Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue

Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue

Brooke R. Jeffrey, MD

Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR

(Left) Axial CECT demonstrates a mural mass image in the body of the stomach. Note that the mass is of soft tissue attenuation and enhances similarly to the normal pancreas. (Right) Sagittal reformation of CECT in the same patient shows the mural mass image to have broad base of attachment to the gastric wall and to have obtuse angles with the gastric lumen, suggesting a likely submucosal location for the mass. Endoscopic biopsy revealed ectopic pancreatic tissue.

(Left) Upper GI series spot film shows a small antral mass with intact mucosa. A central “dot” of barium image can be seen filling a rudimentary duct. (Right) Upper GI series spot film shows a small mass with central umbilication image. This is an unusual location for an ectopic pancreas. A “bull’seye” lesion of this type and location would raise concern for a metastatic lesion, Kaposi sarcoma, or lymphoma.

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Sep 20, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue

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