Practice Test # 3: Difficulty Level-Hard

and Adam Sciuk2

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

Department of Radiology, Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA



Answers to Test #3 begin on page 191



Which of the following cardiac imaging studies deliver the lowest estimated effective radiation dose?


Rb-82 rest and stress



CT attenuation correction



N-13 ammonia rest and stress



O-15 water rest and stress




Recovery coefficient, Geometric Transfer Matrix, and Deconvolution technique are modification methods employed in:


Attenuation calculation



Scatter correction



Partial-volume effect correction



Attenuation measurement




The number of electrons discharged from the cathode filament is controlled by the:


The tube voltage (kV)



The temperature of the anode



The tube current (mA)



The distance from the target




Which of the following are the most common artifacts in PET/CT imaging?


Truncation artifacts



Motion artifacts



Contrast medium artifacts



Metallic implants artifacts




The PET scanner quality control procedure in which data are used to convert the reconstructed image pixel values into activity concentration is called:








Blank scan



Attenuation correction




Post-processing technique performed on CT images that involves reformatting of cross-sectional images to produce images of the outsides of anatomical structures is called:


Multiplanar reconstruction



3D surface rendering



Cone beam reconstruction



Back projection




ALL of the following statements describing the usefulness of PET-FDG imaging in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are correct EXCEPT:


High physiologic background activity in urine limits scan interpretation accuracy



Metastatic RCC has more intense FDG uptake compared with the primary



Primary RCC has more intense FDG uptake compared with the metastatic



The administration of furosemide can be beneficial for reducing false-­negative scan results




The reconstruction algorithm that reduces the unnecessary 3D data to a stack of independent 2D sonograms, which can then be reconstructed using either 2D filtered back projection (FBP) or 2D iterative algorithms, is called:


Fourier transform









Fourier rebinning




The patented PET tracers that have been developed by a radiopharmaceutical developer or manufacturer are called:


Proprietary agents



Research agents



Nonproprietary agents



Contrast agents




A patient is scheduled to have PET myocardial perfusion imaging using Rb-82 as a tracer of choice. The technologist draws up a 42-mCi dose of Rb-82 for the resting injection at 10:00 a.m. If the injection is delayed 3 min, how many milicuries of Rb-82 will be remaining in the syringe at 10:03 a.m.?


48 mCi



26 mCi



8 mCi



6 mCi




The display shown in Fig. 4.1 presents attenuation-corrected and reconstructed positron emission tomography (PET-FDG) viability study. The reoriented tomographic slices are:


Fig. 4.1
PET/CT-FDG viability study


Short-axis slices



Vertical long-axis slices



Oblique short-axis slices



Horizontal long axis




The following are examples of molecular and functional alterations occurring in cancer tissue EXCEPT:


Increased protein synthesis



Increased angiogenesis



Increased oxygen tension



Increased glucose metabolism




Which of the following types of cardiac scanning processing requires performance of blood pool subtraction?


Imaging using water O-15



Imaging using rubidium Rb-82



Imaging using acetate C-11



Imaging using ammonia N-13




Which of the following halogens most closely mimics the size of the hydrogen atom?















Two photons arising from the same annihilation event and detected along two different lines of response (LOR) are:


True coincidences



Random events



Scatter coincidences



Single events




PET/CT imaging artifact described as a liver lesion that can inaccurately become visible at the base of the lung and mimics a lung nodule is produced by:


Contrast medium



Respiratory motion



Patient motion



Dose extravasation




Which of the following physical properties of different scintillators describe LSO (lutetium oxyorthosilicate) detector?


Attenuation coefficient—0.96, relative light output—15, decay time—300 ns



Attenuation coefficient—0.87, relative light output—75, decay time—40 ns



Attenuation coefficient—0.35, relative light output—100, decay time—230 ns



Attenuation coefficient—0.44, relative light output—5, decay time—0.6 ns




Which of the following statements describing brown adipose tissue (BAT) is TRUE?


BAT is richly innervated by parasympathetic nerves



BAT is not present in newborns



BAT primary function is to generate body heat



BAT contains cells rich in ribosomes




Which of the following radiopharmaceuticals has been developed as the PET tracer to measure a membrane lipid synthesis?


F-18 fluoride



F-18 fluorocholine



F-18 fluoroestradiol



F-18 fluorothymidine




The molecular imaging strategy that replicates the downstream physiological effects of one or more molecular or genetic processes is called:


Direct molecular imaging



Surrogate molecular imaging



Indirect molecular imaging



Reporter gene imaging




Which of the following detectors that have been used in PET imaging is intrinsically radioactive?


