1 Introduction

-amyloid deposition is a neuropathological hallmark associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and begins years before any cognitive symptoms of AD are evident [
8]. Studying within-subject longitudinal changes is limited by the number of follow-up visits. The relatively short span of longitudinal positron emission tomograpy (PET) studies of amyloid deposition compared to its hypothesized timeline makes it difficult to extensively study the longitudinal brain amyloid changes that occur in the preclinical stages of AD.
It is possible to “stitch” data across subjects in order to obtain temporal biomarker trajectories that fit an underlying model. This is the premise of the Disease Progression Score method, which has been applied to studying changes in cognitive and biological markers related to Alzheimer’s disease [
9]. It is assumed that there is an underlying progression score (PS) for each subject visit that is a linear transform of the subject’s age, and given this PS, it is possible to place biomarker measurements across a group of subjects onto a common timeline. The linear transformation of age removes across-subject variability in baseline biomarker measures as well as in their rates of longitudinal progression. Each biomarker is associated with a parametric trajectory as a function of PS, whose parameters are estimated along with the PS for each subject.
Other methods for analyzing trajectories of biomarkers have been proposed. One approach involves fitting a piecewise linear model to longitudinal data assuming that each biomarker becomes abnormal a certain number of years before clinical diagnosis, and this duration is estimated for each biomarker to yield the longitudinal trajectories as a function of time to diagnosis [
13]. In another approach, an event-based probabilistic framework is used to determine the ordering of changes in longitudinal biomarker measures as well as the appropriate thresholds for separating normal from abnormal measures [
14]. The second method is agnostic to clinical diagnosis, but does not allow for the characterization of longitudinal biomarker trajectories except for determining the ordering of the change points. The first method does delineate the longitudinal trajectories for each biomarker, but requires knowledge of clinical diagnosis and therefore is not suitable for studying the earliest changes in healthy individuals.
Here, we adopt the disease progression score principle, but make two substantial innovations. First, the voxelwise PET measures constitute the biomarkers in the model. Since voxelwise PET measures have an underlying spatial correlation, we incorporate the modeling of the spatial correlations among the biomarker error terms and estimate the spatial correlations along with the subject and trajectory parameters. Modeling spatial correlations makes the inference of the subject-specific progression scores less susceptible to the inherent correlations among the voxels. Second, instead of using an alternating least-squares approach for parameter estimation, we formulate the model fitting as an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, which guarantees optimality and convergence. In experiments using this approach, we first show using simulated data that the model parameters are estimated accurately, then apply the method to each cerebral hemisphere separately using distribution volume ratio (DVR) images derived from Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) PET imaging, which show the distribution of amyloid. Models fitted using data for 75 participants with a total of 271 visits reveal that the precuneus and frontal lobes show the greatest longitudinal increases in amyloid, with smaller increases in lateral temporal and temporoparietal regions, and minimal increases in the occipital lobe and the sensorimotor strip. Results are consistent across the two hemispheres, and the estimated PS agrees with a widely used global index of brain amyloid known as mean cortical DVR.