


There will be three questions on screening in the advanced-level examination for MRI. These will be drawn from the following subject areas

  • Patients
  • Ancillary equipment
  • Personnel

(Check box for correct answer)

Q1 Family members and ancillary personnel accompanying the patient into the scan room:

(a) Need not be screened because they are not undergoing MRI Images
(b) Can enter the scan room to check on the patient but cannot stay during scanning Images
(c) Should be screened as if they are going through the procedure themselves Images
(d) Must wear a lead apron during the procedure Images

Q2 In preparation for the MRI examination, patients should be encouraged to:

(a) Wear their own clothing so as to feel at home with the study Images
(b) Wear a wrist-watch so they are aware of the length of the exam Images
(c) Keep their hearing aids in so as to hear the commands and requests of the technologist Images
(d) Either arrive at the imaging center wearing a sweat-suit or to change into a hospital gown Images


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Jan 14, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Screening

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