The liver, spleen and pancreas

5 The liver, spleen and pancreas


Fetal vascular anatomy

In the fetal circulation the umbilical vein enters the left branch of the portal vein at the umbilical recess, lying in the free border of the falciform ligament from the umbilicus to the liver (Fig. 5.1). The left portal vein connects with the hepatic vein via the ductus venosus, and the blood then flows into the right atrium of the heart. The ductus venosus effectively forms a large venous shunt and bypasses the liver, allowing most of the blood from the placenta to pass directly to the heart. This fetal anatomy is important, as umbilical venous catheters should follow this route. If they enter the right portal vein then there is the potential for portal vein thrombosis to occur. After birth the umbilical vein obliterates and goes on to form the ligamentum teres in the falciform ligament. The ductus venosus also obliterates and goes on to form the ligamentum venosum. Within a few hours of birth and in very early neonatal life these structures can be readily identified with careful sonography. In the older child the ligamentum teres can be seen as an echogenic structure arising from the left branch of the portal vein (Fig. 5.2). When the pressure in the liver rises, as in cirrhosis, this channel re-canalizes and opens so that portal venous blood can flow away from the liver towards the umbilicus. This is how umbilical varices develop.

The inferior vena cava has a complex developmental anatomy, but anomalies are surprisingly infrequent. The most common anomaly is a persistent left-sided IVC which drains into the right atrium through the enlarged orifice of the coronary sinus.

In the abdomen the commonest anomaly is an interrupted IVC with failure of development of the hepatic segment. As a result the blood from the lower body drains via the azygous and hemiazygous system of veins. The hepatic veins drain separately into the right atrium. There may also be a double IVC, which usually occurs below the renal veins, with the left IVC being smaller than the right.


Ultrasound is the first-line investigation in any suspected abdominal pathology in children. Liver disease may be suspected clinically, in which case the findings of ultrasound will guide further imaging. However, lesions in the liver are often detected incidentally. Hence, abdominal examinations, regardless of the clinical history, should include a full examination of the major abdominal organs and their vasculature. This is particularly true in children, where many conditions are congenital. The liver has a very large functional reserve and may need to suffer extensive disease before dysfunction becomes clinically apparent. Also, there are many conditions, for example, renal, which are associated with liver disease, which will not be detected unless they are specifically sought.

A thorough basic knowledge of the normal anatomy of the liver is essential but, in addition in children, knowledge of the congenital anomalies that may simulate disease is also required. Perhaps nowhere else in the abdomen is the use of Doppler so important both to characterize focal lesions and evaluate the portal and hepatic vasculature.

Ultrasound technique

Curved linear array transducers are undoubtedly the best probes to use for the liver and spleen and upper abdomen. They give a good overview with little degradation of the near field. Changing to a linear transducer is essential if there is any suspicion of disease causing subtle small foci, such as candida (see Fig. 5.16B), as these can be easily overlooked. High-quality Doppler is essential, as vascular abnormalities such as hemangiomas are common. Also, normal hepatic vascular anatomy and flow patterns should be confirmed.

Guidelines on technique are as follows.

In children read the request carefully and check any previous reports or examinations. Always know what you are potentially looking for before you start, as the window of opportunity and period of goodwill for a quiet child is limited. Sedation, while rarely used for abdominal ultrasound, may be the only alternative when trying to clarify complex pathology, particularly when a good Doppler examination is needed.

Children are best scanned supine at first, and visualization of organs is best enhanced by deep inspiration or expiration depending on which is better in any individual child. This exaggerated respiration brings the organs into better view. In inspiration the lungs inflate and the liver, spleen and kidneys descend below the ribs. This technique is also useful when trying to displace bowel. Sometimes in older children, organs will be better seen in the oblique and even decubitus position. The unwary sonographer must, however, accommodate the unusual views and appearances of the other organs such as kidney, IVC and aorta. An intercostal approach is very useful for a liver tucked high underneath the ribcage.

Unless there is a suspicion clinically and a specific request to examine the biliary tree, children are not starved for routine abdominal examinations. If gallbladder or biliary disease is suspected during the examination, it is best to bring them back fully prepared and repeat the examination. One of the major advantages of ultrasound is that it can be repeated often and frequently.

Ensure that the equipment is set optimally and a wide range of transducers is available for every eventuality.

Have a systematic plan for examining the abdomen so that all the intra-abdominal structures are evaluated routinely. Leave any pathological process until last so that an important organ is not forgotten in the excitement of trying to come to a diagnosis.

Remember to examine the intra-abdominal organs, both in longitudinal and transverse sections, in their entirety.

