Evaluation of the Myocardial Blood Supply: Ultra-Low Radiation Dose CT Techniques

Fig. 1
Seventy-three-year-old female patient with coronary artery disease treated with several bypass grafts. CT scan revealed an occluded graft to the right coronary artery (arrowhead), a patent graft to the left anterior descending coronary artery (arrow) but an inconsistent course of the peripheral original vessel (star)


Fig. 2
The CT scan at stress with Regadenoson reveals an area of hypo-attenuation in the sub-endocardial region of the apex (arrowheads) that is substantially less pronounced in the scan performed at rest


Fig. 3
Corresponding to CTP, SPECT reveals a stress-induced myocardial hypoperfusion in the left ventricular apex (arrowheads)

Aug 7, 2016 | Posted by in RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY | Comments Off on Evaluation of the Myocardial Blood Supply: Ultra-Low Radiation Dose CT Techniques

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