of Longitudinal Development of Infant Cortical Surface Shape Using a 4D Current-Based Learning Framework

with high accuracy as demonstrated in [11]. More details can be found in [10, 11].

Cortical Surface Representation Using Currents. The concept of representing a surface as a current derives from Faraday’s law of induction in physics, which states that the variation of any magnetic vector field W through a surface S induces a current in the space $$W^*$$ within a wire loop delimiting S [10]. The intensity of the current is proportional to the variation of the flux of this magnetic field, which mathematically translates as an integration of the vector field elements $$\omega \in W$$ along the shape unit normal vectors n: $$S = \int \omega (x)^t n(x) d\lambda (x)$$, where $$d \lambda $$ denotes Lebesgue measure on the surface. Hence, a surface can be geometrically defined as the collection of local fluxes for all possible vector fields traversing it. In this regard, W is defined as a Reproducing Kernel of Hilbert Space (RKHS) spanned by convolutions between a square integrable vector field and a Gaussian smooth kernel $$K(x,y) = exp (-|x-y|^2/\sigma _W^2)$$. The rate of decay of the kernel $$\sigma _W$$ denotes the scale under which the geometric details of the surface –when converted into a current– are overlooked.

A vector $$\omega \in W$$ can be measured at a location x for any fixed points y and vectors $$\alpha $$ as a convolution between the kernel $$K^W$$ and vectors $$\alpha $$: $$\omega (x) = K^{W}(x,y) \alpha (y)$$, where the couple $$(x, \alpha )$$ is called a momentum. On the other hand, the space of currents $$W^*$$ is defined as a vector space containing the set of all continuous linear maps from W to $$\mathbb {R}$$ (i.e. the dual space of W). Any current in $$W^*$$ is then defined as: $$\omega \mapsto \delta _x^n (\omega ) = n^t \omega (x)$$, where $$\delta _x^n$$ defines a Dirac delta current. Although it is scale-dependent, W enables to densely ‘convert’ the surface S into a current by locally measuring these localized Dirac delta currents and summing them up: $$S = \sum _k \delta _{x_k}^{\alpha _k}$$; thus S becomes fully parameterized by its meshes (triangles) k and normals $$n_k$$ located at each center of these meshes and approximated using the Dirac delta currents located at the center of each of its meshes k (Fig. 1). Hence, any surface can be decomposed into an infinite sum of Dirac delta currents which act as basis vectors in the space of currents $$W^*$$. More importantly, the current space $$W^*$$ is endowed with a metric that enables us to measure the distance between two shapes (i.e. two currents): $$<S, S'>_W^* = \sum _i \sum _j \alpha _i^t K^W(x_i,x_j) \beta _j$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339424_1_En_45_Chapter_IEq23.gif”></SPAN> where <SPAN id=IEq24 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt= and $$S' = \sum _j \delta _{x_j}^{\beta _j}$$, thereby elegantly paving the way to formulate and solve geodesic surface matching problems.

Spatiotemporal Diffeomorphic Current-based Surface Regression Model. Considering a set of longitudinal cortical surfaces $$\mathcal {S} = \{S_0, \dots , S_N\}$$ acquired at different timepoints $$t_i, \ i \in [0, N]$$, we estimate a spatiotemporal surface growth model that successively deforms the baseline shape $$S_0$$ onto the consecutive shapes: $$S(t) = \xi _t(S_0)$$. This deformation process is guided by the diffeomorphic mapping $$\xi _t$$, which identifies for each mesh the optimal evolution trajectory as a solution of the following flow equation:

