The renal tract

3 The renal tract


In the human fetus the development of the urinary and genital systems are intimately related, so much so that ducts from the early urinary system go on to be incorporated into the male genital system. This intimate developmental relationship explains why some of the congenital anomalies affect both systems.

Three sets of excretory organs develop in a human embryo in a cranial to caudal progression (Fig. 3.1):


These are the permanent kidneys and begin to develop in the fifth week. They develop from two sources:

The fetal kidneys are subdivided into lobes which give it the characteristic fetal lobulation. This disappears during infancy as the nephrons increase and grow.

Initially the permanent kidneys lie close to each other in the pelvis. As the abdomen grows, the kidneys move cranially (towards the head) and gradually move further apart. Eventually they come to lie in the retroperitoneum on the posterior abdominal wall. As they ascend from the pelvis they receive a higher and higher blood supply so that eventually they receive blood supplied from the aorta. This also accounts for the multiple renal arteries which often supply the kidneys. When they come into contact with the adrenal gland the ascent stops (Fig. 3.3).

Figure 3.4 gives a schematic diagram of some of the more common anomalies of the urinary system. Renal anomalies occur in some 3–4% of newborn infants and are usually those of number of kidneys, rotation and position.


Anomalies of the upper urinary tract

Abnormalities of position

Abnormal rotation of the kidneys is often associated with ectopia, that is abnormal position of the kidneys. A malrotated ectopic kidney is more susceptible to develop urological complications or be more susceptible to trauma.

Anomalies of the lower urinary tract

Anomalies of the distal ureter


Ureteroceles are cystic dilations of the intravesical segments of the ureter and may be associated with either single or duplex ureters. The wall is composed of bladder and ureteral epithelium. Ureterocele may be small or fill the whole bladder and even prolapse out of the urethra. When they are large and fill the bladder they may obstruct the contralateral ureter and may be missed on ultrasound. They may be simple or ectopic. A simple ureterocele refers to a normal position in the bladder with a stenosis of the ureteral orifice. This is more common in adults and is thought to be related to infection.

On ultrasound the ureterocele appears as a cystic structure with a thin membrane within the bladder almost always associated with a dilated ureter. If large enough it will obstruct the bladder, and in boys may even be mistaken for PUV with an irregular trabeculated bladder wall. In nearly three quarters of pediatric patients an ectopic ureterocele is associated with a duplex collecting system and is the distal portion of the upper moiety ureter. The upper moiety is usually obstructed by the ureterocele. Due to the stasis of urine, urinary tract infections and stones in the ureterocele may occur. VUR may be associated with the lower moiety duplex due to the shorter and more vertical intravesical course of the ureter as mentioned previously (Fig. 3.8)

Primary vesicoureteric reflux (VUR)

Vesicoureteric reflux is the flow of urine from the bladder into the ureter and upper collecting system. It may be isolated but is commonly associated with other abnormalities, in particular bladder and bladder outflow obstructions. There is also a known association with duplex systems and multicystic kidneys, and it is known to be a familial condition (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Grades of VUR based on guidelines of the International Reflux Study Committee20(Lebowitz)

Grade Characteristics
I Ureter only
II Ureter, pelvis, and calyces; no dilation; normal calyceal fornices
III Mild or moderate dilation or tortuosity of the ureter and moderate dilation of the renal pelvis; no or slight blunting of the fornices
IV Moderate dilation or tortuosity of the ureter and moderate dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces; complete obliteration of the sharp angle of the fornices but maintenance of the papillary impressions in the majority of calyces
V Gross dilation and tortuosity of the ureter; gross dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces; papillary impressions are no longer visible in the majority of the calyces

Cystography, that is the catheterization of the bladder and the instillation of radiographic contrast (the conventional method), radioisotope or ultrasound contrast agents is the only method of directly detecting VUR.

Anomalies of the bladder

Bladder agenesis is extremely rare and most infants are stillborn.


Ultrasound is the first investigation in all children suspected of having any urinary tract abnormality. The findings of the ultrasound will then direct further investigation so it is crucial the sonographer performs a meticulous examination with a properly prepared child.

