Drainage of Articular Ganglia Around the Ankle


Fig. 14.1
US-guided aspiration of subtalar joint ganglion cyst on a short axis. (a) Magnetic resonance (left) and US scan (right) of a large subtalar joint ganglion cyst, Ta talus, C calcaneus, asterisk ganglion. (b) Probe and patient position to perform short-axis subtalar joint ganglion cyst aspiration using an 18 G spinal needle. (c) Anatomical scheme of subtalar joint ganglion cyst aspiration. (d) US scan of needle insertion (A Achilles tendon, K Kager’s triangle, arrow needle) and (e) ganglion aspiration until (f) complete drainage. (g) Steroid injection (circles)

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Nov 6, 2016 | Posted by in ULTRASONOGRAPHY | Comments Off on Drainage of Articular Ganglia Around the Ankle

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