Sequence Parameters and Options


Sequence Parameters and Options

There will be 38 questions in the MRI advanced-level examination on sequence parameters and options. They will address the interdependence of the parameters and options below and how these affect image quality (contrast-to-noise, signal-to-noise, spatial resolution, and acquisition time) and contrast (T1 weighted, T2 weighted, and spin (proton) density)

  • Imaging parameters

– TR

– TE

– T1

– Number of signal averages

– Flip angle

– Field of view (FOV)

– Matrix

– Number of slices

– Slice thickness and gap

– Phase and frequency

– Echo train length (ETL)

– Effective TE (target TE)

  • Imaging options

– Dimensionality (2D vs 3D)

– Bandwidth

– Slice order

– Saturation pulses

– Gradient moment nulling

– Fat suppression

– Physiologic gating and triggering

Q40 The time between excitation pulses is known as the:

(a) T1 Images
(b) TE Images
(c) TR Images
(d) PR Images

Q41 In a spin echo sequence, the time between the 90° pulse and the 180° pulse is:

(a) TE Images
(b) TR Images
(c) T1 Images
(d) ½ TE Images

Q42 Presaturation pulses are often used to:

(a) Improve spatial resolution Images
(b) Reduce flow artifacts Images
(c) Reduce scan time Images
(d) Turn flowing blood bright Images

Q43 The presaturation pulses usually occur:

(a) Prior to the excitation pulse Images
(b) After the 180° pulse Images
(c) Between the 90° and 180° pulses Images
(d) Prior to the TE Images

Q44 Gradient echo sequences use flip angles:

(a) Less than 90° Images
(b) That vary between pulse repetitions Images
(c) To control saturation effects Images
(d) To reduce SAR for larger patients Images

Q45 Complete saturation is a condition where:

(a) Not enough time is given to allow the T2 decay to complete Images
(b) The image becomes brighter Images
(c) Longitudinal magnetization is not allowed to recover between excitations Images
(d) Proton density effects predominate Images

Q46 Increasing the TE:

(a) Increases the contrast based on T2 relaxation times of the tissues Images
(b) Reduces the contrast based on T2 relaxation times of the tissues Images
(c) Reduces the contrast based on T1 relaxation times of the tissues Images
(d) a and c Images

Q47 Reducing the TR:

(a) Decreases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the image Images
(b) Reduces the contrast based on T2 relaxation times of the tissues Images
(c) Increases saturation effects Images
(d) a and c Images

Q48 Reducing the TE:

(a) Increases the contrast based on T1 relaxation times Images
(b) Increases the spin density contrast weighting Images
(c) Reduces saturation effects Images
(d) Reduces contrast based on T2 relaxation times Images

Q49 In a gradient echo sequence, reducing the flip angle while holding the TR constant reduces:

(a) T2* contrast weighting Images
(b) Spin density contrast weighting Images
(c) Saturation Images
(d) Scan time Images

Q50 In a 2D conventional spin echo multislice pulse sequence, scan time is given by the equation:

(a) Time × number of phase encodings × TR Images
(b) TR × FOV × number of signals averaged Images
(c) TR × number of slices × number of signals averaged Images
(d) TR × number of signals averaged × number of Images

Q51 In an inversion recovery pulse sequence, image contrast is controlled by:

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Jan 14, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Sequence Parameters and Options

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(a) TR and TE only Images
(b) TI only