The anatomical information given by ultrasound is independent of function. Functional information is generally obtained from nuclear medicine studies. Sometimes further anatomical information, particularly of the ureters and calyces, is needed and for this an intravenous urogram (IVU) is performed (Table 3.2) (Fig. 3.10).

Table 3.2 Renal investigations in children

Investigation Description Indication
Micturating cystourethrogram (MCU) Bladder catheterization. Demonstrates bladder size and shape. VUR if present. Only test which will show urethral abnormalities in boys
Direct isotope cystogram (DIC) Bladder catheterization and isotope contrast First investigation in girls and for follow-up in toddlers who are not potty- trained. Lower radiation dose than IRC
Voiding urosonography Bladder catheterization and ultrasound contrast
Indirect radioisotope cystograms (IRC) Dynamic renogram followed by voiding to look for VUR Follow-up of VUR in older continent children. Gives functional information about kidneys
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (Tc 99m DMSA) Isotope gets fixed in the kidney
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (Tc 99m DTPA) Dynamic renogram Assess differential renal function and drainage
Mercaptoacetyltriglycine (Tc 99m MAG3) Isotope taken up by kidney and passed in urine. After 30 min micturition views to look for VUR (IRC) Postoperative evaluation of the collecting system:
Indirect cystography
Following renal transplantation
Renography with captopril stimulation for renovascular hypertension
Intravenous urogram (IVU) Contrast injected intravenously. Series of views of the kidneys and bladder as the contrast passes through the system

IRC, indirect radioisotope cystogram; PUV, posterior urethral valves; UTI, urinary tract infection; VUR, vesicoureteric reflux.


Examine the child well hydrated and with a full bladder wherever possible. Failure to have a full bladder could result in the sonographer missing an intermittent PUJ obstruction, dilated lower ureters, intravesical pathology such as ureteroceles, pelvic masses and assessing bladder emptying.

Start with the patient supine and examine the bladder first as the infant may micturate and vital information will be lost (Box 3.1).

An overfull bladder may cause a mild fullness of the collecting system, so it is best to start the examination of the full bladder and then get the patient to micturate. After micturition, examine the kidneys. If the kidneys appear dilated with the full bladder, then it is generally best to wait at least 15 minutes before examining the kidneys again. Establish a local protocol so that the referring nephrourologists know exactly when (i.e. before or after micturition) and where the renal pelvis is measured (Box 3.2)

Doppler evaluation is integral to the examination but particularly important in conditions such as:

Normal ultrasound appearances

The normal ultrasound appearances in a neonate typically show an increase in the cortical echogenicity. Normally the parenchymal echogenicity is equal to or increased as compared to the liver and spleen. This can persist for up to 6 months and is thought to be related to the greater volume of glomeruli occupying the renal cortex. The medullary pyramids are prominent, hypoechoic, triangular structures with base on the renal cortex and regularly arranged around the central collecting system. There is an echogenic ‘dot’ on the base of the triangle which is the arcuate artery passing between the cortex and medulla. This is an easily identifiable structure on dynamic scanning and will accurately differentiate between calyceal dilation and cysts. The central sinus echoes in a neonate are much less evident than in an adult or older child. Fetal lobulation may still be present.

After 6 months and in the older child the echogenicity of the cortex becomes more hypoechoic and the cortex appears thicker in relation to the medullae. The central sinus echoes become more prominent with age and body fat. Normally no calyceal dilation is seen. The renal pelvis shows some variation in size and a transverse pelvic diameter of <10 mm is considered to be within the normal range. Good hydration of the child and a very full bladder may result in it being more prominent1 (Figs 3.11 and 3.12).

When imaging the renal tract it is important to have the children fully hydrated in order to accurately assess any degree of pelvicalyceal dilation. A grading system of hydronephrosis has been proposed2 such that:

This system should only be used after vesico-ureteric reflux has been excluded. The emphasis of this system is on evaluating the intrarenal portion of the pelvicalyceal system rather than unduly emphasizing an extrarenal pelvis. Evidence suggests that calyceal dilation has a poorer prognosis for the kidney and generally the threshold for further imaging is lower in these children.

