


There will be ten questions on imaging procedures for the spine in the advanced-level examination for MRI. These will relate to the following areas

  • Cervical
  • Thoracic
  • Lumbo-sacral

Q41 Most spine imaging is performed with the use of:

(a) A surface/local coil Images
(b) ECG gating Images
(c) Respiratory compensation Images
(d) Peripheral gating Images

Q42 In patients that have undergone surgery for a herniated disk in the lumbar spine, contrast enhancement can be used to distinguish recurrent disk from post-operative scar because:

(a) Post-operative scar never enhances and recurrent disk does enhance Images
(b) Post-operative scar enhances and recurrent disk does not Images
(c) Disk enhances more slowly than post-operative scar Images
(d) Neither scar nor disk enhance Images

Q43 For optimal imaging of the cervical spine, patient positioning and local coil placement are:

(a) Supine/under the neck to include from C1 to C7 Images
(b) Supine/on top of the neck to include from C1 to C7 Images
(c) Supine/beside the neck to include from C1 to C7 Images
(d) Prone/on top of the neck to include from C1 to C7 Images

Q44 On a 24 cm FOV, sagittal T-spine image that demonstrates a cord compression, the vertebral level can be determined by:

(a) Using the xyphoid as a landmark and counting up from T12 Images
(b) Using the sternal notch as a landmark and counting down from T1 Images
(c) Using a large FOV localizer and counting down from C2 Images
(d) Using lead markers to mark T12 and T1 on large FOV images Images

Q45 In lumber spine imaging, images acquired directly through intervertebral disk spaces can be acquired in the:

(a) Axial plane Images
(b) Sagittal plane Images
(c) Coronal plane Images
(d) Oblique plane Images

Q46 On T1 weighted images of the spine, the CSF appears:

(a) Hyperintense to the spinal cord Images
(b) Hypointense to the spinal cord Images
(c) Isointense to the spinal cord Images
(d) a and c Images

Q47 The conus and the cauda equina in adult patients are best demonstrated by a:

(a) Sagittal image of the cervical spine Images
(b) Sagittal image of the thoracic spine Images
(c) Sagittal image of the lumbar spine Images
(d) Coronal image of the thoracic spine Images

Image 4


Q48 Image 4 was acquired in the:

(a) Axial imaging plane Images
(b) Sagittal imaging plane Images
(c) Coronal imaging plane Images
(d) Off-axis (oblique) imaging plane Images

Q49 Image 4 is an example of:

(a) A T1 weighted image Images
(b) A T2 weighted image Images
(c) A spin (proton) density weighted image Images
(d) A T2* weighted image Images
(e) All of the above Images


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Jan 14, 2016 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Spine

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