LSO (lutetium oxyorthosilicate)



BaF2 (barium fluoride)



BGO (bismuth germinate)



GSO (gadolinium orthosilicate)




In which of the following types of seizures consciousness is not impaired?


Partial complex seizures



Partial simple seizures



Petit mal seizures



Grand mal seizures




Mean sensitivity and specificity of PET myocardial perfusion studies for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) are accordingly:



93% and 50%



93% and 92%



50% and 92%



50% and 50%



Hot-for-cold substitution is applied in the development process of all of the ­following PET tracers EXCEPT:















The pattern of FDG uptake in multi-infarct dementia is characterized by:


The parietotemporal hypometabolism



The visual cortices involvement



The frontotemporal regions involvement



Scattered regions of hypometabolism




The presented PET MIP, fused PET/CT, and CT axial images in Fig. 4.2 were obtained from the patient referred for the evaluation of abdominal mass. Based on the findings the abdominal mass represents:


Fig. 4.2
(a) PET MIP image; (b) PET/CT image; (c) CT image


Metastatic cancer of the liver



Solid tumor of the left kidney



Cavitary mass arising from the left kidney



Cavitary mass adjacent to small bowel




Any chest area that specially attenuates the x-ray beam and as a result appears more dense than the surrounding region is called:















The area of maximal electrophysiological interictal activity is called:


The brain infarct



The epileptic focus



The epileptogenic lesion



The brain ischemia




Fluoromisonidazole (F-18 MISO) was developed as the PET tracer to assess:


Membrane synthesis



Lipids metabolism



Hypoxia extent



Protein synthesis




Two patients are scheduled to have PET myocardial perfusion imaging at 8:00 a.m. and 8:20 a.m., each with dose of 15 mCi Nitrogen-13-ammonia. What is the total millicurie amount that should be available at 7:30 a.m. to accommodate these two studies?


600 mCi



480 mCi



120 mCi



36 mCi




Which of the following statements describing hypoxia in a growing tumor is FALSE?


Hypoxia inhibits cell proliferation



Hypoxia promotes cells adaptive responses



Hypoxia “guards” cells from the cytotoxic effects of radiation



Hypoxia is independent from the local vasculature




Normal, focal ureteral activity can be seen in:


The lower pelvis



The lower abdomen



The superior pelvis



The superior abdomen




Computed tomography acquisition (CT) performed by acquiring unenhanced CT images first, followed by a series of CT images after intravenous injection of contrast medium, is called:


Unenhanced CT with a low-dose technique



Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) CT



Dual energy CT



Multislice CT




Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has bilateral temporoparietal decreased FDG uptake similar to that present in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and also involves:


The frontal lobe



The occipital lobe



The cerebellum



The basal ganglia




The main objective of Bayesian analysis is to combine both clinical and imaging-based characteristics to obtain an assessment of the:


Cost of treatment



Time of recovery



Probability of disease



Longtime prognosis




Radiation effects on bone marrow affecting FDG uptake can be described as:


Increased uptake in the area of spine



Increased area of uptake corresponding to the radiation field



Decreased uptake in the area of spine



Decreased area of uptake corresponding to the radiation field




Hybrid PET-CT scanners, equipped with multislice CT, can be used to perform the following types of cardiac diagnostic imaging EXCEPT:


PET myocardial perfusion study



Coronary angiography






Calcium scoring




The sphincter muscle that protects the opening of the esophagus into the stomach is called the:


Pyloric sphincter



Esophageal sphincter



Sphincter of Oddie



Sphincter ani




The consequences of the mesothelioma stage on treatment selection depend entirely on whether:


Chemotherapy will be a treatment possibility



Surgical intervention will be a treatment possibility



Radiotherapy will be a treatment possibility



Radioimmunotherapy will be a treatment possibility




A package of several F-18 FDG unit doses is reading 19.5 mR/h. How many half value layers of lead (Pb) should be placed in front of the package to reduce the exposure to a background level of 0.03 mR/h?