Normative charts must be available and used for all examinations. The normal renal length relative to age should be quoted in all reports. However, renal patients are often poorly grown and small so that it is our preference to use charts that also allow us to compare weight and height rather than age alone. The length of the kidney is the easiest parameter to assess but volume has a more accurate correlation with most body size parameters (i.e. weight and height, which is important in children) The renal length in normal term neonates is 3.4–5.0 cm and the renal volume is 5.7–14.3 cm3. As a rule of thumb in premature infants use 1 mm renal length per week gestation in order to assess renal size.35 In children who have had a kidney removed or only have a single functioning kidney, due to a multicystic dysplastic kidney for example, use charts for a single kidney (Fig. 3.13).6

The normal bladder wall when distended is 0.04–0.27 cm (90–100% of capacity) and when empty is 0.16–0.39 cm (0–10% of capacity) (Fig. 3.14).7

In little girls a normal phenomenon occurs of vaginal filling post-micturition. This is occasionally observed in cystography and is a normal finding (Fig. 3.15).


Since the introduction of routine prenatal scanning and latterly more detailed anomaly scanning, the prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of renal abnormalities is now well established. This prenatal detection has resulted in a whole new group of patients presenting to pediatric urologists in the last decade. These infants are primarily asymptomatic, and are referred for urological opinion and radiological investigation and monitoring (see Ch. 2). Treatment is mainly preventive and relies on close follow-up and timely intervention when necessary.

Accurate postnatal ultrasound, in conjunction with knowledge of the prenatal findings, is of fundamental importance in these infants and guides further imaging. Practice varies but it is generally accepted that the first postnatal ultrasound should be when the baby is well hydrated and this is generally once the mother’s milk has come on at around 2 to 3 days of age. Depending on resources, some centers would repeat the ultrasound at 6 weeks to confirm normality. Babies suspected of having posterior urethral valves, duplex systems and complex anomalies, i.e. conditions requiring urgent investigation and treatment, should be referred without waiting.

Infants referred for postnatal follow-up are those who at the 18-week scan have a renal pelvic diameter of 5 mm or more, which either enlarges or remains static during pregnancy. Some would also include those with a measure of 8 mm at eight months: 1 mm per month of gestation is a good rule of thumb.

The role of ultrasound postnatally is to:

The differential diagnosis is listed below and the echogenic or bright kidney will be dealt with later (Table 3.3) (Box 3.3).

Table 3.3 Differential diagnosis of prenatal hydronephrosis

Unilateral Bilateral
Megaureter (± VUR) Megaureters (± VUR)
MCK (simple) MCK (complicated); cystic dysplastic or dilated (PUJ) kidney on the opposite side
Complicated duplex kidney, i.e. obstructed upper moiety with ureterocele and/or refluxing lower moiety Complicated duplex kidneys
  Bladder or outlet pathology, e.g. neurogenic bladder or PUV with bilateral upper tract dilation

RPD, renal pelvic dilation; VUR, vesicoureteric reflux; MCK, multicystic dysplastic kidney; PUJ, pelviureteric junction; PUV, posterior urethral valves.

Prenatal detection of renal pelvic dilation and normal postnatal scan

The commonest abnormality in general obstetric practise is mild renal pelvic dilation which on postnatal ultrasound is found to be normal. This is the largest group of children detected: 30% have been shown to have vesicoureteric reflux and it is for this reason that some centers advocate the routine use of cystography. However, this is controversial as it imposes a large workload on radiology departments and some argue that there will be too many false-negative results as VUR resolves anyway. Long-term studies do not exist in this group but it would appear that while vesicoureteric reflux exists, these kidneys are normal and not scarred or dysplastic. However, their potential for renal damage in the presence of infection must be high (Fig. 3.17).

