. Simply put, we consider normalized histograms on a grid of locations, and assume the distance between any two locations is provided. Next, we extend Wasserstein distances to non-negative vectors of bounded mass.
Notations. Let d be the cardinal of . Relabeling arbitrarily all the elements of as we represent the set of non-negative measures on by the non-negative orthant . Let be the d-dimensional vector of ones. For any vector we write for the norm of u, . When we also call the (total) mass of vector u. Let be the matrix that describes the metric between all locations in , namely .
Wasserstein Distance for Normalized Histograms. Consider two vectors such that . Both can be interpreted as histograms on of the same mass. A non-trivial example of such normalized data in medical imaging is the discretized ODF used for diffusion imaging data [10]. For , the p-Wasserstein distance between a and b is the root of the optimum of a linear program, known as a transportation problem [4, §7.2]. A transport problem is a network flow problem on a bipartite graph with cost (the pairwise distance matrix M raised element-wise to the power p), and feasible set of flows U(a, b) (known as the transportation polytope of a and b), where U(a, b) is the set of nonnegative matrices such that their row and column marginals are equal to a and b respectively:
Given the constraints induced by a and b, one naturally has that U(a, b) is empty when and non-empty when (in which case one can easily check that the matrix belongs to that set). The p-Wasserstein distance raised to the power p (written below) is equal to the optimum of a parametric Optimal Transport () problem on variables,
parameterized by the marginals a, b and matrix .
Optimal Transport for Unnormalized Measures. If the total masses of a and b differ, namely , the definition provided above is not useful because . Several extensions of the OT problem have been proposed in that setting; we recall them here for the sake of completeness. In the computer vision literature, [23] proposed to handle that case by: (i) relaxing the equality constraints of U(a, b) to inequality constraints in Eq. (1); (ii) adding an equality constraint on the total mass of the solution ; (iii) dividing the minimum of under constraints (i,ii) by . This modification does not, however, result in a metric. [20] proposed later a variant of this approach called EMD-hat that incorporates constraints (i,ii) but (iii’) adds to the optimal cost a constant times . When that constant is large enough M, [20] claim that EMD-hat is a metric. We also note that [2] proposed a quadratic penalty between the differences of masses and made use of a dynamic formulation of the transportation problem.
Kantorovich Norms for Signed Measures. We propose to build on early contributions by Kantorovich to define a generalization of optimal transport distance for unnormalized measures, making optimal transport applicable to a wider class of problems, such as the averaging of functional imaging data. [18] proposed such a generalization as an intermediary result of a more general definition, the Kantorovich norm for signed measures on a compact metric space, which was itself extended to separable metric spaces by [15]. We summarize this idea here by simplifying it to the case of interest in this paper where is a finite (of size d) probability space, in which case signed measures are equivalent to vectors in . [18] propose first a norm for vectors z in the orthogonal of (vectors z such that ), by considering the 1-Wasserstein distance between the positive and negative parts of z, . A penalty vector is then introduced to define the norm of any vector x as the minimal value of when z is taken in the space of all vectors z with zero sum, and is the element-wise absolute value of the difference of vectors z and x. For this to define a true norm in , must be such that and . The distance between two arbitrary non-negative vectors a, b of different mass is then defined as . As highlighted by [26, p.108], and if we write for the vector of the canonical basis of , this norm is the maximal norm in such that for any , , namely the maximal norm in the space of signed measures on such that the norm between two Dirac measures coincides with ’s metric between these points.
Kantorovich Distances for Unnormalized Nonnegative Measures. Reference [14] noticed that Kantorovich’s distance between unnormalized measures can be cast as a regular optimal transport problem. Indeed, one simply needs to: (i) add a virtual point to the set whose distance to any element i in is set to ; (ii) use that point as a buffer when comparing two measures of different mass. The appeal of Kantorovich’s formulation in the context of this work is that it boils down to a classic optimal transport problem, which can be approximated efficiently using the smoothing approach of [6] as discussed in Sect. 3. To simplify our analysis in the next section, we only consider non-negative vectors (histograms) such that their total mass is upper bounded by a known positive constant. This assumption alleviates the definition of our distance below, since it does not require to treat separately the cases where either or when comparing . Note also that this assumption always holds when dealing with finite collections of data. Without loss of generality, this is equivalent to considering vectors a in such that with a simple rescaling of all vectors by that constant. We define next the Kantorovich metric on , where .
Definition 1
(Kantorovich Distances on ). Let such that and . Let . For two elements a and b of , we write and . Their p-Kantorovich distance raised to the power p is