$\hat{X}^{(r+1)}$$, can be given as

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{X}^{(r+1)} = X^{(r)}A_{N^{(r)}\times M}, \end{aligned}$$

where A is an $$N^{(r)}\times M$$ matrix for a simple subdivision scheme (where all elements of $$A_j=0$$ except for $$A_{ij}=A_{kj}=0.5$$) and M is the number of the new vertices on $$T^{(r+1)}$$, $$X^{(r+1)} = [X^{(r)},\hat{X}^{(r+1)}]$$. Given an “averaging matrix” $$B_{N^{(r+1)}\times N^{(r+1)}}$$, a general subdivision scheme can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} X^{(r+1)} = X^{(r)}[I_{N^{(r)}\times N^{(r)}} \quad A]B = \tilde{X}^{(r+1)}B = X^{(r)}P^{(r)}, \end{aligned}$$

where $$\tilde{X}^{(r+1)} = X^{(r)}[I_{N^{(r)}\times N^{(r)}} \quad A]$$, $$P^{(r)} = [I_{N^{(r)}\times N^{(r)}} \quad A]B$$.

As explained in [12], surfaces can be parametrized with a function S(y), where y is defined on a base (coarsest) mesh $$T^{(0)}$$, i.e. y is a point on one of the simplices in $$\varSigma _{ijk}^{(0)}$$ and can be tracked through a predefined subdivision process to a limit surface. We begin by first defining $$S^{(0)}(y):=y$$. Let $$S^{(r-1)}(y)$$ be found in a simplex $$\varSigma _{abc}^{(r)}$$ with vertices $$(\tilde{x}_a,\tilde{x}_b,\tilde{x}_c)$$, $$\tilde{x}$$ found in $$\tilde{X}^{(r)}$$. Using the barycentric coordinates $$(\lambda _a,\lambda _b,\lambda _c)$$ such that $$S^{(r-1)}(y) = \lambda _a\tilde{x}_a + \lambda _b\tilde{x}_b + \lambda _c\tilde{x}_c$$, we can induce a bijective map $$S^{(r-1)}(y)\rightarrow S^{(r)}(y)$$ where

$$\begin{aligned} S^{(r)}(y) = \lambda _ax_a + \lambda _bx_b + \lambda _cx_c, \qquad x\in X^{(r)} \end{aligned}$$

and $$(x_{a},x_{b},x_{c})$$ corresponds to $$(\tilde{x}_a,\tilde{x}_b,\tilde{x}_c)$$ of the simplex $$\varSigma _{abc}^{(r)}$$. Then, $$S(y)\!\!:=\lim _{r\rightarrow \infty }S^{(r)}(y)$$. In matrix form,

$$\begin{aligned} S^{(r)}(y) = \varvec{\lambda }^{(r)}(y)(X^{(r)})^T. \end{aligned}$$

It follows that

$$\begin{aligned} S^{(r)}(y)&= \varvec{\lambda }^{(r)}(y) (X^{(r-1)}P^{(r-1)})^T \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&= \varvec{\lambda }^{(r)}(y) (P^{(r-1)})^T\cdots (P^{(0)})^T(X^{(0)})^T. \end{aligned}$$

In other words, surfaces when parameterized into meshes, can be henceforth understood as functions from a small collection of triangles into $$\mathbb {R}^3$$. The subdivision of triangles allows us to move from one resolution to another, providing a family of surfaces for registration. We show three resolutions of the brain cortex in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1.
Increasing levels of $$X^{(r)}$$ from left to right. Subcaptions indicates the corresponding levels, number of vertices, and number of faces – “Level-r (no. of vertices, no. of faces)”.

2.2 Multiresolution Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Surfaces

Now, we state a variational problem for mapping two surfaces under the framework of LDDMM. LDDMM assumes that transformation can be generated from one to another via flows of diffeomorphisms $$\varphi _t$$, which are solutions of ordinary differential equations $$\dot{\varphi }_t = v_t (\varphi _t), t \in [0,1],$$ starting from the identity map $$\varphi _0={{\mathtt {Id}}}$$. They are therefore characterized by time-dependent velocity vector fields $$v_t, t \in [0,1]$$. We define a metric distance between a target surface $$S_{targ}$$ and an atlas surface $$S_{atlas}$$ as the minimal length of curves $$\varphi _t \cdot S_{atlas}, t \in [0,1],$$ in a shape space such that, at time $$t=1$$, $$\varphi _1 \cdot S_{atlas} = S_{targ}$$. Lengths of such curves are computed as the integrated norm $$\Vert v_t \Vert _V$$ of the vector field, where $$v_t \in V$$ and V is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with kernel $$k_V$$ and norm $$\Vert \cdot \Vert _V$$. To ensure solutions are diffeomorphisms, V must be a space of smooth vector fields. The duality isometry in Hilbert spaces allows us to express the lengths in terms of $$m_t\in V^*$$, interpreted as momentum such that $$\forall u\in V$$, $$\langle m_t, u \circ \varphi _t\rangle _2 = \langle k_V^{-1}v_t, u\rangle _2$$, and $$\langle m, u\rangle _2$$ denotes the $$\mathbb {L}^2$$ inner product between m and u, With a slight abuse of symbols, it is the result of the natural pairing between m and v in cases where m is singular (e.g., a measure). This identity is classically written as $$\varphi _t^* m_t = k_V^{-1} v_t$$, where $$\varphi _t^*$$ is referred to as the pullback operation on a vector measure, $$m_t$$. Using the identity $$\Vert v_t\Vert _V^2 = \langle k_V^{-1}v_t, v_t\rangle _2=\langle m_t,k_Vm_t\rangle _2$$ and the fact that energy-minimizing curves coincide with constant-speed length-minimizing curves, we obtain the metric distance between the atlas and target, $$ \rho (S_{atlas},S_{targ})$$, by minimizing $$\Vert v_t\Vert _V^2$$, such that $$\varphi _1 \cdot S_{atlas}=S_{targ} $$ at time $$t=1$$ [5]. We associate this with the variational problem in the form of