There is another group of patients who have an prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis but whose kidneys are not entirely normal on ultrasound, with irregular outlines and areas of cortical thinning, increased echogenicity and dilation of the collecting system. These patients appear to have damaged or dysplastic kidneys in the presence of prenatal vesicoureteric reflux and have a different prognosis with a much higher potential for further renal damage should infection occur (Fig. 3.18).813

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Figure 3.18 Abnormal kidney and vesicoureteric reflux (VUR). (A) & (B) Longitudinal sonogram of left and right kidneys in an infant with prenatally diagnosed renal tract dilation. There is asymmetry in size of the kidneys and abnormal outline. (C) DMSA (see Table 3.2) on the same infant showing the grossly abnormal renal outlines of both kidneys. The right kidney is smaller than the left. (D) There was bilateral VUR at cystography. These prenatally diagnosed infants are a well-defined group and have never had a urinary infection. This is termed fetal reflux nephropathy and they are at greater risk of long-term renal damage if infection occurs.

Interestingly, this whole group is more common in male infants.14 Further imaging will depend on management and the postnatal ultrasound examination. Depending on local protocols, in some centers contrast cystography will be performed on these infants. Those with VUR will be placed on antibiotic cover and have a DMSA performed. If after the normal postnatal ultrasound no further imaging including a cystogram is undertaken, then it is reasonable for these children to be placed on antibiotic prophylaxis at least for the first year of life while the potential for renal damage is at its highest.

Continuing renal pelvic dilation and/or calyceal dilation postnatally is still the most important finding in suspected VUR but other indicators such as irregular outlines, small size, loss of the corticomedullary differentiation, any ureteric dilation or an abnormal thick-walled bladder must be carefully looked for. Further investigation is warranted in these high-risk infants such as a micturating cystourethrogram (MCU) and DMSA scan.

Unilateral pelvic dilation

Mild renal pelvic dilation is one of the commonest prenatal diagnoses the sonographer will encounter. When reporting the examination it should be clearly stated whether there is calyceal dilation and the size of the renal pelvis. Simply calling the dilation a hydronephrosis is not sufficient and poorly describes the state of the collecting system. This is particularly important for monitoring and accurate long-term follow-up. Care should be taken in not mistaking the renal pelvis for renal vasculature at the hilum and a quick Doppler to confirm the position of the vasculature is sometimes needed (Fig. 3.19).15,16

A renal pelvic diameter of 10 mm and less is generally considered to be within the normal range.17 Isolated RPD <10 mm is virtually always benign and no aggressive investigations should be undertaken. Urologists vary but some would even take renal pelvic diameters of <15 mm to be benign and treat conservatively. Most would not undertake further imaging and would simply follow with ultrasound examinations. However, if there is calyceal dilation the prognosis for the kidney is generally worse and the threshold for imaging is lower. It is essential that the sonographer is able to recognize calyceal dilation. Calyceal and/or ureteric dilation irrespective of renal pelvis diameter are always significant and both reflux and obstruction must be excluded. This dilation of the renal pelvis is sometimes called PUJ (pelviureteric junction) obstruction (Fig. 3.20).18

All these infants are asymptomatic and are now generally managed conservatively. Documented increase in renal pelvic dilation at follow-up requires further investigation such as a MAG3 and referral to a urologist.

Multicystic kidney (MCK)

This is a non-hereditary cystic kidney which is sometimes otherwise known as multicystic dysplastic kidney. The characteristic feature of a multicystic kidney is the atretic ureter, and there is no continuity between the glomerulus and the calyces. On functional radionuclide studies they are non-functioning. The condition is more common in males and the natural history is to involute with time either prenatally or postnatally. Urological opinion varies and nowadays these kidneys are not removed unless they are causing symptoms or evidence of respiratory embarrassment. There have been reported associations with hypertension and malignancy, although generally these are not used as indications for early removal of the MCK (Fig. 3.21).

If they are present bilaterally, it is incompatible with life. The prognosis depends on the function of the contralateral kidney, for which there is a high association with abnormalities, usually PUJ or ureteric stenosis (30%).

Ultrasound and postnatal imaging

Postnatal ultrasound should make the diagnosis of a multicystic kidney and, in terms of management and prognosis, cases are then divided into two groups. An MCK and normal contralateral kidney is considered to be simple, while an abnormal contralateral kidney is considered to be a complicated MCK. The typical appearances of an MCK are those of a single large cyst with multiple smaller cysts. However, there is a wide variation in size and appearance of these kidneys. Normally no renal parenchyma should be seen around the edge of the cysts. If parenchyma is seen then the possibility of a large PUJ obstruction causing similar ‘cystic’ appearances should be considered. Nuclear medicine studies will not discriminate between the two, as neither will function, and prognostically there will be the same outcome. A small proportion of multicystic kidneys will have a ureterocele in the bladder. Multicystic kidneys may also affect part of a kidney.