The major abdominal vessels are important in children because organs, and in particular the liver, may have anomalous arterial supply and venous drainage. The IVC is particularly important and may be interrupted or may contain tumor or thrombus or a congenital web. The portal vein and porta hepatis should also be carefully examined for collateral vessels such as cavernous transformation.

Don’t forget to look in areas often overlooked such as the subphrenic spaces, i.e. above the liver and spleen, the retroperitoneum and pelvis.

Pay meticulous attention to the ultrasound examination first. Remember it is a dynamic examination and it is not always easy to produce images of what you are seeing.

Normal appearances of the liver

It is assumed that the sonographer undertaking pediatric examinations should have a thorough knowledge of liver anatomy, and the following serves only to highlight the differences seen in children.

The pediatric liver has a homogeneous echo texture and is normally more echogenic than the parenchyma of the renal cortex. The medullae of the kidneys are darker still. The margins of the liver are sharp, and there is a thin, echogenic capsule surrounding the liver. When the liver enlarges, the edges become rounded. The portal vasculature is readily distinguished and, if doubt exists about dilated bile ducts, use Doppler to differentiate bile ducts and vessels. Dilated bile ducts typically produce the ‘too many tubes’ appearance or ‘double barrel shotgun’ appearance in the porta hepatis. If the parenchyma is involved in a process that increases the echogenicity, the portal walls may merge with this increased echogenicity and the portal vein walls appear less prominent. This is a good way to assess increased echogenicity of the liver.

Size of lobes and segments

Requests for sonography in children with clinically suspected hepatosplenomegaly are common. Volumetric measurements are available in the literature, although they are not used in routine clinical practice.1

The size and shape of the liver varies from child to child, and so in routine scanning the size is best assessed subjectively. The right lobe of the liver usually extends to just below the right kidney but, if a Riedel’s lobe (a normal anatomical variant) exists, this may extend further. The left lobe of the liver on transverse scanning usually extends just to the left of the aorta, and in hepatomegaly this may extend well to the left and come to lie above the spleen and displace it inferiorly. This is sometimes erroneously thought to be splenomegaly on clinical examination. In young babies the left lobe is normally relatively large and may extend well over the midline.

Situs inversus is when the liver is on the left and the stomach and spleen on the right. In polysplenia or asplenia the liver has a transverse lie across the abdomen.

Broadly speaking, the liver is divided into the right and left lobes. The right lobe has two segments—the anterior and posterior segments—the division being by the right hepatic vein. The left lobe has a medial and lateral segment, the division being the left hepatic vein. In addition, there is a caudate lobe. It is important to distinguish the latter as it has a different blood supply and in certain conditions, such as Budd–Chiari syndrome (obstruction to the hepatic veins), it may enlarge and have a different echogenic appearance. However, when a mass is present in the liver, it is far more accurate, both for surgery and staging, to carefully locate the position of the mass in relation to the segment of the liver. This system of segmenting the liver was described by Couinaud and is used in CT and MRI and by surgeons when surgery is planned. It is essential to be familiar with this system.

Hepatic vasculature

Figure 5.3 shows Doppler waveforms of the hepatic vessels.


Pathological conditions encountered in the neonate and in childhood differ, so this and subsequent sections divide liver abnormalities into neonatal and childhood conditions. There will be some overlap, but the intention is to provide a better understanding and help narrow the diagnosis for the sonographer.

Hemangioma and hemangioendothelioma

A hemangioma is a primary, benign, frequently symptomatic, vascular neoplasm. Infantile vascular hemangioendothelioma is the most common hepatic mass in the neonate, and over 80% present within the first 6 months of life.

Infants typically present with hepatomegaly or are thought to have an abdominal mass. Other clinical presentations include high-output heart failure (25%) caused by intratumoral, high-flow, arteriovenous shunts. Disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs as the platelets are damaged and trapped as they pass through the AV shunt, and so thrombocytopenia results and the potential to bleed is high (Kasabach–Meritt syndrome). If rupture of the hemangioma has occurred during delivery, they may even present with a hemoperitoneum. Occasionally these infants may be asymptomatic and are referred, from dermatologists, with skin hemangiomas. The reported incidence of associated hepatic hemangiomas varies in the literature, because of selection of patients, but generally about half of those with multiple skin hemangiomas will have them in the liver as well. There is also an association with hemangiomas in the lung, trachea, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and meninges.

Diagnosis may be made in utero, and fetal hydrops may occur as a result of the AV shunting of blood.

