Digestive System

Disease site


Recommended treatment



Surgery +/− adjuvant chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy

Borderline resectable (adequate KPS)

Neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by restaging and resection if feasible

Borderline resectable (poor KPS) unresectable

Definitive chemoradiation, conventionally fractionated radiation alone, chemotherapy alone, or SBRT


Palliation with stents, surgical bypass, chemotherapy, RT, and supportive care as indicated; SBRT not indicated except for expedient palliation


Resectable HCC or oligometastatic disease with controlled primary

Partial hepatectomy

Unresectable/medically inoperable HCC or oligometastatic disease with controlled primary

Upfront Liver transplant

Restaging and resection if feasible following transarterial chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy, alcohol, SBRT, or sorafenib

Abdominal, retroperitoneal, and pelvic lymph nodes

Metastatic disease

Systemic therapy preferred, although surgery and SBRT should be discussed in oligometastatic settings or for palliation of pain

Adrenal glands

Metastatic disease

Systemic therapy preferred, although surgery and SBRT should be discussed in oligometastatic settings or for palliation of pain

Radiosurgical Technique

Simulation and Field Design

  • Gold seed marker (GSM) placement by EUS (pancreas) or CT-guidance (liver ) 1+ week prior to simulation to allow inflammation to subside.

  • Oral contrast 30–60 min prior to simulation , unless MRI used for planning.

  • Supine with arms above head and wingboard or alpha cradle to stabilize torso. Consider abdominal compression depending on image guidance modality.

  • Pancreas lies at L1-L2, celiac axis at T12, and SMA at L1.

  • Treatment planning:

    • Contrast-enhanced CT and/or MRI useful for delineating pancreatic tumor volume; triphasic CT and/or MRI for hepatic malignancies.

  • Image guidance:

    • Preferred: 4D-CT to define ITV with daily on-board imaging for set-up and tracking.

    • Acceptable: Active breathing control (ABC ), orthogonal MV imaging and kV fluoroscopy .

  • Field Design: ITV based on 4D-CT plus 3–5 mm margin.

    • Optimal: ITV based on 4D-CT plus 3–5 mm margin for PTV .

    • Other tracking/immobilization strategies typically require 5–7 mm radial and 1–1.5 cm craniocaudal expansions on GTV for adequate coverage.

    • Caution regarding inclusion of edema surrounding pancreatic tumor s due to excessively large field size.

    • Consider reducing PTV to allow for 2 mm margin to critical structures , especially in patients with poor performance status who are unlikely to tolerate exploratory laparotomy for bleeding , perforation, etc.

    • Avoid or minimize elective nodal stations in SBRT field due to toxicity.

Dose Prescription

  • Pancreas : 33 Gy in 5 fractions.

  • Liver: Based on location and underlying liver function .

    • Peripheral: 23–30 Gy in 1 fraction, 27.5–60 Gy in 3–6 fractions.

    • Central: 40 Gy in 5 fractions.

  • Abdominal lymph node s based on retrospective case series: 45–60 Gy in 3–6 fractions.

  • Adrenal metastases based on retrospective case series: 23 Gy in 1 fraction, 36 Gy in 3–5 fractions (Figs. 8.1 and 8.2).


    Fig. 8.1.
    Pancreatic SBRT . 88-year-old male with locally advanced, unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma . A 4D CTV with an ITV expansion was used for treatment planning, which was carried out via robotic radiosurgery to a total dose of 3000 cGy in 5 fractions with 6 MV photons prescribed to the 73 % isodose line . Proceeding clockwise from the top left, beam angles, and axial, coronal, and sagittal CT images with isodose lines and the PTV in red color wash are shown


    Fig. 8.2.
    Liver SBRT . 61-year-old male with a history of hepatitis C and recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma of the porta hepatis status post transcatheter arterial chemoembolization on four occasions, and alcohol injection twice. A single intra-lesional fiducial marker was used for tracking during robotic radiosurgery . The tumor was treated to a total dose of 4000 cGy in 5 fractions with 6 MV photons prescribed to the 82 % isodose line . Proceeding clockwise from the top left, beam angles, and axial, coronal, and sagittal CT images with isodose lines and the PTV in red color wash are shown

Dose Limitations




Dose limiting toxicity




V22.5 Gy < 4 %

Distal lumen wall free from 50 % isodose line

Ulceration, fistula

Chang et al. Cancer 2009


Dmax  < 30 Gy

Kavanagh et al. IJROBP 2010


Dmax  < 32 Gy

D3 cc < 36 Gy

Bujold et al. JCO 2013, Tozzi et al. Rad Onc 2013

Small bowel


V12.5 Gy < 30 cc

Ulceration, fistula

Kavanagh et al. IJROBP 2010


Dmax  < 30 Gy

Bujold et al. JCO 2013


Dmax  < 36 Gy

Kavanagh et al. IJROBP 2010



V22.5% < 5 %

V12.5 Gy < 50 %

Distal lumen wall free from 50 % isodose line

Ulceration, fistula

Chang et al. Cancer 2009


Dmax  < 33 Gy

D1 cc < 36 Gy

Bujold et al. JCO 2013, Tozzi et al. Rad Onc 2013

Large bowel


Dmax  < 36 Gy

Colitis, fistula

Bujold et al. JCO 2013



V5 Gy < 50 %

V2.5 Gy < 70 %

Liver function, cirrhosis/hepatitis, biliary stricture, radiation-induced liver disease (RILD)

Chang et al. Cancer 2009

1, 3-5

700 cc < 15 Gy

Rusthoven et al. JCO 2009, Pan et al. IJROBP 2010, Goodman et al. IJROBP 2010


HCC: MNLD < 13 Gy (3 fx), <18 Gy (6 fx)

Metastases: MNLD < 15 Gy (3 fx), < 20 Gy (6 fx)

Pan et al. IJROBP 2010


V30 Gy < 60 %

V27 Gy < 70 % for cirrhosis/hepatitis

Katz et al. IJROBP 2007


Vtot–V21 Gy > 700 cc

Tozzi et al. Rad Onc 2013



V5 Gy < 75 %

Kidney function, malignant hypertension

Goodman et al. IJROBP 2010


V15 Gy < 35 %

Mean dose < 12 Gy

Rusthoven et al. JCO 2009, Tozzi et al. Rad Onc 2013, Bujold et al. JCO 2013

Spinal cord


Dmax  < 12 Gy


Goodman et al. IJROBP 2010


Dmax  < 18 Gy

Rusthoven et al. JCO 2009, Tozzi et al. Rad Onc 2013

Chest wall


V30 Gy < 10 mL

Pain or fracture

Rusthoven et al. JCO 2009

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Sep 16, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Digestive System

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