The initial postnatal ultrasound examination should confirm the diagnosis and provide a baseline for follow-up.

The examination should include a bipolar renal length of the multicystic kidney, measurement of the largest cyst and approximate number of cysts within the kidney. In so doing, follow-up examinations will be able to assess whether the multicystic kidney is involuting. A small number may enlarge.

The contralateral kidney should be carefully examined, looking for dilation of the calyces, pelvis or ureter and increased parenchymal echogenicity which may reflect renal dysplasia (Fig. 3.22).

There is a known association of ipsilateral and contralateral vesicoureteric reflux. It is for this reason that cystography was originally advocated. However, it is well recognized that the grades of reflux are low and the contralateral kidney is unlikely to be damaged, so the current role of cystography is controversial.

In some centers a DMSA or MAG3 study is performed in order to document the normality of the contralateral kidney. This is also controversial and some would only perform these examinations on the abnormal (so-called ‘complicated’) contralateral kidney detected by ultrasound (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 Imaging protocol for MCK

Simple Complicated

Posterior urethral valves

The clinical presentation is very variable, with the most obstructed systems detected prenatally and the less severely affected in early infancy.

Posterior urethral valves refers to a condition where quite simply a flap of mucosa obstructs the urethra. The mucosal flap extends from the wall of the urethra to the verumontanum and effectively acts as a ‘windsock’. There is a pinhole orifice, so that a urinary catheter can be passed up the urethra; however, on micturition, the valve balloons so that there is an obstruction to the passage of urine out of the bladder and down the urethra. The appearances seen on ultrasound are related to a hypertrophy of the bladder wall as it tries to overcome the outflow obstruction. The kidney changes depend on the time of onset of the obstruction in intrauterine life, so that the earlier the onset, the higher the risk of severe consequences to the kidneys such as dysplasia. The later the onset, the more likely the kidneys will be simply hydronephrotic or in older boys may even be normal. Urinomas, or collections of urine around the kidney, develop when a calyx ruptures due to the high pressure in the collecting system. This is a protective event for the kidney as it allows the kidney to decompress.

The presence of bilateral hydronephrosis and a full bladder during intrauterine life associated with oligohydramnios is the essential prenatal diagnosis (see Ch. 2). These infants need urgent postnatal imaging in order to make the diagnosis and allow early treatment of the bladder outflow obstruction. Also these infants have a high risk of developing a urinary tract infection which could further compromise the kidneys and even prove fatal.

Postnatal ultrasound findings would include bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureters, echogenic cystic dysplastic kidneys, a urinoma where the urine has ruptured out of the kidney from a calyx and a thick-walled bladder (Fig. 3.23).

The duplex kidney

The duplex kidney can be very easy to diagnose but is also one of the most difficult and complex conditions, requiring the use of all imaging modalities. However, ultrasound plays an important diagnostic role and the sonographer needs to be aware of all the variations in its appearance and clinical presentation. The dilated systems with ureteroceles tend to be detected prenatally but older children may present with urinary tract infections and girls with constant 24-hour wetting (Fig. 3.25).

Ultrasonically there are a number of features to look for:

The ultrasound diagnosis may be extremely difficult if there is a very small draining upper moiety and is best when there is dilation of one or both of the moieties in the duplex.

On functional imaging there may be equal function between upper and lower moiety. In some, the upper moiety function may be reduced due to dysplasia or obstruction. Lower moiety function may also be reduced due to scarring from the vesicoureteric reflux (Fig. 3.27). Cystograms must be performed. Nuclear medicine studies such as DMSA and MAG3 are performed to show a differential function and drainage. IVU is generally not needed in all duplex systems. However when the ultrasound and nuclear medicine studies do not entirely complement each other, this may then necessitate a carefully performed IVU.

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