Image manipulation

7 Image manipulation

Aim of Image Manipulation

To produce an excellent image to maximise diagnostic accuracy


Analogue Represents a quantity changing in steps which are continuous, i.e. a sine wave
Brightness The intensity values of the individual pixels in an image, the lower the brightness the darker the image
Compression The reduction in size (in bytes) of an image to save storage space
Contrast The density difference between two adjacent areas on the image
Digital An image comprised of discrete areas or pixels
Edge Enhancement The highlighting of a straight line or edge of an object to visually increase the sharpness of the image
Fourier Transform A method of mathematically changing data, e.g. changing spatial data to frequency data
Frequency Data The number of times a specific value occurs in an image
Heuristic When an image is automatically improved because the program has changed due to a previous imaging experience
Hough Transform A method of highlighting areas of a specific shape within an image
Noise Anything that may detract from the image
Resolution (Sharpness) The size of the smallest object or distance between two objects that must exist before the imaging system will record that object or objects as separate entities.
Segmentation Selection of an area of interest and eliminating unwanted data. Can be done manually or automatically with an appropriate software package
Signal The information required from the imaging system, e.g. the radiograph, the minimum size of the object that must be visible
Spatial Data Gives the position of the varying intensities (brightness) across an image
Spatial Frequency Object size, measured in line pairs per millimetre
Spatial Resolution The smallest part of an image that can be seen
Window The range of colour (or grey) scale values displayed on a digital image

Digitising an Analogue Image

An Analogue Image
Two dimensional image
Different shades of grey
The shading is continuous throughout the image


A Digital Image
Two dimensional image
Different shades of grey (or colours – red, green blue)
The grey is made up of discrete areas or pixels


Changing an Analogue Image to a Digital Image
Take the analogue image
Imagine a grid superimposed over the image – usually 512 × 512 or 1024 × 1024
Each pixel can then be given a number representing the brightness/shade of grey
Usually each pixel is given a value between 0 and 256
This gives the image numerical values, i.e. digitises it


Nyquist Theorem States that an analogue signal waveform may be reconstructed without error from a sample which is equal to, or greater than, twice the highest frequency in the analogue signal, e.g.
To digitally convert a 2 MHz signal, a sample must be taken at 4 MHz
To give a resolution of 5 line pairs per millimeter, each line pair equals 0.2 mm therefore a pixel sample must be measured at 0.1 mm intervals

Fourier Transform

A method of mathematically changing data, e.g. changing spatial data to frequency data
Spatial data give the position of the varying intensities (brightness) across an image



Image Enhancement

Methods of manipulating the pixel values to improve or enhance the area of interest in the image
Process of using the pixels to make an image
256 shades of grey are usually assigned
But the human eye can only determine about 100 shades of grey
The shades of grey can be distributed over a wide or a narrow range of pixels


Narrow Window
The grey is distributed over a narrow range of units
The central unit is the average pixel number for the structure of interest
If the average pixel was 50 and a narrow window of 170 was selected, then pixels of 85 (half 170) above and below 50 would be used
Therefore the grey scale would extend from – 35 to 135
Any readings below – 35 would be pure black
Any readings above 135 would be pure white


Wide Window
The grey is distributed over a wide range of pixels
The central unit is the average pixel number for the structure of interest
If the average pixel was 400 and a wide window of 2000 was selected, then pixels of 1000 (half 2000) above and below 400 would be used
Therefore the grey scale would extend from – 600 to 1400
Any readings below – 600 would be pure black
Any readings above 1400 would be pure white


Adjusting Noise and Contrast

Signal to Noise Ratio Image quality may be defined as the signal to noise ratio:



The signal is the information required from the imaging system

The signal can be defined as the minimum size of the object that must be visible

The noise is anything that may detract from that signal

The noise, on the monitor, could be defined as the graininess of the image

Image Quality

If the sharpness of the system is increased, the visually disturbing noise will also increase, as now the system is resolving the noise better as well as giving a sharper signal
If the contrast is increased the signal will appear to be clearer, but so will the noise


ContrastA radiograph is the product of a transfer of information. During this transfer it is exposed to a number of different influences. Contrast helps to determine the quality of the radiograph
There are three principal ‘types’ of contrast


Subject contrast
Image contrast
Radiographic contrast

Subject ContrastSubject contrast (Fig. 7.2) can be defined as the ratio of the emergent intensities, i.e.:



This is caused by differential attenuation and absorption of the X-ray beam as it passes through the patient (i.e. the subject)
It is responsible for the differing intensities of the emergent X-ray beam, and therefore the exposures that eventually reach the film
Bone attenuates more of the beam than the fatty tissue and therefore the emergent intensity in the area below the bone is less than the surrounding fatty tissue
The film receives less exposure and produces a lower image density when compared to the fatty tissue areas

Factors Affecting Subject Contrast Different Thicknesses of the Same Tissue TypeSubject contrast is the ratio of the intensity that has passed through the thin part, compared with the thicker part
The thicker of the two will:

Attenuate more of the beam

Different Densities of the Same Tissue with the Same Volume but at a Higher DensitySubject contrast is the ratio of the intensity that has passed through the less dense part, compared with the denser part
The higher density will:

Attenuate more of the beam
Reduce the intensity of the emergent beam

Different Atomic Numbers of Different TissuesThe higher the atomic number:

The more the attenuation of the incident X-ray beam
The less the intensity of the emergent beam

At the energies used in diagnostic radiography, photoelectric absorption predominates and is the largest contributing factor to subject contrastRadiation Quality – The kiloVoltage (kV) Set for the Exposure

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Feb 26, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Image manipulation

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