, such that is a function at resolution r, , with the level of detail increasing as r increases.
Let be a triangular surface mesh, where is a set of vertices and a set of simplices, with each simplex as a three tuple of points . Given a mesh at level r, with coordinates , where and is the number of vertices on . The new vertices on , denoted as , can be given as
where A is an matrix for a simple subdivision scheme (where all elements of except for ) and M is the number of the new vertices on , . Given an “averaging matrix” , a general subdivision scheme can be rewritten as
where , .
As explained in [12], surfaces can be parametrized with a function S(y), where y is defined on a base (coarsest) mesh , i.e. y is a point on one of the simplices in and can be tracked through a predefined subdivision process to a limit surface. We begin by first defining . Let be found in a simplex with vertices , found in . Using the barycentric coordinates such that , we can induce a bijective map where
and corresponds to of the simplex . Then, . In matrix form,
It follows that
In other words, surfaces when parameterized into meshes, can be henceforth understood as functions from a small collection of triangles into . The subdivision of triangles allows us to move from one resolution to another, providing a family of surfaces for registration. We show three resolutions of the brain cortex in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Increasing levels of from left to right. Subcaptions indicates the corresponding levels, number of vertices, and number of faces – “Level-r (no. of vertices, no. of faces)”.
2.2 Multiresolution Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Surfaces
Now, we state a variational problem for mapping two surfaces under the framework of LDDMM. LDDMM assumes that transformation can be generated from one to another via flows of diffeomorphisms , which are solutions of ordinary differential equations starting from the identity map . They are therefore characterized by time-dependent velocity vector fields . We define a metric distance between a target surface and an atlas surface as the minimal length of curves in a shape space such that, at time , . Lengths of such curves are computed as the integrated norm of the vector field, where and V is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with kernel and norm . To ensure solutions are diffeomorphisms, V must be a space of smooth vector fields. The duality isometry in Hilbert spaces allows us to express the lengths in terms of , interpreted as momentum such that , , and denotes the inner product between m and u, With a slight abuse of symbols, it is the result of the natural pairing between m and v in cases where m is singular (e.g., a measure). This identity is classically written as , where is referred to as the pullback operation on a vector measure, . Using the identity and the fact that energy-minimizing curves coincide with constant-speed length-minimizing curves, we obtain the metric distance between the atlas and target, , by minimizing , such that at time [5]. We associate this with the variational problem in the form of
where E is defined based vector-valued measure as introduced in [18]. For any two surfaces and , is defined as
where f, g are simplices from while q, p are simplices from . is then the normal vector pointing out of the centre, , of simplex g. is a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth . The metric distance could be easily computed as .
We now construct the multiresolution diffeomorphic mapping for surfaces under the framework of LDDMM. In the previous section, we show that a surface, S, may be sequentially subsampled into meshes of decreasing resolution . With a slight abuse of notation, let us define these meshes as the discretization of the surface, rewriting as , such that . The duality isometry of with allows defining the smooth vector field, through , where can sparsely anchor at the vertices on . Therefore, it is natural to seek defined at the vertices on and then construct the smooth vector field, , where the size of can be adapted to the sparse level of the vertices on . From this construction, can be defined via momentum and construct independent tangent spaces of diffeomorphisms, . The family of vector fields forms reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, which could be summed across multiple resolutions, i.e., , to form one single vector field for the flow equation . Through this family of vector fields, we redefine by minimizing such that at time , where is in turn similar to that proposed for the large deformation diffeomorphic kernel bundle mapping (LDDKBM) for the registration of images [16].