Ultrasound appearance

There are two different types of hemangiomas: Type I has proliferation of small vascular channels and cavernous areas, and Type 2 has an irregular structure and tendency to fibrosis. Hemangioendotheliomas may be solitary, multiple or diffuse, ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several centimeters, and reflect the capillary nature of the hemangioma. Asymptomatic and sometimes even symptomatic tumors can undergo complete involution by 2 years.

There is a wide spectrum of ultrasound appearances, from a single small hyper- or hypoechoic nodule to multiple similar nodules throughout the liver parenchyma (Fig. 5.4). Lesions may be present in the spleen as well. Calcification occurs in approximately 15%. They are highly vascular on Doppler examination but settings must be optimal for slow flow. Spectral traces should always be obtained from the hemangioma, which will demonstrate the AV shunting. Ultrasound is particularly useful to look at vessels both feeding and draining the hemangiomatous mass, so the aorta, celiac, superior mesenteric feeding vessels, and hepatic veins draining the mass need to be examined carefully. In addition this will also help in the differential diagnosis—if a mass is found in the liver in a neonate, with large feeding arteries and large draining veins, the diagnosis is most likely to be a hemangioma. In massive intratumoral AV shunting the patient may be in severe congestive heart failure. Ultrasonically the multiple small hemangiomas appear hypoechoic. The single hemangiomas may appear hyperechoic, as seen in adult hemangioma. An enhanced CT examination will show early peripheral enhancement with delayed progression to the center of the lesion. Occasionally the central portion of large masses will remain hypodense, and this corresponds to central fibrosis.

Angiography will show the associated abnormalities of the hepatic artery and large tortuous draining veins with shunting.

Cavernous hemangiomas contain large cystic spaces (Fig. 5.5). The sonographer must carefully evaluate the mass and examine the aorta and major blood vessels, as shunting of blood to the liver may be large and the diversion of blood may increase the size of the hepatic artery and superior mesenteric artery. Ultrasound is an excellent modality for demonstrating this in the neonate, as other cross-sectional imaging does not generally produce images of such exquisite detail due to the small size of the infant. Blood flow in the cavernous hemangioma may be slow and difficult to detect on Doppler but with newer equipment and optimal settings for slow flow this can be overcome. Very rarely these hemangioendotheliomas may fill the whole of the liver, producing a very specific and extraordinary appearance (Fig. 5.6). These infants may be in severe heart failure and have major problems with a bleeding diathesis. Sometimes extreme measures have to be taken in order for the infant to survive, and embolization of the hepatic artery has been attempted in order to prevent the shunting of blood.

Interferon and steroids have been used with variable success to decrease the size of the mass. The natural history of hemangiomas is to decrease in size with time.

Carefully performed dynamic enhanced CT scanning and MRI will help show the vascular nature of the mass. Calcification is occasionally seen in the vessels.

These lesions are the most commonly seen hepatic masses in neonates and, provided the alfa-fetoprotein is normal, should be the first diagnosis excluded. It is for this reason that every effort must be made to perform a careful Doppler examination on all these patients (Fig. 5.7).

Liver tumors in the neonate


Hepatoblastoma may occasionally be seen in the neonate. It is for this reason that the alfa-fetoprotein levels should be measured in any suspicious cases, as they will be elevated in the vast majority. Alfa-fetoprotein is a glycoprotein that is made by the liver, yolk sac and gut. In the fetus it may escape into the amniotic fluid via an open neural tube defect or from open ventral wall defects. This is why it is used so successfully prenatally to help detect these defects.


Neonatal jaundice

Jaundice is a result of elevation of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin may be unconjugated, when it has been released from red cells which have been broken down normally or pathologically, or conjugated, when the released bilirubin is converted by liver cells to a water-soluble form excreted in the bile ducts. The conjugated form normally aids fat digestion and turns stools dark.

Most newborn infants become clinically jaundiced. If the jaundice persists for more than 2 weeks it is called persistent or prolonged. This is usually an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia which resolves.

Persistent jaundice caused by liver disease is conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Clinical evaluation gives very few clues to the etiology, but typically the infants have pale stools, dark urine, hepatomegaly, bleeding disorders (as the liver is unable to synthesize prothrombin) and failure to thrive. Diagnosis of the cause of the jaundice is urgently required, as early intervention improves the ultimate prognosis.

Clinically the infants present in the first month of life with jaundice. The initial steps are:

Biliary atresia

This occurs in 1 in 10–14 000 live births. It is a progressive disease in which there is destruction of the extrahepatic biliary tree and intrahepatic bile ducts.