38.5 HVLs



9.4 HVLs



4-1 HVLs



2.8 HVLs




The amount of radioactivity, for gamma and beta radiation, measured with wipe tests on the packages designated White I, Yellow II, or Yellow III Department of Transportation DOT labels, should not EXCEED:


2.2 dpm/cm2



22 dpm/cm2



222 dpm/cm2



2,222 dpm/cm2




The most common site for distant metastases of the colorectal cancer is:


The lung



The brain



The liver



He spleen




According to the Cotswold system (formerly the Ann Arbor Staging System), involvement of lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm describes:


Stage I of lymphoma



Stage II of lymphoma



Stage III of lymphoma



Stage IV of lymphoma




The main physicochemical property of a PET radiotracer that decides its ability to enter the brain and label the target receptor or enzyme is:


The lipophilicity of the complex



The hydrophilicity of the complex



The molecular mass of the complex



The electrical charge of the complex




Cardiac PET quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) and coronary flow reserve (CFR) may be useful for detection and evaluation of all of the following EXCEPT:


Left ventricle ejection fraction



Balanced ischemia on qualitative images



Evaluation of collateral flow



Identification of endothelial dysfunction




Diffusely increased marrow FDG uptake may be secondary to all of the following EXCEPT:


Radiation therapy









G-CSF therapy




Malignant attributes of pulmonary nodules on computed tomography (CT) include:


Small size



Decrease in size over time



Round margins



Mixed attenuation




PET has been shown to have reduced sensitivity in patients with colorectal:


Mucinous adenocarcinoma



Carcinoma in situ



Metastatic carcinoma



Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma




According to the Cotswold system (formerly the Ann Arbor Staging System), involvement of a single lymph node region or involvement of a single extralymphatic organ outlines:


Stage I of lymphoma



Stage II of lymphoma



Stage III of lymphoma



Stage IV of lymphoma




According to a facility’s protocol, the maximum F-18 FDG dose that could be injected to a patient is 14 mCi. A 12 mCi dose of F-18 FDG is calibrated for 8:00 a.m. If the patient comes an hour early, what is the earliest time the dose will be under 14 mCi?


7:45 am



7:30 am



7:15 am



7:00 am




In rooms with a negative pressure, the direction of airflow at the boundaries of the room is:


Out of the room



Into the room



Around the room



Below the room




Clinical semiology of seizures, one of the main areas of study in patients with epilepsy, evaluates:


Signs and symptoms









Autopsy findings




Which of the following statements correctly explains the influence of FDG-PET imaging on staging in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL)?


Upstaging of approximately 15–25% of patients



Downstaging in a small minority of patients



Upstaging in a small minority of patients



Downstaging of approximately 15–25% of patients




A substance that forms a complex with a biomolecule and by binding to a site on a target protein serves as a signal triggering molecule is called:















Within the broad group of malignant lymphomas, the Hodgkin’s disease is set apart from other lymphomas by the presence of:





The Reed–Sternberg cells



The Schwann cells







The brain structure described as a “sensory relay” is called:


The limbic system



The thalamus



The hypothalamus



The cerebellum




A pencil shape, a fan shape, and a cone shape are commonly used terms in radiography to describe:


CT detector



PET crystal



X-ray beam



PET/CT fusion




The tumors that arose from cells that stem from the neural crest cells, and share a characteristic feature to produce peptide hormones, as well as synthesize amines from certain precursors are called:





Fibroid tumors






Neuroendocrine tumors




All of the following statements appropriately describe the usefulness of FDG-PET imaging in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) EXCEPT:


FDG-PET reduces the number of futile surgical procedures



FDG-PET imaging is useful for guiding needle biopsy



FDG-PET/CT increases the accuracy of overall MPM staging



High levels of FDG uptake are associated with a favorable prognosis




The radiation exposure rate at a distance of 12 inches from radioactive source is 12.5 mR/h. How many feet away should the technologist stand to reduce the exposure level to 3.0 mR/h?


2 ft



4.2 ft.



24.5 ft.



60 ft.




The annual allowable limit for radiation exposure for the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to the whole body is less than or equal to:


10 mSv (1 rem)



20 mSv (2 rem)



50 mSv (5 rem)



500 mSv (50 rem)




The amount of F-18 FDG uptake in atherosclerotic lesions correlates with:


The density of eosinophils in the lesions



The density of erythrocytes in the lesions



The density of macrophages in the lesions



The density of basophils in the lesions




The attenuation-corrected (AC) PET, images when compared to the non-­attenuation-corrected (NAC):


Have less noise



Require additional time



Are prone to artifacts



Don’t allow SUV measurement




Selected tumors with low/variable FDG uptake include all of the following EXCEPT:


Bronchoalveolar carcinoma



Iodine-avid differentiated thyroid cancer



Metastatic liver carcinoma



Hepatocellular carcinoma




Increased synthesis of monoclonal immunoglobulins in multiple myeloma functions as a straightforward approach for functional imaging with:


F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose



C-11 methionine



C-11 raclopride



F-18 fluoride




When compared with Ga-68 DOTA-peptides, F-18DOPA may offer advantages for the detection of neuroendocrine tumors with:


A high expression of SSR



A low or absent expression of SSR



A decreased glucose metabolism



An increased glucose metabolism




Cancer that starts in antibody producing white blood cells is called:


Lymphocytic leukemia



Multiple myeloma



Hodgkins lymphoma



Monocytic leukemia




Hypometabolic area seen after radiation therapy in patients with treated CNS brain tumor, adjacent to or distant from the tumor is secondary to:















The ECG records normal electrical currents as specific waves in the following order:


P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, T wave, and U wave



QRS complex, P wave, ST segment, T wave, and U wave



QRS complex, U wave, P wave, ST segment, and T wave



P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, U wave, and T wave




The difference among the daily blank sinogram, and a reference blank sinogram acquired at some point in the last setup of the scanner, is called:


Average variance



Streak artifact



Scatter correction



Calibration factor




Radiation dose equivalency is measured in:















PET F-18 FDG findings commonly observed in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) include:


Diffusely increased F-18 FDG activity in the lungs



Decreased lung volume



Prominent right ventricle F-18 FDG uptake



Decreased anteroposterior thoracic diameter




The main advantage of the Straton x-ray tube over the traditional x-ray tube results mainly from:


More effective shielding



More effective cooling and heat dissipation



Lower price and energy use



User-friendly interface




All of the following statements correctly describe the postsurgical F-18 FDG uptake at the intervention site EXCEPT:


Postsurgical F-18 FDG uptake is mainly diffuse



Postsurgical F-18 FDG uptake corresponds to the site of surgery



Postsurgical F-18 FDG uptake increases in intensity with time



Postsurgical F-18 FDG uptake decreases in size with time




The manifestation of hypermetabolic lesions in architecturally unchanged trabecular bone in patients with multiple myeloma suggests the presence of:


Scar tissue



Bone metastases



Active lesions



Avascular necrosis




All of the following types of medications are affecting fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in patients with brain tumors EXCEPT:















The incremental prognostic value of PET myocardial perfusion imaging:


Predicts recovery time after cardiac events



Predicts time to hospital discharge



Predicts adverse cardiac events



Predicts cost of treatment




The most common sites of neuroendocrine tumor (NET) onset are:


The bronchus/lungs and gastroenteropancreatic tract



The brain and the skin



The thyroid and urinary tract



Adrenal glands and genital tract




All of the following findings have been observed on FDG-PET scans of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) EXCEPT:


The higher focal activity was seen during disease exacerbation



The higher focal activity disappeared on the PET scan after antibiotic therapy



The PET foci showed corresponding CT scan findings



The higher focal activity disappeared on the CT scan after antibiotic therapy




The following values were obtained from a Cs-137 measurement on a dose calibrator during a Monday to Friday workweek. What is the standard sample deviation of the series of measurements listed below?

490 μCi, 503 μCi, 482 μCi, 507 μCi, 514 μCi















Ring dosimeters should be issued to individuals who are likely to exceed a minimum extremity dose of:


1,000 mrem/year (10 mSv/year)



2,000 mrem/year (20 mSv/year)



5,000 mrem/year (50 mSv/year)



10,000 mrem/year (100 mSv/year)




Pattern of F-18 FDG uptake in the normal tonsils, soft palate, mylohyoid muscle, and sublingual glands observed on sagittal images is described as:


C shape



T shape



An inverted C shape



An inverted T shape




The Society of Nuclear Medicine recommends that F-18 FDG-PET should be routinely performed on patients previously treated for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) when the findings of radioactive iodine whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) are negative and:


The thyroglobulin (Tg) levels are more than 10 ng/mL



The thyroglobulin (Tg) levels are less than 10 ng/mL



The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are more than 30 mIU/L



The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are less than 30 mIU/L




The following are amino acids EXCEPT:















A profile of the counts across the point source image is called:


System resolution



System sensitivity



Point spread function



Line spread function




The most important single prognostic factor for survival and prognosis in patients diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors is the presence of:


Brain metastasis



Lung metastasis



Liver metastasis



Lymph node metastasis




The interaction between penetrating radiation and matter when the incident x-ray photon deflected from its original path loses energy but continues to travel through the material along an altered path is called:


The photoelectric effect



The Compton scattering



The pair production



Bremsstrahlung radiation




Frontotemporal dementia is a clinical syndrome known as:


Pick’s disease



Vascular dementia



Alzheimer’s disease



Dementia with Lewy bodies




All of the following positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion tracers are used for noninvasive myocardial blood flow (MBF) quantitation EXCEPT:


Water O-15



Rubidium Rb-82



Acetate C-11



Ammonia N-13




Which of the following axial CT images in Fig. 4.3 matches the findings presented on the Fig. 4.4 coronal maximum-intensity projection PET image ?


