Pulse Sequences


Pulse Sequences

The advanced-level MRI examination will contain 12 questions on pulse sequences. The topics covered are

  • Spin echo

– Conventional spin echo

– Fast spin echo

  • Inversion recovery
  • Gradient recalled echo

– Conventional gradient echo

– Fast gradient echo

Q1 An inversion recovery spin echo sequence begins with a:

(a) 90° RF pulse Images
(b) 180° RF pulse Images
(c) 45° RF pulse Images
(d) a or b Images

Q2 To produce the echo, a gradient echo pulse sequence uses:

(a) A gradient magnetic field only Images
(b) An RF pulse only Images
(c) A combination of a and b Images
(d) A switching device Images
(e) A combination of any two RF pulses Images

Q3 The 180° pulse that follows the initial 90° pulse in a spin echo sequence will cause the NMR signal to reappear while correcting for:

(a) Slight magnetic field inhomogeneities Images
(b) Chemical shift Images
(c) Slight magnetic susceptibility effects Images
(d) All of the above Images

Q4 If the TR of a gradient echo pulse sequence is considerably less than the T2 (and T2*), the condition that will exist is known as:

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Jan 14, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Pulse Sequences

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(a) Steady state Images
(b) Spin dephasing Images
(c) Spin rephasing