$$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{d\xi _t(x)}{dt} = v_t(\xi _t(x)),\quad t \in [0,T] \\ \xi _0 = Id. \\ \end{array} \right. $$
Here $$v_t \in V$$ denotes the time-dependent deformation velocity. To guarantee the smoothness and the invertibility of the estimated deformation trajectory $$\xi _t$$, the velocity field V is defined as a RKHS with a Gaussian kernel $$K^V$$. The deformation kernel decays at a rate $$\sigma _V$$ denoting the scale under which deformations are locally similar to the identity map (no deformation). The time-dependent velocity writes as $$v_t(x) = \sum _{k=1}^{M} K^V(x_k(t), x) \alpha _k(t)$$, with M the number of meshes in the baseline shape $$S_0$$ [10]. For a static shape $$S_0$$, the vector field W associated with it is closely spanned by the momenta (xn). To cause $$S_0$$ to become dynamic and warp it onto different shapes, an external momentum $$(x_k, \alpha _k)$$ of the deformation field locally acts on its Dirac delta currents $$\delta _{x_k}^{n_k}$$ to geodesically deform it into the consecutive observed shapes. The estimation of the momenta $$(x_k(t), \alpha _k(t))$$ fully defines the surface deformation process from $$t=0$$ to $$t=T$$. This is achieved through conjugate gradient descent algorithm minimizing the following energy:

$$E = \int _{0}^{1} ||v_t||_V^2 dt + \frac{1}{\gamma } \sum _{j \in \{1, \dots , N\}} ||\xi _{t_j}^{v} \cdot S_0 - S_j ||_{W^*}^2$$

Where $$\gamma $$ denotes a trade-off parameter between the total kinetic energy of the deformation (first term) and the similarity measure between the deformed baseline shape and the consecutive ground truth observations (second term).

Current-Based Geometric and Dynamic Features Learning. In the training stage, we estimate a cortical surface growth scenario for each infant in our training dataset using the available MR acquisition timepoints. We first register all the baseline surfaces of the training subjects into a common space. Then, for each warped baseline shape in this space, we estimate its temporal evolution trajectory. Both of these steps are achieved using the current-based deformation model, thereby providing a normalized current space, where all subjects’ longitudinal shapes become ‘linked’ in space and time. This facilitates inter-subject comparison of deformation features estimated at any timpoint falling in the in-between obervations interval $$]t_i, t_{i+1}[$$. At this point, we introduce the notion of a cloud $$\mathcal {C}$$, which is composed of points $$c(x,t) = (x, \xi (x,t))$$ with x a vertex belonging to any baseline shape $$S_0$$ in the training data and $$\xi (x,t)$$ as its corresponding temporal deformation trajectory. In other words, a point c(xt) in the cloud locates the new position $$\xi (x,t)$$ of any baseline vertex x at a specific timepoint t. Here, the 3D position of any baseline vertex x defines the geometric feature and its evolution trajectory $${c(x,t)}_{t \in [0, T]}$$ defines the dynamic feature of the learnt model. We will exploit both of these features to predict the evolution trajectory for a new baseline shape.


Fig. 1.
Geodesic longitudinal shape regression using currents. Each cortical surface $$S_i$$ is represented by the sum of the Dirac delta currents $$\delta _{x_k}^{n_k}$$ with $$x_k$$ being the center of the mesh k (triangle) and $$n_k$$ as its normal (illustrated in the left hemispheres).

Cortical Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation. For each of the most commonly shared acquisition timepoints $${t_i}_{\{i \in {0, \dots , N\}}}$$, we build an empirical mean atlas $$\mathcal {A}_{i}$$ by computing the mean 3D position of the spatiotemporally aligned training subjects. We also include the estimated shapes using the current-based surface growth model for the atlas building if these shapes were acquired at $$\pm 1-$$month gap from the ground-truth shape (Fig. 2). Indeed, at $$\pm 1-$$month gap, the current-model recovers neighboring information with high accuracy (mean $$\pm $$ std = $$1.05 \pm 0.16mm$$). One could intuitively explain this by recalling the principle of the least action in a classical mechanical Lagrangian framework, which grounds the diffeomorphic geodesic surface deformation framework. This strategy allows us to include more data into building the temporal atlas $$\{\mathcal {A}_t\}$$ with $$t \in \{t_0, \dots , t_N\}$$ and to better capture inter-subject variability.
Sep 16, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on of Longitudinal Development of Infant Cortical Surface Shape Using a 4D Current-Based Learning Framework

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