Current thinking is that it is an acquired inflammatory disease of the bile ducts with resulting damage to segments of the biliary tree, giving abnormal intrahepatic ducts and an interruption of the extrahepatic bile duct. There are many types and they vary according to the extent of the sclerotic and fibrotic process in the biliary tree. All or part of the extrahepatic biliary tree may become atretic and absent. The gallbladder may be preserved, isolated or associated with a choledochocele or patent common bile duct. A choledochocele is an isolated segment of bile duct which fills with fluid. Those who have a patent extrahepatic bile duct and gallbladder have a better prognosis.

These babies have a normal birth weight but rapidly fail to thrive. They have cholestatic jaundice, with pale stools and dark urine. Hepatomegaly is present, and splenomegaly will develop secondary to portal hypertension.

Ultrasound findings

Ultrasound examinations must be carefully performed with the highest resolution transducers available. Generally the findings in neonatal jaundice are non-specific, but there are a few features that need to be specifically commented on.

Other abnormalities to look for include polysplenia, pre-duodenal portal vein and an interrupted inferior vena cava which does not join the inferior aspect of the right atrium. Situs inversus is also associated.

The ultimate diagnosis of biliary atresia is made by a combination of tests. Radioisotope studies show failure of excretion of the IDA compounds by the liver with no filling of the bowel on delayed images. Percutaneous liver biopsy makes the diagnosis by demonstrating portal fibrosis.

Biliary atresia leads to chronic liver failure and death within 2 years unless surgical intervention is performed. Surgery consists of bypassing the fibrotic ducts by performing a portoenterostomy (Kasai procedure) in which the jejunum is anastomosed to the patent ducts on the cut surface of the porta hepatis. If surgery is performed before the infant is 60 days old, 80% achieve bile drainage. The success decreases with age—hence the urgency for diagnosis. If this surgery is not successful then liver transplantation is the only alternative.

Possible future complications include cholangitis and a 2% risk of malignancy in the biliary tree. Follow-up after portoenterostomy is to monitor for the development of cirrhosis.

Role of ultrasound

The major role of ultrasound in neonatal jaundice is the following.

Table 5.2 Differentiation of idiopathic neonatal hepatitis from biliary atresia

  Neonatal hepatitis Biliary atresia
Familial incidence 20% None
Size Premature or small for gestational age Normal
Stool   Usually persistently pale (acholic)
Nasogastric aspirate   No bile
Liver parenchyma Normal or increased echogenicity Normal or increased echogenicity
Bile ducts Not dilated Not dilated
Gallbladder Normal
Contracts after a feed
Contracted and abnormal
15% absent
10% normal
Associated anomalies   Polysplenia, pre-duodenal portal vein, diaphragmatic hernia, situs inversus
HIDA scan Poor uptake, but excretion into bowel Good uptake, with no liver excretion into bowel
Other   Intra- or extrahepatic ‘cysts’; choledochocele
Liver biopsy Non-specific Portal fibrosis
Diagnosis ERCP or operative cholangiography outlines normal biliary tree ERCP or operative cholangiography fails to outline normal biliary tree
Treatment Treatment of the underlying cause if found Early: hepatoportoenterostomy (surgical bypass of fibrotic ducts)
Kasai procedure
Late: liver transplantation

ERCP, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; HIDA, hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid.


Caroli disease

In the 1950s Caroli et al described a disease characterized by non-obstructive dilation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. These cystic dilations of the bile ducts were prone to developing biliary calculi, and the patients were at risk of developing cholangitis. The disorder may be associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis and medullary cystic disease of the kidneys and a choledochal cyst (Fig. 5.9). Any infant or child with large echogenic kidneys and suspected of having ARPKD should have a careful evaluation of the liver. Polycystic disease of the liver is seen in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and differs in that the cysts do not communicate with the bile ducts. It rarely occurs in children.

Choledochal cysts

These are cystic dilations of the extrahepatic biliary system.812 About 25% present in the neonatal period with cholestasis (Fig. 5.10). Some are detected by prenatal scanning. Choledochal cysts appear most commonly as cystic or fusiform dilation of the common bile duct. They are thought to be related to an anomalous connection between the common bile duct and pancreatic duct which results in chronic reflux of pancreatic juices and dilation of the common bile duct. Ultrasound is the initial imaging modality of choice and will generally give an excellent demonstration of the dilation of the intra- and extrahepatic biliary tree. ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) will further delineate the anatomy of the biliary tree (Fig. 5.11). Intraoperative (i.e. during surgery) cholangiography is also sometimes performed.

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