Fig. 4.3
(a) CT axial slice; (b) CT axial slice; (c) CT axial slice; (d) CT axial slice


Fig. 4.4
PET/CT MIP image


Fig. 4.3a



Fig. 4.3b



Fig. 4.3c



Fig. 4.3d




In the resting myocardium, and under normal conditions, 15% to 20% of the energy is delivered by:


Vitamin C









Fatty acids




Interictal PET scans are most valuable in the management of the patient with:


Partial complex seizures



Partial simple seizures



Petit mal seizures



Grand mal seizures




PET/CT findings in anaplastic thyroid cancer scintigraphy can be described by all of the following EXCEPT:


PET and PET/CT define the local extent of disease and the presence of metastases



A positive PET/CT scan after therapy is linked with longer survival



PET and PET/CT have an impact on patients’ management



Intense FDG uptake and volume are prognostic for a bad outcome




The FDG-PET sensitivity and specificity in restaging and follow-up of melanoma are accordingly:


56% and 45%



70% and 74%



92% and 94%



100% and 100%




All of the following radiopharmaceuticals can be used for the evaluation of recurrent or residual medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) EXCEPT:


In-111 Octreoscan



C-11 acetate










Possible explanations of relative insensitivity of FDG-PET for the detection of regional nodal metastases in patients with esophageal carcinoma include:


The mediastinal proximity



The primary tumor mass proximity






Barrett esophagus




The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is the ratio obtained when the signal in an image is:


Divided by the background in the image



Multiplied by the background in the image



Divided by the noise in the image



Multiplied by the background in the image




The following statements describing PET and PET/CT for the management of patients with breast cancer are true EXCEPT:


PET has limited sensitivity in detecting lesions less than 10 mm



PET/CT cannot detect a lesion beyond the resolution of CT



In situ carcinoma shows higher FDG uptake than invasive ductal cancer



Dense breast may mask small and low-grade tumors




6-[F-18]fluoro-L-DOPA was developed as the PET tracer to visualize:


Neurons in the basal ganglia



Amyloid in the brain cortex



Viable myocardium



Sentinel node




Which of the following structures function as the normal pacemaker of the heart?


Atrioventricular node



Sinoatrial node



Right bundle branches



Ventricular myocardium




In the image in Fig. 4.5, the ascending aorta is labeled:


Fig. 4.5
Chest CT















The single most important factor in determining initial prognosis and the need for adjuvant chemotherapy for patients diagnosed with breast cancer is/are:


Axillary lymph node metastasis



Histologic tumor type



Tumor size



Mediastinal lymph node metastasis




The primary difference between NEMA performance measurements, defined as NU 2-2007 and NU 2-2001, is:


NU 2-2007 addresses spatial resolution measurement using a point source



NU 2-2007 addresses the intrinsic radioactivity in LSO and LYSO crystals



NU 2-2001 addresses intrinsic scatter fraction measurement



NU 2-2001 addresses the intrinsic radioactivity in LSO and LYSO crystals




The physiological breast uptake in postmenopausal women, who are NOT on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), should be:





Less than the liver



More than the liver



More than the heart




All of the following factors contribute to degradation of resolution in the reconstructed images in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging EXCEPT:


Positron range



Inter-crystal scattering



The width of scintillation crystals



Photon collinearity




In the evaluation of malignancy, misinterpreting normal uptake of F-18 FDG within the thymus results in a potential pitfall in the evaluation of the:


Posterior mediastinum



Anterior mediastinum










Scatter events comprise __________ in 3D positron emission tomography (PET):


10–20% of all events



20–30% of all events



30–40% of all events



40–60% of all events




F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) use in patients with suspected primary and residual/recurrent gliomas is limited by:


The low F-18 FDG uptake in normal brain tissue



The high F-18 FDG uptake in normal brain tissue



The low F-18 FDG uptake in tumor tissue



The high F-18 FDG uptake in tumor tissue




The most important problem with the PET/MR scanner is:


Correcting for attenuation of gamma rays



Correcting for scatter of gamma rays



Correcting for patient motion



Correcting for breathing artifacts




The path distance required for a positron to find an electron for annihilation depends on:


The number of positrons and number of electrons in the immediate area of decay



The energy of positron and number of electrons in the immediate area of decay



The energy of positron and energy of electron in the immediate area of decay



The number of positrons and charge of electron in the immediate area of decay



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