$$\begin{aligned} J(m_t) =&\inf \nolimits _{m_t: \dot{\varphi }_t = k_Vm_t(\varphi _t), \varphi _0={\mathtt {Id}}} \rho (S_{atlas},S_{targ})^2 \nonumber \\&+ \gamma E(\varphi _1 \cdot S_{atlas},S_{targ}), \end{aligned}$$

where E is defined based vector-valued measure as introduced in [18]. For any two surfaces $$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$, $$E(S_1,S_2)$$ is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} E(S_1,S_2) &{}= \sum \nolimits _{f,g} N^{t}_{f} k_W(c_g,c_f) N_g - 2\sum \nolimits _{f,q} N^t_f k_W(c_f,c_q) Nq \\ &{}\qquad + \sum \nolimits _{q,p} N_q^t k_W(c_q,c_p) N_r, \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

where fg are simplices from $$S_1$$ while qp are simplices from $$S_2$$. $$N_g$$ is then the normal vector pointing out of the centre, $$c_g$$, of simplex g. $$k_W$$ is a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth $$\sigma _W$$. The metric distance $$\rho (S_{atlas},S_{targ})^2$$ could be easily computed as $$\int _{0}^{1} ||v_t ||_V^2 dt$$.

We now construct the multiresolution diffeomorphic mapping for surfaces under the framework of LDDMM. In the previous section, we show that a surface, S, may be sequentially subsampled into meshes of decreasing resolution $$T^{(r)}\dots T^{(1)}$$. With a slight abuse of notation, let us define these meshes as the discretization of the surface, rewriting $$T^{(r)}$$ as $$S^{(r)}$$, such that $$\lim \limits _{r\rightarrow \infty }S^{(r)}\rightarrow S$$. The duality isometry of $$m_t$$ with $$v_t$$ allows defining the smooth vector field, $$v_t$$ through $$m_t$$, where $$m_t$$ can sparsely anchor at the vertices on $$S^{(r)}$$. Therefore, it is natural to seek $$m_t^{(r)}$$ defined at the vertices on $$S^{(r)}$$ and then construct the smooth vector field, $$w_t^{(r)}= k_V^{(r)}m_t^{(r)}$$, where the size of $$k_V^{(r)}$$ can be adapted to the sparse level of the vertices on $$S^{(r)}$$. From this construction, $$w_t^{(r)}, r=0, 1, \dots , R$$ can be defined via momentum $$m_t^{(r)}\otimes \delta _x, x\in S^{(r)}, r=0, 1, \dots , R$$ and construct independent tangent spaces of diffeomorphisms, $$w^{(r)}\in W^{(r)}$$. The family of vector fields forms reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, which could be summed across multiple resolutions, i.e., $$\vartheta _t(w_t)= \sum _{r=0}^R w_t^{(r)}$$, to form one single vector field for the flow equation $$\dot{\varphi _{t}^{\vartheta }} = \vartheta _t(\varphi ^{\vartheta }_{t})$$. Through this family of vector fields, we redefine $$\rho ^{MRA}(S_{atlas},S_{targ})$$ by minimizing $$\int _0^1 \sum _{r=0}^R \Vert w_t^{(r)} \Vert _{W^{(r)}}^2 dt$$ such that $$\varphi _1^{\vartheta } \cdot S_{atlas}=S_{targ} $$ at time $$t=1$$, where $$\Vert w_t^{(r)} \Vert _{W^{(r)}}^2 = \big <(k_V^{(r)})^{-1}w_t^{(r)} , w_t^{(r)} \big >_2=\big <m_t^{(r)}, k_V^{(r)}m_t^{(r)} \big >_2$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339424_1_En_24_Chapter_IEq102.gif”></SPAN>. This construction of <SPAN id=IEq103 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt= is in turn similar to that proposed for the large deformation diffeomorphic kernel bundle mapping (LDDKBM) for the registration of images [16].

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Sep 16, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Diffeomorphic Mapping for Cortical Surfaces

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